Medicine For Hand Tremor
UpdatedHi. I'm 25 years old. I've been having this hand tremor for more than like 3 years now. That was since I started working. My hands are kind of sweaty almost all of the time but this seems natural for me because I've been having this since I was in elem grade. Also I have social anxiety problem. I have been taking B-complex a few monthts ago but themw I decided to stop because it feels like it isn't working. I have consulted a doctor about it and have undergone lab test for my thyroid but so far I don't have any problem with it.
My very concern is I want to stop this hand tremor. It's been very alarming. My hands shake badly even if I'm not nervous. What should I do to help me remedy this condition? Are there any alternative medicine which can help me solve it? Thanks in advance.
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I would also like to know. I have similar tremor and cannot write with a pen anymore. Any answers or suggestions?
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