Marezine - Discontinued?
UpdatedIs it true that Marezine has been discontinued? If not, where can I find it?
From what I could gather, this medication is reportedly available over-the-counter or via prescription in many countries. I believe you can purchase it OTC though in the U.S. as it is said to be a well-tolerated medication.
Have you already tried checking your local pharmacies for Marezine or it's generic name, Cyclizine?
I hope this helps!
Atttempts to purchase marezine at drug stores and on line failed. All respond by advising no longer available and manufacturer no longer produces product.
I too was looking for Marezine. On the package I have left, it says it's distributed by Himmel Pharmaceuticals so I emailed them. Here is the reply I got:
I am sorry to say that Marezine was discontinued, and we have no remaining supply of product. Have you tried Dramamine II versus Dramamine? It contains meclizine hydrochloride (as does Bonine), the same family of compounds as that found in Marezine (cyclizine hydrochloride). There is also Valoid from the UK that has cyclizine hydrochloride; however, it does require a prescription. If you have not yet tried these products, please keep me posted on your progress. I will let you know should we reintroduce Marezine.
Thank you for doing all of the research. I thought I was going crazy looking all over the internet to purchase Bonine for Kids which contains Marezine.
Marezine is the best motion sickness product on market. active ingrediant cyclizine not same as bonine or dramamine.. I am a diver and my dive master reccomended it in the 1970 's. I have used ever since. it is non drowsey.
I can't believe the company took this great product Marezine off the market. Some of us cannot use Dramamine or Bonine. I have a great intolerance for both medications as well as meclizine. Please if anyone knows where I can get Marezine please let me know.....I'm taking a trip in a couple of weeks......need it for the plane ride.
Marezine has been discontinued by the manufacturer, but cyclizine is still available under the trade name Nausicalm in New Zealand.
Unfortunately, haven't been able to find nausicalm in any New Zealand pharmacies. Those who had it before claim that due to new regulations nausicalm has been taken off the shelves.
Marezine is one of the most effective motion sickness medications I have ever used. I wish I could find it where I live in Massachusetts. All pharmacists I have spoken with and they were many all have the same answer, it's been taken off the market. How sad for us who needed it for our travels.
nathan orr please tell us all where you get Marezine. I have not used it yet but have been looking for it as sounds just what I need, I to am a diver that gets sick while wating to do a dive.
Cyclizine is not illegal but pharmacists are under pressure not to sell them
Marizine was the best nausea medication ever made. I still have one pill left that I have not used. I keep starring at it--saving it for a desperate moment. I spent years sailing off shore and typically the first 4 days were spent very sick until I adjusted. I loved the sailed but hated spending the first 4 days sick as a dog. Marizine changed all that and I am afraid to go offshore again. Every few months I check on line to see if it's back. but it isn't. Has anyone checked countries like Turkey or Mexico?
Walgreens will order Cyclizine for you. Marezine was 100mg so you need to take 2 of these to get the same relief from motion sickness.
Has anyone else had Walgreens order Cyclizine for them? I tried to ask my local walgreens and they claimed they could not order it but I am wondering if it is worth trying any of the other walgreens where I live or if it's a lost cause.
I also asked Walgreens to order it and they said they could not. As far as I know it is not available from anywhere that will ship to the U.S. It's available online in the UK from theindependentpharmacy, but this this company will not ship outside the UK.
It was discontinued because people were breaking it down scientifically and using it in methamphetamine labs. This is only drug that ever worked for me. All the rest make me sick - like Dramamine.
This was the only sea sick pill that worked for me for many years, i am sorry some jackasses had to mess it up for making meth, but it does seam that they could make it prescp. only and control it being the best sea sick pill ever on the market.
I too suffer greatly from motion sickness. The only thing that worked for me was Marezine taken with a Bonine (Dr recommended) since unable to get Marezine even road trips have become agony. Searched everywhere for Cyclizine and am unable to find. I am more than willing to pay for a prescription if it becomes available.
Hoping it will be reintroduced... only motion sickness pill that ever worked for me...
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Donna (# 5)
Bonine does not contain Marezine. It contains Meclizine. I found it poor by comparision.
Re: Fred (# 2)
Marezine has been discontinued. I found it to be far superior to any other product and it didn't make me sleepy. I've searched the internet and have come up short. If anyone finds it available anywhere please let me know. Thanks.
You can buy Marezine in Denmark at Webapoteket Pharmacy, but I don't know if they will send it outside of Denmark :).
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