My Dr Just Started Me On 100mgs A Day On Savella. ...
UpdatedTook 100mgs of savella 3 hours ago! My doctor said nothing about "working up" to this dose! I'm scared i took too much for my first dose..
Don't have any symptoms of overdose yet. Am I going to be ok? Should I do anything? Ughhh...sigh...feeling stupid right now:(
2 Replies
First i was perscribed cymbalta for fibromyalgia and nerve pain in my back and feet. The side effects were horrible. My blood sugar level went way up into the high 200's. I had never in my life had high blood sugar . So they weaned me off, and my level returned back to my normal 70's and 80's. Next they put me on Savella, and i was told that it was not in the same family as Cymbalta.Well i took the Savella for 2 months, and my blood sugar went very high again, and it will not go down. Now i have diabetes and have to take 4 metforin everday.. Needless to say, the Savella did something bad to me . It has totally ruined my life. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
While slowly working up is suggested with Savella, it can be adjusted according to what a doctor thinks is necessary, or what a patient may tolerate.
If you've taken too much, you'll likely start to notice problematic side effects, such as nausea, severe dizziness, and somnolence. If any of these symptoms become severe, if you start to develop suicidal thoughts, you should seek emergency medical attention.
Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, and dry mouth.
Katrina, Savella hasn't been known to cause that, according to FDA reports, but we all react to medications differently. Does Diabetes run in your family? Did you have any other risk factors for it?
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