Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 2)
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Re: Blue Valentine (# 1)
Hi everyone has their reasons I feel to take Suboxone or Subutex and mine is to get off opiates within 10 days and not to get hooked on another drug. I hear people say it takes their cravings away. Well that never worked for me . So I was going to ues or not use nothing in between. Now if your on Suboxone your just waiting your time and money using pain meds because of Narcan in it which could cause reverse WDs and that's no fun and I always hated to have to wait till I'm in WDs to take Suboxone so I prefer Subutex. You have to really make up your mind to stay off opiates but I can get clean anywhere from 6 to 10 days depending on how long and how much a day I'm using pain meds.
Re: feelinbettergoinbroke (# 2)
I just wanted to say that I take Suboxone for chronic pain and I am almost pain free. I've had 3 lumbar fusion's. I've got spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, severe nerve damage in my low back, edema in both hips and a few other pain related issues. It works better for my pain then any of the oxycodone, morphine or dilaudid I was taking. I didn't take all those at the same time, I'm just saying the Suboxone works so much better for me than any opiates that I've been on over the years of struggling with chronic pain.
I was wondering if anyone has been on Suboxone for chronic pain? And if so, did it help?
Re: Alley Cat (# 20)
You are so right.
I started at a suboxone clinic 2 weeks ago and have messed up on my dosing twice. Is this normal?
Re: Terry (# 9)
All you have to do is after it is devolved spit it out do no swallow it no matter what. And I promise you will feel it so much better. And want get a head ache anymore.
Re: May78 (# 511)
Makes sense, but the bupe is what gives you the precipitated withdraw, there's a lady on here goes by kkh that would know the best answer to that question. Good luck I've been through the methadone withdraw and they are deadly horrible. Be careful. Good luck
Re: Blue Valentine (# 1)
You may be sick because you are experiencing withdrawals from the pain meds. That is, you need more buprenorphine. Talk to your doctor.
Re: Terry (# 9)
I tried the suboxone but it was horrible. I now take three 8mg of Subutex tablets a day. I can't take suboxone bc the naloxone gives me horrible headaches and makes me sick to my stomach. Since I switched I don't have any headaches or stomach problems. I'm glad I talked to my doctor bc he's the one who recommended it. I hope this helps you out.
Re: krips78 (# 5)
I've been taking pain killers for years, at my best runs I was taking up to 6-9 oxycontin 80mg a day. I got free from those after a run with methadone and then a prison sentence. I found myself depending on the pills again after a wreck that caused neck surgery. I went to methadone clinic and they put me on methadone (I wish now they would have just started me on suboxone). I'm up to 125mg liquid methadone once a day in the morning and now if I wanna switch over to suboxone, I have to get my daily dose down to 30 and then go into withdrawal from the methadone before they will start me on suboxone; can't they taper me onto subutex first and then suboxone so I don't have to go through the worst withdrawal?
Re: Leaves (# 8)
You have clearly never suffered from intractable, chromic pain!
Re: Bethany (# 11)
I've taken suboxen once, an 8 mg strip, it helped alot with my pain and I have a very high tolerance to everthing as it is, even like numbing agents you get at the dentist, so it helped but it was recreationa use just as I take percocoet sometimes mainly for my period cramps, which I'd rather birth another child that have the cramps I do, so i get percocets each month for the cramps, l but what is roxycodoiene?
Re: Pistols everywhere (# 507)
Absolutely, but in my experience the opiates we're way harder than the Suboxone, I was on oxycodone for years it was wicked to come off, several years ago (11-or so) I tried the methadone, it wasn't for me it definitely helped with pain, but also gave the high feeling, not saying the oxycodone didn't, it did to begin with but it became a necessity to take them. The methadone though, when I got to a comfortable dose it wasn't what I was after I wanted pain relief without feeling "high". I might ad that it was so horrible to come off of and if I'd known that I would be "blacklisted" (if you will) from going back to regular pain killers I wouldn't have tried it. That situation went all bad, with not being able to get prescribed opiates I then went to buying them, that led to hard street drugs. It was a rough ride, especially when what I was trying to do was give up the oxycodone. Finally years later many legal issues and rehabs, I got several joint replacements and entered a strickly monitored pain center, I thought, boom right back on the pills life began to spiral downward. I went to my primary care physician and just broke down, I didn't think I had any options. That was almost 900 days ago I entered a mat program and religiously participated, but I still have chronic pain issues. I still get the Suboxone, I take it differently (not all at once) than when I started the program, I was released from it (the program) but still participate voluntarily. I do this to keep these things fresh in my mind and I enjoy the groups and individual therapy sessions. It has saved my life, one thing that must be accepted when you suffer from chronic pain is that it's never going to be perfect, you not always going to be totally pain free, it would be nice, but the goal is to be functional and at least reasonably comfortable. I'm grateful for each and every second of each and every day that I'm now in control of my life now. I do see in the future other options coming up for those like us but until then I'm satisfied with the quality of life I have now because of this. This is my personal experience and might not be the same results everyone would get but it's what works for me, and that's the important thing in situations like this only you know how you feel and only you know the actual reason your seeking opiates and what result you want from them please make an informed decision before you put a substance in your body. Good luck and God bless.
Re: Blue Valentine (# 1)
There’s a doctor on YouTube who’s says that doctors push more than what’s needed on patients. Just monitor what feels comfortable if you can and take the least as possible. You do know it’s harder to get off than opiates don’t you? But if taking it for pain relief whatever works best only you will know! If I was you I would cut each 2mg in half and take 1 mg as many times a day as you felt comfortable with and see how that works! The more drugs you take the more money they make! Just a thought!
Re: fireman625 (# 3)
I AM ON SUBSOLV. 5.7-1.4 (? NALOXONE) TID chronic lower back pain since fusion surgery 25 years ago. I have had a nerve stimulator for 10 years, yet I still seem to require increased dosages of pain medicine. Today is my first day, I'm afraid that my pain is going to become intolerable. No mental or emotional addiction just clearly physical addiction. I have to come off the heavy narcotics. My head seems to be much clearer went off the meds. So I guess it's Mind Over Matter, I'm going to think positive and pray that this helps. Do you think that that dosing is accurate for a so-called newbie?
Re: James (# 503)
I have been on suboxone 16 mg a day for 10 years. I take it for rheumatoid arthritis. It helps with pain somewhat. I have never seen anything that kills all pain but I would sure be in bad shape without it.
Re: feelinbettergoinbroke (# 2)
I'm not so sure that is accurate...I've read that in Europe suboxone is very popular for pain relief. In America we only use it for Europe...not so.
Re: Kalani (# 501)
Thanks for the info. It seems some have a hard time accepting that Suboxone is useful other than being a crutch for "junkies", I truly despise that word. We live in a world where personal judgemental opinion seems to be taken for education. Im 586 days clean from prescription painkillers and street opiates, my journey started March 17th 1985 and have been on everything from hydro, to morphine and oxy to Dilaudid. Started a mat recovery program because I was tired of being totally controlled by opiates, I completed this program some time ago , but still have a life long chronic condition with my bones and joints that keeps me in constant pain , I have 2 hip replacements and am awaiting a knee replacement now I still participate in this recovery program but do not have to I chose to. I now receive Suboxone to manage my pain , no it doesn't relieve all pain , realistically no oiate does if your honest with yourself , I hurt worse with 5 Roxy 30's in me than I do split dosing my Suboxone. One has to accept that you can NEVER be totally pain free ever , life is not all peaches and cream. I do however function absolutely fine and my pain level is acceptable. Possibly the person is taking this drug for the wrong reason if it doesn't help pain , then again the person might actually have been taking the other opiates for the same wrong reason, totally my opinion. Thanks again and God bless
Re: Blue Valentine (# 1)
Blue u will get tolerant rathr quickly u can get up to 24 mg per day ,after a while it will begin to feel like taking aspirin that is from my exsperience bless u
Re: Dat2 (# 498)
Buprenorphine is, in fact, an opioid compound.
"In 1969, researchers at Reckitt & Colman (now Reckitt Benckiser) had spent 10 years attempting to synthesize an opioid compound "with structures substantially more complex than morphine [that] could retain the desirable actions whilst shedding the undesirable side effects". Physical dependence and withdrawal from buprenorphine itself remain important issues since is a long-acting opioid. Reckitt found success when researchers synthesized RX6029 which had showed success in reducing dependence in test animals. RX6029 was named buprenorphine and began trials on humans in 1971. By 1978, buprenorphine was first launched in the UK as an inj. to treat severe pain, with a sublingual formulation released in 1982."
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