Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 26) (Top voted first)


What is the maximum dose of suboxone or subutex when you have severe pain?

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I have been through the same thing for the last 7 yrs. or so. I finally found a pain dr, I trust and she gently encouraged me to try the suboxone. I am into my second week. At first I wasn't sure if I could do it. But by the end of the first week my personality felt more like my old self. But my pain wasn't under control. Then in my second week we moved me from one and a quarter film to two whole films. Now I feel even better but still not enough for pain control. I hope next week she moves me up to 3 strips a day so I can see how I really feel with a higher dose. I am almost 60 with new grandkids and family that needs me. So far it is worth it. I'll have to see.

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I take 3 of the 8 mg suboxone a day, AND lyrics, AND baclofen. I am still in a lot of pain. My doctor won't give me narcotics (oxy,etc.) because I am only 38 and taking that stuff for many years can ruin your liver I guess. It sucks. I hate being in pain. The doctor also said that the only way I will ever be pain free is if they put me in a coma. :(

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Suboxone is not doing nothing for your pain! It's just keeping you from asking for Vicoden or Oxys or Dilaudid. If you are not an addict and can take full agonist opiod pain meds as prescribed there is no reason to be on Suboxone. I've been on it 2x times. Once for 3 years then 5 years off then I had a slip and back on for almost 2 years now. The stuff changes my personality. People tell me I'm not the same. I am trying to wean but it's a nightmare. No easier than Methadone. I was down to 1/8mg every other day and when I stopped I didn't sleep for 2 weeks and had zero energy. Doctors give it out like candy because you can't abuse it. Just my .02

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I can say your either a uneducated or a simple f*** running his mouth about s*** you've never experienced. Subs are the only meds that actually relieve pain in my back and allow me to live and function. Also I never had to raise dosage at all after taking 2mg a day for 9 months.

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Yeah, this James Mr. Know it all doesn't know crap. He's not a doctor! I take suboxone for PAIN. I am not an addict. I am a young woman with many health issues and long term use of things like methadone can cause liver damage. I am only 38 and will have to take pain medication for the rest of my life. I would prefer to not have organ damage on top of everything else I am dealing with.

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Ok so I've been on subs for about 4 years. My doctor gives me 8mg 3 times daily and that is what works for me. Suboxone has changed my whole life for the better. Now I will say that it is a addiction as well but it just seems so different than what the pills made me become. I've never heard of subs bein used for pain tho. That new to me.

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can anyone tell me of a dr. in indpls, in. that will prescrib 6 suboxin a day

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Maybe you ought to step the f*** back and realize that had drs prescribed me Suboxone or Subutex at 24 instead of oxys, f***ing diladid, and FENTANYL, I might have had a chance to lead a normal life. Now, I have been so strung out because of s*** Dr's that I found myself using f***ing H just to get through the days when I couldn't get to the Dr's or something happened. I'm so sick of you f***ers whining about Suboxone. Stupid s***, buprenorphine is an opiate antagonist and works like painkillers just isnt so f***ing abusive! Oh, and by the way, I ASKED Dr after Dr for subutex or suboxone instead of the hardest opiate painkillers and every single one of them said NO IT'S NOT GOING TO HELP PAIN! I tried for 3 years and hundreds of Dr's to get suboxone for pain and it's damn near impossible so before you go sticking up for the government drug dealers, the scum who instead of prescribe Suboxone and keep a good kid from the horrors of becoming addicted to H, hand out dilaudid, oxys, percs, morphine, and fentanyl. I grew up in a upper middle class town, never knowing what the f*** H was until the day my medication was stolen and I was deathly Ill so instead of suffering, said f*** it! You people are the one's to blame for the those banging dope. Look in the mirror, you're not only an enabler and supporter of this H f***ing epidemic, you're the roots of the sickness in general. Try doing your homework or actually livin the bulls*** life in the dope game before you chime in with some f*** s***. I've yet to meet a fellow junkie who is happy with the path that led to him bangin dope, but I have met many who have been there at the hands of one of YOUR Dr's!

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Subs dont help for pain. you can actually take too much like 24 or 32mgs and it can CAUSE you pain bc your way over the ceiling effect)which is almost like Overdosing). anyways it can cause pain. Dont believe me then check your paperwork from the pharmacy, it is one of the MAIN side effects of it. Some people say it gives them some pain relief, but I HIGHLY doubt it. Its just bc they have some kind of drug in their body other than nothing, so it may ease some pain, but too much will cause pain.I had a buddy taking 4 to 5, even 6 or 7--- 8mg strips in a day(he was only prescribed 16mgs) and he was having SEVERE bad back pains. He eventually got off the sub, does the same kind of work he was as before while on the 4-7 a day and he now has NO PAIN. so you tell me! He went to another dr for the pain and that DR told him the sub was what was causing it bc he was taking too much. he eventually got down to small pieces each day and then only a piece every few days until he got off of them altogether. But he swears by it now that they caused the pains that he was having and that his other DR was totally right! Good Luck!

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Complete BS freind suboxene does absoluty nothing for pain been there done that,it does nothing!!

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If you have legit pain dont do it or you;ll regret it bigtime suboxene does absolutly nothing for pain been there done that stay where your at if you feel too messed up maybe lower dose

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Naloxone is in Suboxone, therefore it kills the painkilling properties of the drug! That's the difference between Suboxone and Subutex. So people who say they take it for "chronic pain"! Not true. Just keeps them from " needing" the Oxys, and not get sick. It's used everyday in detox centers for people addicted to opiates.

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JAMES: Don't worry; if this is the same "Mary" person from another comment, she posts everything as if it is gospel, instead of just saying "in my opinion". And if you don't agree with her "gospel", she tells you something condescending like "do your homework"... just blow her off. Everyone's experiences on here are different, and just because something works well for one, doesn't mean it will work for all. PEACE.

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LULU: 6mgs is about as low a dose as I have ever heard of. If you aren't finding relief from that, you obviously need more. The ceiling dose is 32mgs, and most people seem to be between 8mgs and 24 mgs. Although I was on Subs for addiction, 6 mgs wouldn't have even TOUCHED me. For pain or otherwise, that is pretty dang low.

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I am now fully convinced that all of you that say Subs is an effective pain killer are beyond delusional. I guess that not one of you have come to terms with you addiction and will continue making yourself believe and everyone around you that you are sober and in recovery. I am in moderate to severe pain everyday but I finally quit trying to convince myself that Subs helped my pain. Good luck to all of you junkies!!

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Yeah, its call trading one addiction for another. Keep convincing yourself that it helps your pain and you start to believe it.

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That is a False statement! Suboxone is being used by many pain management centers for extreme pain relief. Suboxone is Sublingeral meaning it is time released.It does have an opiate blocker in it.Subutex is the same drug[Bupenorphine]. It does not have an opiate blocker and is Ir-instant release.

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Re: Nick (# 448) Expand Referenced Message

You could try and live with the pain. Pain is a part of life. Exercise. Lose weight if you need to. Use over the counter pain relievers. Occupational therapy. Acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments. There is a lot you can’t do to help manage the pain rather than resort to opioids. Resorting to opioids is what caused the opioid epidemic that we are in now.

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Re: bennyk (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I wouldn’t, your doctor is smart. If you get labeled a drug addict because you have suboxone in your medical records it may be illegal for him to prescribe pain medication to you, depending on what state you live in.

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OK. This seems like an appropriate forum to ask this question. .seeing as though there's many people with suboxone experience here. Im a pain patient thqt had dehabilitating chronic migraine disease since age seven. I am now 37. Went through about every preventative med on the market and had to resort to fioricet with codiene and vicodin. I would periodically get migraines so unmanageable and be so dehydrated i would need the er..who were always great and inderstanding..thank god! Started feeling poopy on all the pain meds and dr kept raising my dosage. Felt poopier. Asked for more professional help and decided to try subutex. First 3 months i felt great and took only tylenol for the moderate head pain. No more puking either! Then....started to get worse..had a cpl er visits because sub not working like it did initially. (I mean severe pain for days!!) Now...i have moderate pain all the time. My joints ans back and everything hurt. The severe headaches are bqck more often..and more often then goimg to emergenxy..i dit them out for 24-72 hours...excruitiating!! 3 wks ago i developed severe lympedema in my neck amd base of head. I sleep for ten minutes at a in constant pain and am on my third antibiotic..which is not working. My doc will do absolutely nothing. I think he forgets i am a pain oatient and not an addict. I called for motrin 800 or toradol (which i have done before) and am given valium?!?!?! Anyway, clearly my 2 mg 3-4 x's a day isn't working. I also read that increasing the dose for pain patients accomplishes nothing and I am on the top dose for pain..which I would not want to go any higher anyhow..knowing last time I went to er dilaudid did not work. .the toradol finally calmed it down for two days..then back to no sleep (even with 5 mg Valium! ) I do not understand why a Dr would not give me an nsaid...also..have people tapered off to other drugs for awhile then went back on the sub to feel better again? I know most say u cannot gain a tolerance to this Med...but I KNOW I have!! Help please: (

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