Losartan Causing Shortness Of Breath? (Top voted first)


Can Losartan cause shortness of breath? I take 100 mg. and cut today's dosage to 50 mg. Can I taper that way?

8 Replies

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Losartin caused me to be short of breath. No one looks at medication side effects, especially physicians. I am currently going to Cleveland Clinic for this very thing. Shortness of breath

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I was put on 25 mg Losartan after Dr found protein in my urine. I had hip replacement prior to this, have been very short of breath since starting losartan, thought it may be due to inactivity due to severe pain in hip prior to surgery. It seems it started after starting the losartan, already on Cardizem ER, clonidine and HCTZ for HBP, unable to do any of my ADLs without getting extremely SOB. Also get dizzy and light headed on standing at times. Had echo which was normal, dry cough for almost 2 months. Could it be the Losartan?

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In this case, it is very important that you consult your doctor as soon as possible.

If you are taking such a medication for high blood pressure or a cardiac condition, there are quite a few issues, other than just the medication, that could be causing the shortness of breath and some of them, such as congestive heart failure, may be life threatening.

Learn more Losartan details here.

And if you been taking it for those reasons, it is not safe to just stop taking it and not be taking anything, even if you taper off, since such conditions will just revert to being uncontrolled.

How severe is it and how often does it happen?

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It has been ongoing for the last 10 - 12 days. It gets better at times and I am able to catch my breath. I stopped taking it for 3 days and the first morning I didn't take it, thought I had found the problem because I was fine that day and the following, but the next day it was back and my blood pressure began to rise so I assumed Losartan wasn't the cause and have been back on it for the last 8 days. Every day has been a living hell until today. This morning I didn't take it and my breathing has continued to improve throughout the day. I want to point out that 5 days ago I was admitted to St. Joseph's in Atlanta and my echocardiogram, nuclear stress test, cat scan of the lungs with contrast, several EKGs and blood work every 3 hours for almost the entire 3 days I was admitted and could find nothing wrong to account for this. I did tell them about all my medications but they never said anything about Losartan potentially being the culprit, they just referred me to a pulmonologist who assured me he doesn't believe I have COPD or emphysema according to his tests including a breathing test, which was a plexiglass box with a breathing apparatus I sat in for 35 minutes. Somewhat high blood pressure is the only thing I have. I do relatively extensive cardio workout at least 4 times a week and never got short of breath or have chest pains of any type other than occasionall getting a brief pain in my left shoulder near my neck but not during my workout, it comes and goes at random, possible from an overhead press machine I use, though it does feel cardio related and I told St Joes this and they said they believe it is unrelated to anything that is going on. I am on Depakote 750 mg for petite mal Epilepsy, Avorstatin for cholesterol and was on Azor 5/20 until they changed me back to Losartan about a month ago. Thanks for your help!!

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I have been on Losartan for 43 days. 5 days ago I was rushed to emergency room for severe shortness of breath. I was on Losartan 2 years ago and had no problem. Was in hospital for 3 days told nothing was wrong with heart or lungs. Was your shortness of breath relatively severe (panicking)? Did coming off it stop it? Still trying to find answers! Your reply would be greatly appreciated

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Re: Elaine (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

a lot of people should google what they are taking-that way they know what to expect

I would call your doc and discuss it

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Re: Lee Partiss (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I am currently on Losartan. I have had shortness of breath. My doctor had me going to a cardiologist having all the same test done. I use to go to the gym 4 days a week, but I could'nt anymore. I would feel like i was passing out when i exercised. I stopped taking the Losartan for a week and feel better and lost a few pounds. I am not going back to taking this medicine.

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Re: Mia (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever find out?

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