Lori 2 Lorazepam
UpdatedHas anybody taken this medicine which is a generic for Ativan manufactured in India?
The drug brand named Lori (2 mg) is said to be manufactured by Cyril Pharmaceuticals. Just to clear up any confusion, it's not a generic for Ativan; just another brand name. Ativan is also a brand name. Lorazepam is the generic name.
I personally haven't tried this brand, but others here on the site have mentioned that it is very weak in comparison to the US counterpart. There's nothing inherently wrong with purchasing meds from India, but from the reviews I've read, many people are complaining about the potency and overall efficacy not being up to par with US drugs. Would you agree with that?
You can learn more about this drug on the page for Lorazepam Details
I hope this helps!
I just received this exact Lorazepam medication from India called "Lori-2", made by "CYRIL", in 'Parikarma Road, Mumbai'......which is suppose to be Lorazepam 2mg that I originally ordered. I am too wondering if anyone has tried this exact medication from India. If so, can you let me know how it works and makes you feel.
Previously I originally ordered a different lorazepam from India, and they sent me "Atizam-2", and I DID NOT like that, it didn't work at all, and when I first tried it, it made me feel like I was inebriated which was so weird and uncalled for because I hate that feeling, and that Atizam-2 did not do anything close to what the regular Lorazepam that I get from my doctor here in the USA does, it totally feels different, and does nothing and makes me feel uncomfortable (the OPPOSITE of what it's SUPPOSE TO DO). So, I told the place where I ordered that the "Atizam-2" and said that this med does nothing but makes me feel weirded out.....so they resent me a different type of Lorazepam from India from a different supplier called "Lori-2"....now I'm kind of nervous and skeptical to try this "Lori-2"......I sure don't want to feel stoned again and weirded out.......soooo, has anyone tried this before?? Please help. Thx.
@Lulu ~ I forgot to ask you in my previous post......Did you already try your "Lori-2" from India yet? If so, let me know how it made you feel and if it worked ok. I just had a bad experience with my other Lorazepam from India which is called Atizam-2, I did nto like that one. Thank you! :)
I did, and felt that it worked the way it supposed to with no bad side effects for me.
I have tried the LORI-1mg and have been satisfied, while the problem it seems to me with India manufactured Benzos is a fluctuation in potency, deal with a trusted distributer and ask for straight up feedback before ordering
I have the exact same stuff. I don't know what it does. I took 2 and slept for literally a whole weekend. I am tempted to get a drug panel kit at the store and evaluate these.
Lori2 I got from india 2mg...they were strongest lorazepam I ever had stronger and more euphoric than any other lorazepam I've tried even beating in my opinion phyzir orfidal and ativan ...these are seriously the bees knees
Swym says The Lori-2, 2 mg lorazepam did have the same effect but it was definitely different than the regular 2mg Ativan that is a nice and mellow relief. Probably one of the mellowest benzo's out there. These Lori-2 gives Swym a harsh effect they didn't even come close to pass to Lorazepam. Swym could see where someone might actually like the feeling but it's not a Lorazepam according to Swym. First off is the large pills with no markings. They to have a strange "clay" taste where you can't taste the Lorazepam. Lorazepam doesn't really have a taste. Why they did what they did was their decision now will anyone like the different buzz that Swym experienced. The only way to know is to clean the system out. Then take one wait an hour and take a second if desired and then make your decision if the medication works well for you. There is one example where Dizy-10 is supposed to be diazepam but it is actually phenazepam. It pissed Swym off at first but then Swym discovered he liked the phenazepam more than the diazepam. It had the Diazepam efficacy but without the drowsiness. These Lor-2's will have the same effect some people avoiding them like the plague and others loving them new "type of ativan". All said and done they aren't equal chemically...and they are strong so be careful or you may find yourself on the floor all night.
Hi everyone. I used to fill my prescription with Lori-2 tablets from Cyril that I got from the internet. They came from India. I don't think they were 2mg but they definitely worked for me. I can't say the name of the website, but for some reason they won't ship to me anymore. This has been like this since like Oct. 2015. But yet their site is still up and running and they are still offering the medicine. The company said they are having major delays in shipping the meds out. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks.
My friend received two meds from India, one being Lori 2mg, for Lorazepam and Onapil 2mg for clonazepam. He took ten of the Lori 2mg because they just didn't seem to work unless he took like 4 at a time and now he's called in sick from work stating that he had the absolute worst possible headache he's had in his whole entire life. And he said the funny thing is, that was not lorazepam even though he felt something but not in a good way. The point is either Cryril pharma is a fraud or there is a fraud pretending to be Cyril pharmacy who is just scamming us Americans with God knows what! He said the pills tasted like drywall, not that I want to guess why he knows what drywall tastes like. Also he has 20 Onapil 2mg and he plans on taking them too even though their from Cyril pharmacy once again. So not buy from Cyril pharmacy! This is coming from a 16 year veteran of taking narcotic meds recreationally. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't waste your money on Cyril pharmacy. They are a fraud and will be exposed for what they are and shut down someday. Their medicines are literally poison and they should be ashamed of themselves. But, we all know that poor, third world countries such India who in my opinion try to kill us with their false, contaminated meds. There's a reason they only cost .40 cents a pill. Use your brain please!
Hi Jay4realz1. I have been like a 10 yr. veteran of taking anti-anxiety meds and I have dealt with 2 web-based pharms. over the like past 4 years. One eventually shut down and the recent one did too, and the pills were definitely legit and they cost way more than 40 cents a pill. Several months ago my last order to the recent pharm, they told me they couldn't fill it. (Lori-2 Tabs). They said it was like that with all the web-based pharmacies. They were right. If you try to order a benzo from any of them you cannot do it. I believe you when u say to avoid Cyril. Some impostor has taken over. India must have cracked down big time on exports of CDS. Also, don't fill your scripts with Anxiar from Romania. They work but they are not really lorazepam. They don't have that same effect and must be some other kind of benzo.
They are bigger because it depends on the supplier. I've had several different sizes here in the U.S. from the pharmacy. It all depends on who the pharmacist orders from.
My friend has been taking benzos for almost 20 years and he can honestly say that the Lori 2 does have some kind of narcotic in it but not real lorazepam because he had taken many different kinds from India and while the Lori 2 gave him calming effects, they lasted for literally 24 to 48 hours and impaired him like some kind of strange anti psychotic Seroquel like drug. As for the Cyril pharmacy, he ordered Onapil 2 which were supposed to be clonazepam 2mg and the first two orders from last year had the minty clonazepam taste and felt like the real deal and he was very satisfied because he bought several hundred for .40 cents a pill and they lasted him for months because he would take 4 or 5 a day because he believed they may have only been 1 mg or less of real clonazepam and he's prescribed 4 mgs of Actavis clonazepam a day regularly. However his recent order literally had zero clonazepam taste and like someone said, if he had to imagine what drywall tasted like than they probably had drywall in them. Lol seriously. He swore they were a fraud and not the same meds that he ordered last year that actually worked. My friend strongly believes these so called vendors are giving us the real deal the first order and then giving us junk poison pills because they made him sick and if anything they caused him more anxiety. These guys are full of s*** and are getting rich off of Americans who believe their getting the real deal when who knows what their getting. So do yourself a favor and DO NOT ORDER FROM CYRIL PHARMACY OR ANY INDIAN COMPANY UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED OR RIPPED OFF BY SOME A**HOLE WHO COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH OR ANXIETY. THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY. My friend literally has told all of these guys that he knows online that their pills are fake and what did they do? They blocked him more than once. Also do not order their 2mg Alprazolam gg249 bars. They are replicas with who knows what is in them. They also make replica Roche Valium, Roche clonazepam and replica Pfizer Xanax 1mg football's and 2mg bars. He has said he would NOT order from India again if it were his only option. That's a pretty strong statement in my opinion because he has spent a couple thousand on these meds since 2013. If you want to find out for yourself go ahead but he said it's like taking your hard earned money and flushing it down the toilet.
These pills are like tasting drywall with a tint of perfume. If I tasted drywall. America lorazepam has a sweeter taste and im sure these Lori-2 are not chemically the same. The wyeth ativan is effective more than the no name brand. I would suggest that brand of generic
On what web-based pharmacy can I order the Wyeth John?
Im not sure. I ordered it once in 2 mlg through what was said to be a Canadian pharmacy but im not sure if they came from India as well. I been trying to find the wyeth brand and not sure they still deliver them. That was back in 2009 and then they sent me these drywall no name brands and argued they were fake. I would love to find where I can get the wyeth brand and know they are really gonna send me them, but i cant really tell any site that i can say will really give you that for sure.
That was about the time I used to get medicine that worked, around 2009 till like about last year. The 2 companies I dealt with went out of business.
I use lorazepam as a sleep aid and ordered this lower cost alternative from India, that is, Lori-2 from Cyril in blister packs of 10 unmarked tablets. I normally take 1-to-2 mg of lorazepam so Lori-2 should have been sufficient, but each time I tried it I tossed and turned most of the night, leading me to conclude the tablets do not in fact contain lorazepam. I would avoid this product as it is no more effective than a placebo.
hi mate, i used to get them before a few years ago but then found out about the banana cloanaepm not lonf later and there way way better.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Kanakanak (# 2)
The exact same thing has happened to me and they keep phoning and pestering me as I complained. They are sending me a ‘better’ version!! I asked why in the first place they didn’t send me a better version! They have an answer for everything. I live in Uk and Dr’s don’t like to prescribe it but I’ve been in it 30 years on and off and it does help with anxiety and sleep. I threatened to report them and will if the second lot are useless. Jan
I had this drug evaluated at a lab and found out there is no BENZO in it what so ever.
I'm surprised that people are having bad reactions. I've been taking Lori-1 and Lori-2 for more than a year, and although they seem to me to be roughly 1/2 the strength of USA generics, they work for me and feel like lorazepam. Some are bigger and more clayish, but they feel the same as the smaller ones to me. I do feel there is some lack of quality control, in that some individual pills seem less strong than others, even in the same blister pack, but I've never felt NO effect. The problem with them at the time I'm writing this, is that there is some trouble ordering from India. I'm told that situation should improve by mid December.
The Lori-2 is garbage. I have been taking lorazepam (ativan) for 30yrs plus. My psych will not give them to me anymore! Lori-2 tastes like chalk and has very little effect on my anxiety.
I agree I've been on the Lori 2 for a month now. the brands you get in the U S are so much better.
Cyrill is in India. A pharmacy. I just received my meds and am very disappointed! Let me know if you have better luck. Try to have a nice day. I got the Lori 2. Have taken multiple. Can feel zero effect
I have ordered meds from India all I got was scmed
I hope your right. Cause I Havnt had zero effect. I took 6 2 mgs too
I just recieved my Lori-2 from India I paid $115.00 for these to take the place of my Lorazipam except these are 2 mg instead of 1mg. I figured that I could cut then in 1/2
Now Im afraid to try them. I use them for sleep and I really dont want to "feel weird" or "toss and turn"
What a drag. All i wanted was to go to sleep
Sorry to be so negative before even trying.
Im scared after reading all these mixed reviews to even open the package!!!!
Does Lori 1 by Cyril company have lorazepam in it .. Is the Indian Lor 1 really lorazepam?
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