Lyrica Side Effects Results In Loss Of 13 Teeth (Page 6)
UpdatedI am the patient of a pain management physician because there is nothing else that can be done for my back other thantry to manage my pain. I have had 19 back surgeries, including rods, broken back and rods on right side. My last surgery was the insertion of two morphine pain pumps, which caused my body to reject the plastic or some component thereof. They also inserted two dual-lead dorsal column stimulators, and even though all four of these pumps worked successfully, my body also rejected come component in the stimulators as well. One of the largest problems, second only to the pain, was the fact that I had 5 deep wound that went all the way down to my rectus muscle in my stomach. I had a staph infection from the pump as well as the stimulator. It took 6 months of wound care from the pain pumo, and now I am left with the most hideous scar. Same problem with my back, Oh well....this was supposed to be about LYRICA! Since January 2005, my doctor placed me on Lyrica and I thank God for it, because it has helped a great deal with my pain, however, after having to make an appointment to see an oral surgeon to remove all my teeth because of the Lyrica, I am LIVID!! No one eluded to the fact that Lyrica cound cause my teeth to rot out of my head, when I had the most wonderful white straight teeth. I just celebrated my 46th birthday a little over a week ago and I am facing dentures right in the mouth! There out to be a disclaimer, of which there were one. I am a label reader, and read instructions implicitly. At any rate, that won't help the halth of my mouth at this point. Is there a class action law suit out there somewhere, that would at the very least pay for any dental work, or at least warn those in the future? BE WARNED! You deserve a right to be informed. Signed, Oh My Missing Teeth in Oklahoma!
Re: Verwon (# 3)
I ha e done extensive research on all the medications my daughter is on and there are no reports in any of her other scripts but Lyrica is a big freaking red flag. And no there is nothing in Lyricas literature that says at the age of 22 you are likely to lose all your teeth to this horrible drug. And Lyrica was all I was in and I went from no cavities to 11 in less than three years.
Re: Tanya (# 101)
Please inform me of the lawsuit information. My gums are receding and it's the ONLY thing i can attribute it to.
{edited for privacy}
No one even mentions the teeth loss. I am livid about the expense of losing my teeth and they should compensate us for this. Lyrica is a poison!
Re: Mary (# 102)
No one even mentions the teeth loss. I am livid about the expense of losing my teeth and they should compensate us for this. Lyrica is a poison! Please inform me if there is possible law suit.
If you find the lawsuit info please let met know
Thanks, Carrie
It’s true it does help with pain but look at the consequences. They should be ashamed of themselves. No warning about the teeth and it’s expensive to have the oral work done. Someone needs to pay for this! So sorry you had to go through this too.
Anyone out there considering Lyrica don't do it!
I less than 2 months I lost dental enamel, and chipped teeth! I haven't any way to pay for the work that needs to be done to save my teeth.
So sorry for these people in and and to top it off lose teeth. I would like to know if anyone has tried to sue the company that makes Lyrica ? Please let me know they should be paying for our dental!
Re: Liz (# 108)
I totally agree with you in regard to having Physer pay for our dental work as I also expressed. I did a lot of research and there are many law offices stating that they were excepting customers for the side effects of Lyrica. Upon calling or emailing them they all claimed that they were not excepting people in regard to helping us. Why the ad?
If anyone finds an attorney that is willing to help us. Please let us know!
Re: Belinda (# 109)
That’s interesting that they don’t expect anyone to help? Let’s check into this further. Hope you’re feeling better.
Re: Belinda (# 109)
I have problems as well I've broke so much teeth I'm embarrassed to talk. It's horrible when you can't even smile or laugh.
Re: TinaMarie (# 111)
I'm so sorry, I understand how you feel. I loved Lyrica for the help it gave me. Now the government's lies about Opioids are horrific due to what they have done to those of us in need. I can't even walk, I'm so bent over in pain. I can't find the original deep investigative study by George Knapp on Youtube; the autopsy reports are built on lies about those that have died using Opioids. All of those people were using Fentanyl laced with Heroin, alcohol, Heroin alone, methamphetamine, & other drugs. So they put the blame on Opioids. I'd do anything to find that video, and have contacted George Knapp in order to have it. I'm taking this to the Newspapers & TV, whoever will listen. You can find the next 8 episodes on youtube by looking for George Knapp "The other side of Opioids." God bless, & Jesus loves you.
Re: Belinda (# 109)
I've done the same with calling lying lawyers, not one of them that state that they have a Lyrica lawsuit after stating they do while we're researching our hearts out. I'd like to turn each one in, but I don't have the time.
I can't find that one anymore either & just contacted him by email. I hope I'll receive a reply. I too am totally bent over in pain & can't stand. Did you find "George Knapp & The Other Side of Opiates"? It's our tell, in an 8 part series put together. It's really good!
Re: Liz (# 110)
Liz, I will be checking everywhere, I can barely walk due to the back pain, I have an extremely busy 2 weeks with doctors & tests, so I'll begin my search after I'm through with these appointments. Have you contacted Lyrica?
Re: oez (# 8)
Hi, I’ve been taking Lyrica for 7 years. I too have been trying to withdraw from Lyrica due to dental and other side effects. Even though I’m not completely off Lyrica I have managed to decrease my dose from 300mg to 50mg. I have some withdrawal tips that may help. Two years ago I learnt the hard way to go slow. I started with a dose drop of 100mg. This caused extreme pain, pressure in my head, bradycardia, anxiety, spinal sensitivity, dizziness, nausea, anorexia, vertigo and more. While all the symptoms decreased with time some lasted up to six months. My pain levels are now better than when I was taking a higher dose.I now reduce only 10% every four weeks and the withdrawal symptoms are much milder. In Australia your GP can write a private script for any strength, you just need to find a compound pharmacist to fill it.
Just know the pain you experience during withdrawal will go away as your body adjusts.
Re: Tanya (# 101)
Hi Tanya, while most of the advice from Pfizer in regards to dental health only mentions dry mouth, I just found the Canadian advice includes adverse side effects of tooth disease, tooth caries, periodontal abscess and gingivitis. It is under Digestive System Adverse Effects at the below link:
I found this while looking for proof for my dentist. In Australia and other countries Pfizer do not advise of this side effect. I hope this helps. Good Luck
Re: TinaMarie (# 111)
I'm so sorry Tina, it's a horrific medication & it did help me so much. For a woman, it's horrific to loose their teeth & not smile with pride. I like so many can't walk due to the pain. I just found out that I have incurable autoimmune diseases. In Fl they have practically outlawed Opioids. My Dr. has put me through 7 months of pure hell with my pain.
I lost my teeth also and if if you hear of a class action suit please let me know. My doctor didn’t even know or believe Lyrica did this. She looked it up and was surprised it said mouth problems. They are in so much denial about this horrible product. So sorry it happened to you and so many others.
I'm beyond sorry about your dental damage, I was fortunate to catch my dental damage before it went so far. I beleive that we all need to ban together and contact Pfizer and demand payment for our dental work.
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