Lotrel Forums
Recently active Lotrel forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lotrel and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.yellow capsule ## I take lotrel 5/10 and have tingling in my fingers and some numbness as well. I've been taking it for a few years and these symptoms started awhile ago but are getting progressively worse. Also, I now am experiencing some light headedness and mild nausea. Is anyone have the same symptoms? I also do the cough caused by the ACE inhibitor. ## Lotrel contains the active ingredients Amlodipine, and Benzepril, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, hypotension, and increased urination, according to FDA reports. Have you informed you doctor of these issues? In most cases, when someone starts experiencing the cough, they are switched to a different medication, ...
My doctor perscribed Lotrel for my high blood pressure. Its a pink and white capsule. I've been taking the generic Amlodipine/Benazerpril caps/ Is it the same as capsule Sandoz? ## Sandoz is the name of a prescription drug manufacturer, not the actual medication. Lotrel does contain the active ingredients Amlodipine, and Benazepril. It is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, increased urination, hypotension, and headache. As to whether or not you've received the correct medication. What are the markings on the capsule in question? Here's an image of one that's pink and white. NDC: 00093-7372 It contains 5mgs of Amlodipine, and 20mgs of Benazepril.
My father, a 60 year old active man, started taking diovan. Shortly after, he began to have severe systemic joint pain. Medication was changed to Lotrel 5/10mg. After a week of taking it, he started with joint pain again. This joint pain is not localized. It is generalized through all of his joints. We were not certain it was the Lotrel, but he stopped it anyway. After being off of the medication for a few days, the joint pain decreased to his normal arthritis pain. He stayed off for a little over a week, then his bp required him to take a dose of medication si he restarted Lotrel. After 2 doses, the joint pain returned. His dc says that Lotrel should not cause this side effect and doesn't want to change the medication. Has anyone ever heard of this side effect before? Please help #...
Have been taking lotrel 5/20 for high blood pressure for some years now. My pharmacist said i could save a lot of money by switching to amlodipine 5mg and benazepril 20 mg. Is there a difference between lotrel 5/20 and the cheaper individual purchase I have specified above. There is a considerable amount of difference between the two. Aren't they the same, just differing in price? ## After further researching Lotrel 5/20 and the two active ingredients listed, I would agree that your pharmacist is right, and there really is no difference between Lotrel and the cheaper individual purchase. I found Lotrel 5/20 to be a precise combination of Amlodipine 5 mg + Benazepril 20 mg. The 5/20 stands for 5 mg of Amlodipine, and 20 mg of Benazepril. Each one is proven to help suppress hypertensi...
Can you take 2 5/10 lotrel caps to make it a 10/40 lotrel cap.i have alot of 5/20 lotrel my doctor uped my mg to 10/40 ## Hello, Jim! How are you? Yes, there is no reason you can't do that. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with?
I wish you to tell me re: Dr. Reddys Amlodipine/Benazipril 2.5/10- what is in the small capsule inside the larger capsule- which is which. Please answer asap. ## I like to know the same thing? I take the 1020 mg and it has a pale pink capsule inside the ready 341 ## Unfortunately the manufacturer doesn't list specifics when it comes to these minute details. So in order to know for certain, one would essentially have to have the contents of the capsule analyzed by a lab and labeled thereafter. A pharmacist might have a clue based on proportions, however they'd probably be suspicious of drug abuse if you asked this type of question in person; because why else would someone want to know this information, unless they were taking the pill apart and experimenting? At any rate, I hope ...
In order to keep BP balanced, is it possible to take 2.5/10 capsules every other day? Thanks very much, Fred ## Hello, Fred! How are you? In order for it to work as intended, you should follow your doctor's prescribing instructions. Thus, if they've told you to take it daily, that is what you should do. If you're experiencing the symptoms of low blood pressure some days, you should inform your doctor, as you may need a dosage adjustment or to switch to a different medication. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dehydration and hypotension. Are you experiencing adverse symptoms? ## Thanks, Verwon, Not symptoms really, but this morning the reading was 99/44 and just now, after a bit of gardening, 103/50. ...
Since moving from Lotrel brand to generic, it seems that my loved one's BP fluctuates, and those fluctuations include more high readings. On some days, BP systolic is in 120s, but other days in the 150s, about the same as no medication at all. Is it possible that the generic Lotrel has unreliable dosage? ## First of all, blood pressure numbers will always fluctuate. You will never check it and see consistent steady numbers. Second, is the person eating properly, a health, low-fat, low-sodium diet and getting plenty of proper exercise? Both are required to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. If they are eating well, getting exercise and taking the medication as prescribed, it could be that they just require a dosage adjustment or a different medication. Not all medications w...
color of the capsule 10/20 lotrel generic ## Hello, Lupe! How are you? What are the markings on it? I'm sorry, but since it is a generic, it is manufactured by different companies and each one may look different and have different markings. Can you please post back and clarify? Thank you! The FDA lists this medication as being most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, increased urination and hypotension.
Would like picture of what pill should look like..mine are pink and blue ## I don't have a picture to post for you, but it should be a blue and pink capsule with MYLAN 6899 on each end. Learn more Lotrel details here. Do yours have this same imprint? ## 9 years taken purple color now i got gray and white stamped with RDY 341
Since taking this pill for high blood pressure for 6 months now my neck is very red & blotchey like sun burn & i was wandering if I should switch to another pill? ## Hi Carl, It sounds as if you may be having an allergic reaction to this medication, unless you are taking other medications that might be the culprit? How long have you been dealing with this? If it persists for longer than a few days, I definitely recommend calling your doctor and asking him if he knows what might be the cause. I have read that flushing (warmth, redness, or tingling under your skin) is a "less serious" side effect of the brand name Lotrel; which contains amlodipine besylate and benazepril hydrochloride. Therefore, it may just be a side effect of your medication. You can learn more about thi...
What time of day is best for taking this medication? ## Hi Sharon, The manufacturer guidelines vaguely state that you should only take one dose of Lotrel a day; but does not give specific time frames. That said, I can only speculate that timing is solely up to you (the patient). Additional dosing indications note the following: -Take each dose with a full glass of water. -Amlodipine and benazepril can be taken with or without food. -If you are being treated for high blood pressure, keep using this medication even if you feel fine. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. -Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label. Person...
Loved one was prescribed lotrel 5-10mg.. Been on it for 24 hours, but blood pressure is currently 202/115. Please advise. He consumed a beer, would that make it so high? ## It will take longer than 24 hours for this medication to reach its full level of efficacy in the body to see if it will lower his blood pressure. It will actually take 3 to 4 weeks, but you should start to see a gradual improvement after a week or so. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and dehydration. Is there anything else I can help with?
Can I drink beer (malt liquor) while taking lotrel 10-40? If so, how many ounces? ## Hello, Terry! How are you? How has your blood pressure been? Alcohol can intensify the side effects of medications, so you may get more drowsy, dizzy and nauseous than usual. Additionally, certain amounts of it can lower your blood pressure, while too much can be cardio toxic. Have you discussed it with your doctor?
There is a small white pill inside my generic 5/20 Lotrel capsule. Is the pill amlodipine or benazepril? ## Do you have any info on who the manufacturer is? Other than contacting the manufacturer directly, I don't believe there's anyway to ID a pill (which was inside of another pill), unless it has imprints or markings to verify it. Also, if there's only one pill inside, wouldn't that mean they are combined into the same tablet? If the capsule is just a shell, it makes good sense for this to be the case. ## There are two manufacturers of the generic Lotrel (amlodipine/benezapril) The Teva product (pink and white) doesn't contain that other pill, but the Dr. Reddy Labs (orange and pale beige) does. I don't know the answer to your question. I asked my doctor about ...
What side effects has anyone experienced from this medication? ## My husband takes Lotrel 10 -20. He consumes more then 7 oz of hard liquor a day. What are the side effects of mixing the large amount of alcohol and medication. ## Lotrel is a combination medication that's most commonly used to help lower high blood pressure, it contains Amlodipine and Benazepril. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, hypotension and stomach pain. You can learn more Lotrel details here. And there are several concerns that could be associated with taking it and drinking so much alcohol. The first is an aggravation of the side effects, so they could be made much worse than they normally are. Additionally, to a point alcohol can lower blood pressure, so his may start going too low, but in...
pills ## This is a generic for Lotrel, it is most commonly used to help treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Learn more Lotrel details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and hypotension. Are there any comments or questions?
i took lotrel for hypertension for 5 years with great success. within the past year amlodipine-benaz became available as a generic for lotrel. i know that some generics are better than others. is amlodipine-benaz considered a generic having good results for people. ## I took LOTREL for several years; then switched to amlodipine-benaz . I have taken it for several years with as good as results as the lotrel. my blood pressure is well within the normal limits. ## I agree, I have been on it for several years with no problems! ## It is just a generic for Lotrel. Learn more Lotrel details here. And when it comes to generics, there can be slight differences between them and the name brand, but for most people the differences are therapeutically insignificant. The only time you should be cauti...
is the another drug name for amlod/benaze tatrate capsule 10-.20mg ## what is amlod/benaze usedfor? ## What is the difference between AMLOD/Menazp 10-20 mg. and Amlod/Benaze Capsules 10-20 mg. Color is totally different. ## Is there a difference in AMLOD/BENAZP 10-20mg capsule and AMLOD/BENAZE 10-20 mg? ## The name brand for this combination medication would be Lotrel. It is most commonly used to treat hypertension and certain cardiac conditions. And no, there is no difference in them as listed, but I can't say anything definitive, without knowing the markings on them, so this is only going by what's been listed here as is. Learn more Lotrel details here. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness and hypotension. Is there anything I can help with?
AMLOD/BENAZP CAP 5-40MG MANUFACTURER DR REDDY -DIST PICTURE OF PILL, WHAT COLOR? ## I don't have a picture to post for you, due to copyright reasons, but it is described as being a capsule that is brown and white, the RDY should be on the brown half and the 587 on the white half and, from the images in the databases, the white actually appears to be more of an off-white, but I am not sure if that is just due to the camera, or possibly the medication inside the capsule itself. Learn more Lotrel details here. Does this match the ones you have?