Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 72)
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Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

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Miranda, you will continue to have side effects from the lyrica, I have been off of it for over two years and I still hae them. And even the suicide attempt won't get the attention of a lawyer. I keep trying and they all talk to me like I'm crazy. Then when I mention I still have the side effects and what they are, they say well I can't tell. Well then try spending an hour with me for a consultaion and then you will see that I do still have trouble with my speech and my writing and my typing, especially after I am getting a little tired. I just don't get it, from everything I have been reading on this and other posts the lawyers do take on drug companys. So what does it take? For me to actually be Dad and my family have to deal with the grief and the hassle of a lawsuit? Good luck Miranda and if you find anyone to help you please post it and i will do the same. Whatever you do though don't get back on lyrica.

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Okay! Been off of Lyrica for a little over a month and still having the side effects. It's incredibly frustrating because I went to the fibro clinic in Seattle, saw the pain specialist there who insulted me three times in a 20 minute interview, and then prescribed Savella. Gave it an honest try for three days and quit because the headache was so bad. I'm so fed up with this!!! Desperately tired of being experimented on my the pHARMaceutical criminals! There's no place left to go except narcotics, and the criminals make that an unsuitable option by putting huge doses of NSAID's in everything so you end up damaging your liver.

I have to make an assumption here, but since I can't find an attorney who'll tackle the criminals on my behalf UNTIL AFTER I'VE REACHED THE POINT OF SUICIDE, they must think I'm worth more dead than alive. No worries -- I'm not going to give up my life for them. There are other answers.

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I'm glad your docor is working with you. Here is some information i found on nerve pain meds. I hope it is useful.
The new medicine the doctor is putting on is the same as Lycria. Check with your doctor. That medicine was changed just a little and then Pfizer marketed it as Lyrica. Hang in there.
seizure medications: Relief from nerve pain
Side effects limit treatment
Anti-seizure drugs have been used to treat nerve pain for more than 50 years, but their use was limited by the severity of side effects they produce.

This is from the Mayo Clinic.

Anti-seizure medications: Relief from nerve pain
Older anti-seizure drugs include:

Carbamazepine (Carbatrol, Tegretol)
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Valproic acid (Depakene)
Side effects may include:

Liver damage
Double vision
Loss of coordination
Because these older drugs generally have more side effects than do the newer anticonvulsants, they often are used only when the newer medications prove ineffective.

Newer anti-seizure drugs
Many new anti-seizure drugs have been developed in the past 15 years. Some help relieve pain caused by damaged nerves.

Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Tiagabine (Gabitril)
Topiramate (Topamax)
Gabapentin has the fewest side effects, so it typically is the first anti-seizure drug tried in people experiencing nerve pain. Gabapentin and pregabalin, which is similar to gabapentin, are particularly effective in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy and migraines.

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My dctor thinks is to my best interest to conyinue dropping off lyrica until I am completley off which will take 3 months or so because of the terrible withdraws i hve from lyrica as well as thenerve pain comming back. He has put me on neurotin,which prbably has the side affects lyrica has I dont know but I cannot stand the pain without something. Thats my dellima! He also suggested I see a eye doctor now and the after I am off the Lyrica to see ifmy vision might have improved at all. So thats where I am, I still haven returned the call to the lawyr who was interested in speaking with me, need to follow thru with that. I havent seen any news about anyone eles presuing a lawyer to help us, has anyone found one? thanks vicky

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How did your appointment go?

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going to my Nurologist on tuesday the 15th of June to come off Lyrica,I myselfhave been weanin myselfdown for th last6 months from 900mg towhat a on now which is 300mg. My pills ae 300 mg so I have to get lower dose like 100mg 50 mg sothat i can contiue thisalwful process, comming off lyrica itself has terrible sid afect The withdraw symtoms put yo in bed, atleast thatys how my experince is. I also have receive one letter from a lawyer sayin he could not help e, but I have another one who has been calling and emailing me repeatably,I havent called im back yet but intead to s soon as I see my doctor. I am havig crohnic neve pain comming off Lyrica but I think the effects I hae and continue to have from beingn on Lyrica areworse in the long run. Does anyoe use a drug for nerve pin hat can suggest to my neuroloist, (not Neurotin) cant take tha either) thought thre might be something out there tht could help me, I want to apologize for my typing, it i confusing for me to talk as wel as o type. I st cant get it out. Never had this problem before, I was a Proffessional for 35 years, nowI cant even get out a sentence, Thanls Lyrica. Will keep everyone posted on any ood news for us, Im not giving up, m helth consumes my life evry second of every day! vicky

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I was on lyrica. they started me out at 75 mg 3 times a day which was too much for my system to handle. i dropped my self down to 75 mg. the side effects and withdrawl from the it were unbearable, but the long lasting effect i have from using lyrica is i lost the sight in my right eye, i have been off Lyrica for almost 3 yrs and i still do not have my eye sight back in that eye and will never get it back i wouldnt recommend Lyrica to anyone

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I sent this earlier but not sure you guys will be able to find what I stumbled over, website http:/­/­­news/­x665158280/­Local-woman-feels-effects-of-Pfizer-lawsuit I typed in first stating Lyrica Lawsuit and look for the one that says Local women feels affects of pfiser lawsuit I hope you can find it because I have been crying since I read it. And I am terrified I will follow in her footsteps because one of my many side affects is detiroating eyesite and mine is serious and getting worse 900 mg og Lrica is taking it toll on me and I am scared to death. I will be seeing my doctor asap and I am comming off lyrica. I suffer from extreme chronic pain but god please i dont want to lose my eyesite and in this ladies story she was given a couple more years before all of her site would be gone. I have been in tears since I read it. Please find this article and tell me what you think. I also have been contacted by several lawyers but have not responded back as of yet. Please read asap. thanks Vicky

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OMG i just stumbled over this about women and law suit against Lyrica and I am shocked. Because of my confusion it sounded to good to be true but I think this is what we have been looking for. I am also very very upset and have been crying over what has and is happening to this lady because my eyesight is one of my biggest problems too and her outcome is very grimm. I have also been contacted by several law firms but havent answered back to any of them because I am afraid, I dont know y but I am frightened to death. Please get on this website and please tell me how you all are reading it. There may be someone to help us but I am afarid of what my outcome will be. I am getting off Lyrica tommorrow at least tapering down, but I feel 900 mg for the last 4 years has taken its toll on me. Please tell me what you think thank vicky

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Lyrica Suicide Lawsuits (Gabapentin Suicide Lawyers)

In July 2009, the first case against Pfizer, the maker of Neurontin, went to trial, and there are an estimated 1200 pending cases regarding the safety of Neurontin. Although a Pfizer spokesperson noted that the reliable scientific evidence does not demonstrate a causal association between Neurontin treatment and suicidal behavior, the FDA analysis found an 80 percent rise in suicidal thoughts and behavior in data from 199 studies of gabapentin and other anticonvulsants.

In March 2010, a jury awarded $140 million in a Neurontin case. Many more Neurontin cases are pending and are moving to trial. Additionally, it is expected that Lyrica Suicide cases are going to start going to trial in the future.

If you or a loved one have been taking Lyrica or Neurontin and have attempted suicide, it is important to seek to medical assistance. If you have questions about a loved one that has committed suicide and was taking Lyrica or Neurotin and a potential Neurontin or Lyrica lawsuit for the death of a loved one, please feel free to e-mail Texas Lyrica Suicide Lawyer Jason Coomer with your name & contact information.

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more pfizer information....

Pfizer Math Showed Lyrica Superiority Even Though Studies Never Said That, Rep Claims
By Jim Edwards | Sep 15, 2009

Pfizer used "Pfizer Math" to persuade doctors that Lyrica was superior to two anti-seizure drugs, Neurontin and Keppra, when no comparable studies had been done — and Lyrica was not approved to treat seizures — according to two former pharmaceutical sales reps.

Download Farber v. Pfizer here.

According to the suit (settled as part of the $2.3 billion Bextra deal):

Pfizer representatives were trained to, and did, use what they called internally "Pfizer Math" to intentionally create the false impression that there had been head-to-head comparisons between Keppra and Lyrica showing Lyrica superiority when there were no such studies.

Pfizer denied the allegations:

Pfizer denies all federal, state and qui tam allegations, with two exceptions. We acknowledge certain improper actions related to the past promotion of Bextra and Zyvox. Beyond those two exceptions we deny all federal and state and qui tam claims.

In terms of Neurontin, Farber alleges reps were given two studies, "Dworkin" and "Rowbotham," to tell doctors about:

(Click to enlarge)

There are no adequate, controlled, head-to-head studies of Lyrica vs. Neurontin, Farber claims. In 2006, Pfizer withdrew the sales materials in which the two studies were compared, the suit claims.

Lyrica was given a histrionic launch in 2005, according to the suit:

The suit was brought by David Farber, an Iowa City, Iowa, rep, and Casey Schildhauer of Los Angeles. The law firms representing them were Blank Rome of Washington, D.C., and Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi of Boston. Farber and Schildhauer both claim they were let go by Pfizer after they complained about the way Lyrica and other drugs were promoted.

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Connie: Here is another web site for you... let me know how it goes.


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Vanessa, I contacted the PARKER/WAICHMAN/ALONSO Attorneys. In fact I just recieved a letter from them yesterday telling me they couldn't help me. I don't understand that if there is a lawsuit going on for someone who did attemp suicide. If it is a different attorney could you let me know, Thanks.
Vicki: I understand how much pain you are in, My Fibro is really bad, and I was injured in 4 car accidents. I appear normal physically, so it is soooo hard because people just don't understand. But I have to ask? Are you sure that with the damage that has already occured in your brain, do you really want to continue with the Lyrica? I would be very careful sweetie. Have you tried Prednisone? My aunt and A dear friend have been on it for several years and neither one of them have had any side effects, my Dr who put me on Lyrica, told me that she wouldn't put me on Prednisone. Not sure why, I finally got so desperate to have some kind of life outside of bed that I had my friends in Yuma, Az get me some across the border. I only take 5mg, been on it for about 4 months now and haven't had any side effects. It has really helped. And if you don't have insurance it is very inexpensive. I decided to go off of it for a few weeks just to compare the difference in how I felt and I was back in bed so I am back on it. No problems though. Has anyone else taken Prednisone for the pain? If so any side effects?

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I completed that form approximately 18 months ago. With my experience on Lyrica since I stopped taking it in Jan. 2008, I continue to research askpatient to see the hundreds of blogs and then just found this site a couple of weeks ago. I sent an e-mail to the FDA last week asking them to review the form and the update was i have had permanant vision problems and lost 4 teeth. I had perfect teeth and perfect sight before taking Lyria & have doctors records to prove it! I ask them if they could let me complete another form but to make sure and reference the 1st one I sent and all i get is the run around from the FDA. Will keep trying....

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Please google this...
MedWatch Online Voluntary Submission Form 3500

Using this on-line form you can report your adverse reactions to the FDA.

Please everyone fill out this form!

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Connie: here is the web site for you...


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@ Jan: Pain patches are my best friend too. :)

@ Connie: there is a class action law suit for anyone one who has attempted to take their life. I spoke to an attorney. You sign up on line and they call you with in 48-72 hours. They did call me back! I could not be a part of the current suit because i had not attempted to take my life. Even though i had suicidial thoughts, written a good bye letter to my children, wrote out my will, and was in the hospital for 3 days i had not followed thur with the attempt. this was only because a good friend found me in that state and got me to the hospital. Do NOT give up. i can send you the web site of post it here. It is only a matter of time before we will all be able to file based the problems this drug has caused.

Vicky: I would check on the side effects before i increased the dose. the higher the dose the higher the chance of side effects. again only you know what is better... the side effects or the pain. I have been there. And pain is not anything people can see which makes it harder to treat and also for other people to understand. I wish i could help. Hang in there.

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connie,I am sorry for your situation with this drug and yes I have problems with writing typing thought process, when I speak its like I am just learning to talk the words are jumbled in my head like spinning and on the tip of my touge and they come out like an infant. As i read over what I have alredy typed on this site, its confussing, just like trying to explain it now the drug Lyrica is causing brain damage. I feel stupid! Even when I go to call my kids by their names I go thru to or three of their names before the right name comes out! And I find myself repeating a story I just had told 5 min. ago I dont remember and it is very frustrating. I wish we could find someone to help us but drug companies Im sure got theirself covered. Only time will tell, but from what I have been reading their are thousands of us suffering from the side affects of Lyrica. I am on 900 mg a day. Is anyone eles on that high of a dose. I was just wondering. Thanks

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Vicky, those are exactly the same problems that I have had even after being off of Lyrica for almost 3 years.That is why the lawyer I talked to said you sound fine to me because I told him about my speech problems. Do you also write and type your letters wrong. because you just can't think of the order they are supposed to be? I also went to a motel and took over 300 prescription pills withought hesitation, it is only by the grace of God that I am still here. This was after I was given a larger dose than I had started out. The first couple of months the pain was sooo much better, but then it stopped working as well so she doubled my dose. I know I would have never done it if it weren't for the pills, it was like I didn't have any control over what I was doing. Hopefully between all of us we will be able to get a lawsuit going and definately get this off the market before someone does die, if they haven't already.

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Vanessa 5/30/10: Yes, I use 5% Lidocaine patches daily and have for 4- years, on my L.S. Spine. These patches, unlike others, can be cut in whatever size or sizes you need. I ran out over last weekend (I hadn't kept a close enuf watch on how many I had left) , and was without for 2 whole days. My body DEFINITELY knew the difference. It doesn't take away the pain totally, , but it sure makes the pain not as bad. I couldn't do without them. Without insurance, it would be VERY expensive, tho.

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