Lorazepam Treatment Discontinuation
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Why would doctors stop writting a prescription of Lorazepam, which has worked for over 20 years for a patient who has panic disorder, because the patient is now too old at 70? Any input is appreciated.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Apparently the NIH and FDA studies were either done in haste or just didn't include many patients with crushing anxiety (GAD) and panic attacks; patients whose lives depended on lorazepam so they could go to college, get married, work and grow old with their family, I am one such person....I've taken 6mg of lorazepam daily for over 40 years...(40mg a day of valium before that since 1967 before the term "panic attack" was part of the lexicon.). I never needed nor wanted more- I wanted to just feel 'normal' so I could function in Society. Yet they permit SSRI's...which I couldn't tolerate, they just created me into a zombie with no feelings for anyone including my family and myself. I am now 77. I've been told by several doctors to not attempt getting off benzodiazepines as it might kill me or the very least I would spend the rest of my life in hell trying to cope with living. I am currently a full time caregiver to my wheelchair bound wife....just what is she going to do when I'm hospitalized or dead because the NIH and FDA have decided that I 'might' be in danger taking these drugs that I've taken longer than many have been alive, and to this date never had a bad symptom or reaction to them. What's really dangerous are uneducated law makers.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I guess the NIH hasn't talked to ALL the older people, lol. I've been taking benzos since 1967. At 77 I dread the research I'm going to have to do to find a new doc when mine retires (he's semi-retired now). (Actually I'm actively researching now though my pcp tells me at my age & dosage docs could be sued for malpractice for refusing treatment...but I hope it never comes to that...she also states I'm too old to be weaned off them...it would take longer than I would be expected to live not to mention there would be no quality of life. ..As far as benzos affecting me because of my age....I'd prefer the safety of me driving taking lorazepam than me driving during a panic attack, lol. Thus far, I've never fallen due to any medication or anything else. Cognitively, I'm still painting (been an artist all my life), take care of our bills, I am a caregiver to my wife of 54 years..she is paraplegic from polio/post polio syndrome, do all the house chores, maintain a rather complex garden (I hybridize daylilies as a hobby-have over 2000 labeled seedlings alone to keep track of), do all the wash and food shopping not to mention cook every meal. If benzos are affecting me I wish they would hurry up and do it as I am getting weary from work, not meds. (Btw, I take 2mg 3x day of lorazepam and have done so for 41 years..before that was 10mg of Valium 4 x day)..never needed more all these years and still quite effective.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I take night time medication. what is Age discrimination?

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Re: l0ft (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

All research to benzodiazepines lead to caution for those of us over 60. It is on all your paperwork as well. Nasty drug

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

thank you for the laugh. do you have any other research?

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i was just discussing this topic with my doctor. I believe that the ``newer generation'' is scared of old people. Many older folks take benzos - usually valium.

I live in the USA - there has been a small shift in the ruling party about drugs. they want everyone to stop taking them.

This is what happens to a society that ignores the elderly and insist on new quick thing.

I have just been through this too. I am taking klonopin for ~20 years; I went to hunterdon medical center NJ for treatment and they committed me against my will to a drug detox facility to detox me off the klonopin!

There seems to be no reason for their brutal assaults. I would love to here if someone else can please explain the reason that we should all change our medication (in USA).


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Hello Yusho,

This NIH Article briefly explains why your doctors are choosing to stop your prescription. In a nut shell the medication works fine but studies have shown that older patients are more likely to experience adverse side effects. Some of these side effects can be life threatening which is why the NIH and FDA strongly suggest ceasing prescribing the medication as the patient ages.

I hope this helps. Please reply if you have any further questions or have additional information to add.

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