Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 73) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

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Anyone in Ireland with issues please I was on this awful drug for only a short time and it has been a railroad with many issues back to doctor it had messed up my Endocrine system I have had to attend doctors more times in the last year than I did in the last 40 years

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Hi Hannah's Mum. I am so sorry for your loss and understand the pain you are going through. It's the worst pain imaginable. I lost my husband last year and believe Lyrica contributed to it. {edited for privacy}. I'm happy to discuss more with you. I've lived in Australia for the last 10 yrs but returned home to Ireland after my husband's passing as I was pregnant with twins.

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For those living in the U.S., I found this online. Not sure if they are going ahead with a lawsuit but it's worth a shot:

"The Schmidt Firm, PLLC is currently accepting Lyrica induced injury cases in all 50 states. If you or somebody you know has been injured, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. To contact our Defective Drug Litigation Group call toll free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753."

Good luck and praying for some help for you all.

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I had a bad reaction to this lyrica, it did some major damage to me. I had every side effect off of it. I almost died off of this mess. It put me into a cardiac arrest.

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Hi mate sorry about your lose im on it now or i was stopped now is there any lawsuits going on with this dangerous drug

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Yes I am in the same position... my Dr doesn't think ther is a problem with lyrica... I have had so many side effects... I have pulled myself off lyrica 600mg a day 2mths ago & I am dwn to 100mg a day & nxt month I am gonna try to goto 50mg... it's the hardest thing I had to do & yes my fibro pain is back but I feel like I have tht I care part of me back even though I am now losing my family because I have been a wreck for the past 2years when I got on this med. I still hav blurred vision, my swelling has gone down alil but when I am on my feet for long periods of time my legs swell up again & hurt & my feet still itch, tingle& burn... I now have shocks tht go Thur my feet & I hav severe muscle spasms, also my mood has improved but still hav some depression left sometimes worse thn other times... thnk god my libido is back but it doesn't help now because my relationship is now ruined & over... I lost 15ibs the in the last 2mths by pulling myself from lyrica... my body has twitches now& my headaches are so bad, but I am not goin to increase or keep takin tht lyrica... I need off it has been hell !!! & my life has suffered immensely... I can't believe I lost 2years of my life, my family's life, my job, my dignity, my self esteem & myself period!!! Get off lyrica!!!!

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i have been taking 800mg of lyrica now for MAAAAANY years... what am i at risk of...???

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I would also like to know what attorneys are handling the Lyrica issues that were NOT ADVISED IN SIDE EFFECTS... LIKE IMPOTENCE?

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Re: Melinda (# 1022) Expand Referenced Message

It destroyed my marriage also. This poison is a mind altering drug! It turned me into someone totally different. I did and said things that I would never done if I were not on this drug. There definitely needs to be a lawsuit against this drug because of so many lives being ruined by taking it.

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Re: Roy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was to the point I was thinking of ways to try to make it look like it was an accident so my daughter and husband at the time could still collect my life insurance. ??

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In 2013 I had back surgery for degenerative disc. Following surgery I had issues with my left leg and was prescribed 600 mg Lyrica twice a day. In May 2014 I experienced a sub arachnoid aneurysm followed by a stroke a week later leaving me paralyzed on my left side. Has anyone had any similar experiences or know of any compensation for the suffering I've endured

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Re: Douglas (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Just had all my teeth surgerically removed due to Lyrica.

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I took it for a month and when i went in for my gynecologist appt. my doctor told me to stop taking them, they will kill you. So I stopped, but unfortunately now i can barely walk down a flight of stairs due to so much pain.

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Re: Sondre (# 1462) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking 2 x 75mg per day for nerve pain in foot for one week now. Will i feel side affects at start or after taking long term...

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Re: Douglas (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve lost 5 teeth while being on Lyrica. I’m finally off it after a long withdrawal. Now with severe depression, anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. 5 months going into 6 and I cry everyday, even seeing a therapist I still feel like hell. Feel I’d be better off dead I can’t stand living like this. I’ve been on the phone weekly search for lawyers

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Re: Tamya (# 1463) Expand Referenced Message

I am giving you a link regarding Lyrica. PLEASE READ. Lyrica is bad. I've been taking it for 10+ years.

Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses: Shocking Study

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Re: Roy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Lyrica for approx 2 yrs and have major hair thinning ! I have taken videos with date stamps to prove the progression!
I have always had a full head of hair but not anymore! I am very upset !

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Re: Tamya (# 1463) Expand Referenced Message

I advise you to get off of it now while it's fairly new to you. I've been on it a while and at first it was fine but when I stopped taking it I thought I was gonna die. I have never been addicted to anything ever but now I am. If I don't take lyrica assoon as I open my eyes I shake inside, feel a sense of scaredness and my legs feel like I need to stretch them constantly. My life is consumed by this addiction right now. Trust and believe me when I say STOP NOW!!!!

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I have nerve neuropathy and I started physical therapy for tietz syndrome in my chest back and atms for nerve pain. One week later the started me on lyrica. My legs slowly started going weak. But the up my dosage. After the 3rd time they raised it i became completely unable to use my legs and my left arm. I have severe nerve pain in both arms and both arms. And had to use a walker. I stopped the lyrica or I would of been in a wheel chair. Within 48 hours of stopping lyrica and going through withdrawal I can walk again but have to hold on to things. I had no issues with my legs when I started physical therapy now I can barely put my own pants on or walk. The pain is so bad I just lay on a electric blanket and cry. My husband is deployed and I’m all alone and this drug is to blame

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Vicky, I want to know the same thing. I have several side effects and I'm scared to stay on it any longer.

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