Lyrica Use For Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain?
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I was on a combination of Trileptal and Neurontin for my Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. I was not having any side effects from the Neurontin, but having problems with the Trileptal (blurred vision and unsteady gate). The doctor wanted to decrease the Trileptal, but having done so in the past, she knew I would have increased pain. I was already taking 2700 mg of Neurontrin and I guess that is the max, so she took me off the Neurontin and put me on 150mg of Lyrica a day, then increased to 300mg/day. I am still having alot of pain, but it has only been 5 days and I am rather impatient. Has anyone heard of Lyrica use for Trigeminal Neuralgia pain? Thanks
4 Replies
I had Microvascular decompression surgery and I am doing so much better. My TN was very severe on the onset. I had unbelievable pain in my inner ear, left forehead, left eye, left temple, left upper and lower jaw. My attacks would be multiple lasting anytime and sometimes all night long. I went to my dentist, allergy doctor, family doctor and, eye doctor and neurologist. My allergy doctor said that I had Trigeminal neuralgia. I had a MRI done and my neurologist missed the fact that I had TN. I went to John's Hopkins Neurological Center in Baltimore, MD and saw Dr. Lim. He did an special MRI and found that I had two blood vessels that collapsed and cause an injection on my Trigeminal nerve. He recommended MVD surgery and I had it done. I had only one attack after surgery that same day two months ago. I am now feeling better and take aptiom and pain pills as needed. I am very pleased with the surgery and I have great relief each day and night. The healing process will take about 6 to 18 months. Still I am grateful to feel better and start doing the things I love to do. If you need a friend write me. {edited for privacy}. Be encouraged....peace and love Doc.
The max for her and her condition is whatever her doctor decides, on a further note, regarding Neurontin, Pfizer just had a major lawsuit and got in serious trouble over their actions, because they were presenting it to doctors as being approved for uses that the FDA has not approved it for, they also lead them to believe that such high doses are safe with no dangers, but it was then discovered that no long term studies were done regarding the safety of using such high doses for a long period of time.
As a result of this new information coming to light, many doctor's do not want to be held liable if high doses of this medication should later prove to be detrimental to those they have prescribed it for, and thus, they are trying to lower the doses used or pull people off of it altogether.
It is perfectly legal for a doctor, through experience and information garnered from the people they have prescribed it for, to prescribe something for a non-approved use, however, it is illegal for the pharmaceutical companies to tell the doctors it is approved for other uses and to provide them with fraudulent, unproven, or incorrect information about a drug.
Since so many people were on this drug, at extremely high doses, because of how well it helped certain types of nerve pain, this has caused quite a stir and left many doctors trying to scramble and find something to use for patients that is approved and effective.
So you might want to talk to your doctor about your dosage, since there is no way at this time to know if taking that much over a long time period is safe.
Lyrica is not approved to treat nerve pains, but there is available information on dosage and efficacy over long term usage, so many doctors have been using it as a viable alternative for patients they have to take off of Neurontin.
It has been approved to treat nerve pain caused by Diabetic Neuropathy, so most docs assume it would treat other types of nerve pain as well. Some people have had great results with it, some have had no relief whatsoever.
It really depends on what is causing your pain, how intense it is and your metabolism.
5 days is nowhere near long enough to see if it is going to help you, this is not like a narcotic pain med that starts working shortly after you take it, this has to build up a little in your system so that you reach a certain level, then it may start relieving your pain. At a minimum, this usually takes at least 2 weeks, sometimes a month of more.
I suffer a chronic pain condition myself and knowing as much about meds as I do, even if I was still in agony, I never gave up on a med and told my doctor it wasn't working, until I had been on it for at least a month.
I just wanted to note that I have been on 3200 mgs of Neurontin for years now, so 2700 is not the max.
Good luck with the Lyrica.
I have been on 900mg Neurontin a day, lots of pain. I had balloon compression. Did not help one bit. Dr now upped my neurontin to 1800mg a day, still no relief. Have not heard of Lyrica. Today I started taking Vitamin B's in very high dosage (which helped a cousin of mine in S.A) So I am holding thumbs it helps for me. The tablet s I have got are from S.A. (Neurobion), cant seem to get them here.
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