Looking For Private Methodone Dr Not Clinic (Top voted first)


I am looking for a private methodone dr I am so tired of having to start my day driving to an hour away one way to a clinic I am a single mom and trying to work as well it is super overwhelming I have tried suboxone and I am back on methodone don't know if there is a way to get it so I only drive once a week or month

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I am in new Hampshire

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I'm not 100% about NH restrictions however in NY methadone can only be prescribe and dispensed at a clinic. Further the FDA requires special provider training in order to prescribe and treat patients with methadone. Many pharmacies do not carry methadone as even when a patient is given an rx for a take home dose it is for 7 days at a time. Further methadone now is very rarely if ever used in tx of pain. So in short it is unlikely you will be able to find a private MD to dispense methadone. Further restrictions on the drug generally make it rare for a pt to receive a traditional rx.

Myself, Physician Assistant, Board certified in emergency medicine.

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Hello, Kathy! How are you?

I'm sorry, but the laws that Dan mentioned are actually relevant to the entire U.S. It can only be given for addiction treatment in a clinical setting by those that have been specially trained in its use for such. A private doctor is not allowed to prescribe it for that and since that is already in your medical record, you are going to have to continue to use the clinic.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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