Lyrica Cold Turkey & Escitalopram (lepraxo)
UpdatedHi all,
So since Christmas I have been on Lyrica, Max dose tapered up to was 200 mg (100 in morning and 100 in evening). I take them for nerve pain due to previous disc surgeries. I have been in a bit of a fog since starting with increased anxiety and pain. I was prescribed 10 mg of Escitalopram (Lepraxo) a day about a month ago as was having a lot of dark thoughts and severe anxiety. I have always had anxiety but seemed to be able keep it at bay (well perhaps not as well as I thought I was!)
Anyway, I took my last dose of Lyria four days ago and only took 100mg that morning. Had planned to taper down much more gradually but was left without the tablet for three days so thought just go for it. I have read a lot stating that it is not advised at all and can be quite dangerous. My question is basically should I just keep going? I have constant twitching in my leg, problems sleeping, a bit of diarrhoea, nausea and flu like symptoms.
I can handle these at the moment as not working but any advice on if I should keep going without them? From my research on this drug I do not want to be on this long term.
Also I really want to get off the Lepraxo but am guessing I should wait until the wd's fully go from the Lyrica before tapering down? (am only on a month so am hoping giving these up will be ok)
Thanks a lot
2 Replies
Could somebody please reply as could do with some advice now. Thanks
The biggest risk with a sudden withdrawal of Lyrica is seizures, since it is also an anticonvulsant. The NIH warns that other withdrawal effects may include headache, and rebound pain, along with the other symptoms you've mentioned.
How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?
The NIH lists the typical side effects of Lexapro as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes.
Whether or not you continue, or decide you want to taper it more slowly is entirely up to you, and your doctor.
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