Maalox Forums
Recently active Maalox forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Maalox and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I'm a nursing student and my patient had an order for Mary's Magic Potent - 15 ml po qidr - swish and swallow. I cannot find any information in my resource books for this medication - usual dosage - used to treat what - drug catagory - nursing considerations - etc. Can you help - please - thanks - CForster, NS ## Are you in the U.S.? There are no prescription drugs in the US under that name. I checked all the databases I can find, my best guess is that it is some form of an OTC supplement. ## My husband was also prescribed this medicine, so I decided to research it. What I found out is the pharmacist mixes maalox, benadryl and lidocaine together and then you have Marys Magic Potion. I hope this helps. ## Thanks for providing that information Cary. Being something the pharmacist ...
I Googled Dermik Labs, maker of comfortine, and found their address at 1050 Westlakes Dr. Berwyn, PA 19312. Phone: 484-595 2700 ## I am trying to purchase comfortine cream. I used it years ago and it worked great. ## Comfortine Medicated Ointment - with a trademark of William H Rorer, Licensor It is produced by the following company: Dermik Laboratories, Inc., (subsidiary of Rorer Group Inc.) Ft. Washington, PA 19034 And formulated by: Dr. Alison Howe Price, Philadelphia, PA.: graduated from Swarthmore University and then graduated medical school from Thomas Jefferson University, he also formulated Maalox Antacid, Parepectolin (anti-diarrhea), and Neoxyn (for poison ivy) for Wm. H. Rorer, Inc. during the 1940’s ~ 1950’s. The list of Ingredients are: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Zin...
What are the exact directions for use. "By mouth" is not very specific. Swish in mouth? Gargle-if so for how long? Swallow? Doctor went over it quickly and i assumed i'd get instructions at the pharmacy. I did not. ## What are you taking it for? The usage can vary, depending on the reason it is prescribed. For instance, if it is being taken for stomach pain, then you would just swallow it. ## I also wondered about the swish and spit directions. I usually get a 3 page set of information with my meds. I am taking this product for a severe sore throat that refuses to go away. I tested negative for strep throat. I gargled and swished, and before long my mouth and tongue were numb.. This lasted about 20 minutes.. A warning that this would happen, would helped. ## I took my son to...
tonsil swollen,liquid bottle ## perhaps this is a form of magic mouthwash made from maalox, lidocaine and dipenhydramine or benedryl. it is used widely for relief of mouth and throat pain ## I believe Laurie is correct. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and mouth/throat numbness. And just to note for future viewers, Diphenhydramine is the generic for Benadryl, so they are one and the same. Has anyone else used this product?
Is it possible to purchase diphenhydramine, viscous lidocaine, and Maalox over the counter for my IBS? ## No, this form of Lidocaine is not available over the counter, since the FDA warns that it carries the risk of causing side effects, which may include dangerous cardiac reactions. The other two, however, are freely available. What has your doctor advised you to take to treat it? ## I took this oral suspension of Diphenhydramine, Lidocaine Viscous, Maalox, that was prescribed to my husband. I took it because I had a lot itching in my throat. I started noticing that my mouth went numb and my throat was closing. I got very anxious and my left arm was tingling. I was about to call the ambulance but right now I feel better.
Are There Any Symptoms Of This That Are Bad, Like If You Accidentally Swallow It? Or If You Don't Swallow It, Because I Took It And It Numbed My Mouth For About 30 Minutes And That's It. ## Hello, Mckayla! How are you? The lido stands for Lidocaine, it's similar to an anesthetic, which is why it numbed your mouth. The other ingredients are Diphenhydramine and Maalox. It's really not harmful, if swallowed, as long as you don't swallow a lot of it, but you may experience nausea, dizziness and diarrhea, as reported by the FDA. Not swallowing it just numbs the mouth, for the most part. How have you been instructed to use it?
I can not find maalox anywhere in Hastings, MN. My husband WILL NOT use anything else for his heartburn. Why can't maalox br found and is it made any more ## There was a problem with one of the manufacturing plants, which was shut down to correct the problem and it has created a shortage throughout the U.S. and Canada. Learn more Maalox details here. Unfortunately, there is no solution at this time, your husband really needs to take measures to avoid getting heartburn, or develop a willingness to use something else. I understand being loyal to a product that works, but it really isn't always practical. Has he ever discussed the heartburn with his doctor? ## I had esophageal spasms and was told by my doctor - and a famous hospital - to use Maalox. It has worked for years. I was t...
I was prescribed this huge pill after telling doc I had a problem swallowing even water! Also she found a huge cancer sore the size of of a silver dollar on the right size of my throat at the ear! I suffered a swollen tongue with loss of taste for food and now since I stopped taking them my tongue is reducing swelling but I have not taste! Everything I eat or drink tastes like salt and burns my tongue. I cannot eat basically but I have to eat turkey tastes like salt, beef tastes like salt and it burns. Crazy! What the hell is going on? Im miserable! ## Hello, Maureen! How are you doing? Did you mean a canker sore? If so, that can be a typical occurrence with them, if you view the details provided by the NIH, they tend to cause changes in our perceptions of taste. If your tongue is burni...
This is a pink liquid in a bottle with the instructions: Swish 2 teaspoonfuls 15 min. before meals and bedtime, then spit. This was prescribed by my radiologist, Dr. Young ( I had cancer surgery and am now undergoing radiation and chemo-therapy.) But what is this medication supposed to do for me? I'll ask Dr. Young, but before I get to see her, does anyone out there know? ## Hi, Paul! Wow! You've been through a lot and aren't done yet, I hope all goes well! :-) These combinations are sometimes given because some radiation and chemotherapy treatments may result in mouth sores that can make it hard for the patient to eat or drink anything and your doctor is trying to prevent that from happening. (I can't actually speak for your doctor, so I could be completely off the mark...
I have been prescribed mabex for esophagus irritation. Please tell the side effects for this liquid. Thank you. ## yes ## Unfortunately, when it comes to products like this, it's difficult to provide anyone with precise information. It is a mixture of ingredients that are used to treat various types of oral sores and irritations, but the actual ingredients used can vary from area to area. This one starts with Maalox, then something numbing is usually added, such as Xylocaine or one of its relatives, sometimes an antibiotic is included, so there's really no way to say what each individual has received, since it depends on their location and what the doctors there prefer to use. Learn more Maalox details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
Maalox hasn't been available in any NYC Duane Reade drug store for about 6 months. Why?? ## this site does not manufacture, nor sell any products or medications, this is an information only website. Have you tried asking someone as the pharmacy why they don't have it in? They would probably be the only people that could provide you with an answer. Do they have an equivalent store brand?