Losartan Side Effects (Top voted first)


SInce being switched from lisinipril 20 mg to Losartan Pot 50 mg about three months ago I have gained 12 pounds and always feel hungry. I also feel jittery. Could this be a side effect of Losartan Pot?

27 Replies (2 Pages)

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I have SEVERE Joint and muscle pain too since my Dr. put me on Losartan! Feel like a cripple!

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I take Losartan Pot 50 mg daily and after a year or so I have extreme throat congrestion and always clearing my throat. Have been back to the Dr and even a throart dr. & they find nothing & no sinsus problem. Can this be some type of intolarance or allery?

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Yes! I have the throat congestion too!!! Been to ENT...Nothing wrong! Scared me...Thought I had throat cancer or something! It's driving me crazy!

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I had the same experience! The pain in my feet and ankles was crippling. I've been off of it for three days and the pain is lessening, but still has me limping around. My knees started to hurt right before I stopped. Also had horrible abdominal and esophageal pain with a horrible metal taste. It's getting better, but not gone yet.

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I read that if our bodies are deficient in Magnesium, then our Parathyroid tries to take over and rid us of unneeded calcium and potassium, but does it incorrectly and the excess minerals depisit into out joints and soft tissues... as you mentioned feeling like having bone spurs. Magnesium rids properly through kidneys but if deficient then thing get out of sorts and cause pain... and Losartan has potassium. I'm experimenting with Magnesium and about to add malic acid... research this for info.

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My husband was switched from Micardis to Losartan and he immediately started to gain weight and now has numbness in his left leg, sometimes with a sharp pain at night, also occasional dizziness. He never had those symptoms on Micardis. Anyone else have those side effects. His GP says not the Losartan.

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I was looking to bare if anyone had any nausea or eye blurry when come ng off lasarton. I was on for about a year and made my blood pressure to low. Wondering if anyone else had symptoms when they went off it

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This is very interesting to read. I was looking for different side effects because I'm having trouble with serious muscle and joint pains, but have also gained about 12 pounds and eat constantly. I'm in the process of working with my dr to switch meds because of the aches, but it's good to know that maybe some of this weight gain is due to Losartan too.

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I take 50 mg of losartan and have gained a lot of weight. I didnt realize it could be this med. I also have severe pain in one of my toes. I usually take the white slender pill. They changed to a different company and gave me a big white one. My blood pressure has been high ever since and I'm dizzier than a bat.

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Yes, these can be side effects of taking Losartan, especially the appetite change and weight gain, that has been reported in up to 4% of the people that take it.

Learn more Losartan details here.

Have you talked to your doctor about it? It just may not be the right medication for you and you may need to switch to something else.

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Been on losartan one week and I have gained weight already-- one to two pounds. I feel slower and calmer which could account for less calorie use. The last time I felt this way was when starting Zoloft and gained 15 lbs that time in a short several months and never lost it.
Anyone else feel this way on losartan, slower and calmer?

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If you are experiencing weight gain try drinking 1-4 cups of tea through out the day.The tea will help you to stay full instead of eating food.You can eat some fruit.

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I can confirm that since taking Losartan I've been experiencing joint pain. Feels like there are bone spurs or calcium deposits (fingers, toes, back even). Some eye pain also. I do not have diabetes or kidney issues or any other issue and not cholesterol issue; only hypertension. It does have a calming effect. Not a good mix with alcohol results in bad leg and foot cramping with even one glass of a fine cabernet. Daily multiple vitamin, upped V-D to 2000 icu and when cramping hits, taking 500 mg C. Helps.

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I am taking 50 mg losartan and often wake up with a headache. Do you think this is due to losartan?

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I am taking Losartan for about 5 years. I always got the long oval shaped tablet. Recently, they changed the pill to a round white one, like a big aspirin. I find my bp is running higher. I think it's the pill change. My son, who's a pharmacist, says it's possible. When a drug company introduces a new pill, they get a patent for 5-7 years. When it expires, they're required to release the drug recipe to all. But only the drug, not the fillers or time release. Generics are not created equal.

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Re: Gran Gran (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on a low dose of Losartan for two weeks. I have crippling pain in the ball of my left foot and toes when walking. Also pink hands with puffiness, severe joint pain and pinprick pain.

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Yes. I feel slower and calmer. When eating too much sugar I used to get warm, but now I don't. I also feel calmer and don't feel like exercising-- like there isn't an urge. I too have gained weight-- about 7 pounds in 4 months. I too, used to be on Zoloft and gained weight on that too, but faster- about 15 lbs in the first year and 7 lbs each year after, but I got off of it. I have not lost the weight since going off that, but I was not gaining on prozac. The gain is mostly slow and steady. I used to lose weight in the fall; now I am gaining steadily.

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leg numbness can be related to a gluten allergy. if your husband has any GI symptoms he might want to see his Dr about getting a blood test
For gluten allergy.

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I am on 50mg of Losartan.I have to go to the dentist to get fillings.I have heard that there can be a drug interaction with Anesthesia and Losartan.Does anyone have any suggestions like maybe I could skip the Losartan the morning of my Dentist visit.I will be going into the Doctors office for a checkup so I will ask the Nurse Provider also.

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May I asked why he wanted to get off Micardis? What were his side effects on Micartis if any. Thanks

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