Lyrica And Alcohol (Page 2)
UpdatedYou are not supposed to drink while on Lyrica. I made the big mistake of doing that. I took my dose in the morning and then got invited by some friends to go out. I do not usually drink, but started drinking around 9:30 pm. I was found in an alley behind a restaurant at 4 am. The last thing I remember was last call at 2am. I am only posting this to give a VERY strong warning not to drink while on this medication. Luckily I am OK and still alive. It is a horrible feeling to not know what happened in those 2 hours. Please do not drink while on Lyrica.
My reaction to Lyrica seem to mirror Geof's: short-term memory problems, dropping things - especially if I'm holding an object in one hand & do something with the other hand (docs done nerve tests - normal) I often drop the 1st item, eyesight changes - eye docs says eyes weaker, but no change in my early cataracts? Wants to do Cataract surgery - says vision will be great then ... ?! I drink very, very rarely so I h/n had any issues described there; but I'm also not much fun now :-) I take med for buldging disc just below neck fusion & pinched femoral nerve: some not so good days; some bad days, as long as there are more days I'll take what I'm given.
Hi leonale, I have now been up graded to palexia 200mg plus my 600mg of lyrica a day. This has eased my pain of that much it is unbelievable. The blood tests I have had before going on palexia have shown there is a bad infection in my body. The doc is now getting me to have a bone scan scintigraphy along with a gallium scan- infection. Hope this will show what is going on with my body. All from a total hip replacement. With Palexia it is very dangerous to touch any alcohol at all so if anyone thinks they may have to go on this medication, get rid of any alcohol from sight. I have had 3 eye tests over a five week period and each test comes up totally different so now I have to see an eye specialist for that too. I think lyrica can be blamed for that looking at other posts here.
It could be that you are not used to drinking and you had too good of a time.
Lyrica potentiates the effects pf drugs and alcohol- making then stronger and hit faster .
If someone rarely drinks - stick to 1 drink .
If someone is more likely to drink in a daily basis- take it slow and drink low proof booze.
If u notice u are becoming intoxicated in a weird way or quicker than usuall slow down! Common sense ppl!
I have a good friend who was taking lyrica for nerve pain in his legs. He drank beer quite often. One night he drank a lot and went home and put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Nothing precipitated this. He was perfectly fine earlier in the evening. Believe the suicide warnings. They are real.
i have just started taking lyrica and after reading other peoples problems i am spewing at the thought of serious after effects i have noticed severe cramping in the back of my legs at night i hope this will go away if not i will have to stop i was put on it because of burning pain in my hands and legs in bed let me know how to stop taking it cheers
What a weird drug Lyrica is. I first started taking it in January of 2011. 300MG a day and after about 5 weeks it erased my nerve pain completely. Drinking didin't have any effect on me at all. That same June I came off of it and ended up getting back on it that September. Same dosage and it didn't work anymore. Again alcohol didn't have any effect. Exactly one year later I was going on a vacation and was hoping to ease the nerve pain so the doctor put me on 225MG a day. It did help a bit but strangely enough, the day after drinking I would get really stoned for several hours. Even if just a few beers. Anybody else get this stoned feeling? I didn't get stoned when drinking but only the next day. Really weird. I may get on it again soon and would like to drink without this side effect. Its tough to go out with friends and not drink especially since I don't want them to know about my nerve pain.
Yes, I'm having the same side effects. I've always enjoyed having a beer anytime of the day...especially when I'm on my boat. Most would label me as a moderate drinker, but beer never really made me drunk. When I started Lyrica for chronic headaches, I couldn't even finish 1 beer on the boat or even at my crawfish boil's....I could not tolerate a beer. Made me feel terrible and nauses although I never threw up. I'm at 300mg a day and it does help with the chronic headaches. I miss my beer buzz...
I drink beer on the weekend, I noticed with taking lyrica I drink much much more and get knocked out. If I don't take lyrica for the day can I drink normally.
Thanks for any feed back
I agree 100% with you. I have been taking them for 5 months and been very careful about the alcohol I f I felt like a drink I would allow myself 2 x30ml measures with mineral water and lemon barely of vodka, last night I decided I had only taken my pills on the morning and I'm not sure why but for some reason I decided to have a few beers but that was a big mistake I don't remember falling to sleep only my partner finding me curled forward head in hands I have been ill now for 24 hrs can sleep cold/hot sweats and vomiting so please don't do it
This is the first time i have seen that sight changes. I've also been feeling like my hearing has changed. I'm aware of every little sound. Mostly at work around the heavy equipment. Did you feel that way too? I joke about my "spidey senses" but my right eye isn't doing so great while my hearing almost drives me crazy.
I take 150mg/day, and I haven't had any issues with blacking out. I usually only have a beer or two, but I've gone a little crazy before (6+) and I didn't black out. I'm 23 though, if there's any correlation with age.
I take lyrica for diabetic nerve pain. 450mg a day. I drank a glass of wine on Halloween and broke out in a sweat and hives all over. I am 41 years old and never had hives until that day. I know it wasn't the wine because i have drank wine before with no problem
I have noticed that I get drunk easier on when I drink while taking Lyrica, which is fine by me! I've never blacked out while drinking and, when I do drink, I tend to down a whole fifth. So getting drunk easier works in my favor because then I need less alcohol to enjoy myself. Granted I have always had a very, very high alcohol tolerance so that's likely why I don't have any issues really. I wouldn't recommend drinking excessive amounts like I do while taking a med like Lyrica, and I know I shouldn't be doing it but I still do from time to time. Working on cutting back with the drinking, especially since the Lyrica now helps with the pain that I was drinking to escape anyways. Won't be too hard for me to cut back on the booze though, did it before when my pain was under better control.
Get an MRI, sounds like herniated disks.
Oddly enough I have the opposite problem! I take 300mg at night for neuropathic pain that prevents me sleeping. If I have alcohol within a couple of hours of taking the tablet I don't sleep. No other side effects - except getting my life back.
Thank you SO much for posting this!! I did not know Lyrica depletes Vitamin D. Vitamin D also helps maintain serotonin levels an I have begun feeling depressed. I am on a large dose of the drug... 450 mgs. I'll get my Vitamin D levels checked and start taking an extra Vitamin D supplement.
I learned my lesson too .I took 100MG ,and had one small glass of wine ,then went out to eat ,had one Yager bomb and I felt so drunk we had to get our food to go. I won't be doing that again. Glad you are ok
Hi. Why is your dose high
I'm in 150 a day and I'm high. I had a drink and was ok
Please share: What is MG spray that you sprayed on your skin? What were the dosages and types of fish oil, calcium, and Vitamin D that you used. Thanks, Eric
One time I took a 600 mg pill and I had never tried it before so anyway what happened was I felt like I was being punched in the head then I'd pass out! I think I was having spasms and my head would jolt back (like I was being hit) and I'd black out! I was on the streets of downtown Montreal! In the morning my gave was full of blood and plenty of scabs lol! F***ing scary s***!
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