Losartan Potassium 50 Mg Tab Side Effects (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am taking Losartan 50 mgs twice a day and I am getting terrible joint & muscle pain. Can it be from the meds? Orrrrrrr could it be from the simvistatin?

48 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: So worried like you (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Sodium is part of your electrolyte panel. Pink himilayan Salt and Iodized Sea Salt has many minerals that your body needs.

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I also had severe joint pain after starting Losartan. I asked my doctor about it and of course he said no it wasn’t that. I took myself off and the pain stayed 2 more weeks.Just now starting to get better. I was taking it for kidney protection with Type 1 diabetes.A nurse at the office said she had the same side effect with taking it.

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I’m itching pretty bad where it comes and goes—after taking 1 1/2 tablets of 100mg Losartan. Already took 2 tablets of Benadryl. Not much relief. Can I take 800 mg ibuprofen or my hydrocodone/acetaminophen? I really don’t want to go to ER or urgent care.

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I literally have been on Losartan 50mg for 2 days and today I have had reoccurring side and back muscle spasms. Is this common and will it go away?

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I have been on losartan 100mg + hyrochlorothiazide for 8 days and am having a lot of head pressure. Is this normal? How long should this last?

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Re: BillyBob63 (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

I've been taking the same pills. I noticed joint paints in my legs and lately heaviness or moderate pain in my right side. I wonder if am having kidney stones? ??

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Re: BillyBob63 (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

Look up all the links that give the side effects for Losartan. Some links have side effects that other links don't. This way you can get a bigger picture. Chronic sinus issues are listed under Losartan. Even acute sinus infection.

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plz need help . i use Losar 50 & amlovas -AT now i am suffering . when i after sleep wake up, i feel my hand feet heavy and pain in fingers movement. last 1 year i feel my eyes are heavy and pain. like lazy

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