Looking For A Doctor That Is Willing To Prescribe Xanax While Being Treated With Methadone (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedLooking for a Dr. in Northern Kentucky or greater Cincinnati area that will prescribe xanax while taking methadone. I would prefer a dr that would prescribe both, and be willing to take ky medical card or medicaid. but if i could at least find a dr that will just accept taking methadone and still prescribe something for extreme anxiety along with sleep disorder bi-polor type 2 and the other usual disorders that accompany that type illnesses that would be great!!! If i have to I will take a Dr. that has some time of self pay. I think that's where I don't bill or use any type of insurance i pay cash per visit and that's fine with me. PLEASE HELP I know plety of Drs that will easily prescribe nerve meds with my condition but I don't want to have different Drs that do not know about each other. I need a Dr that will accept and treat both together. Or knowing the full situation. THANKS
Good luck with that, in my area of NJ the Methadone clinic will not even let you get on it if you're on Xanax. Also, they prefer that you be on Klonopin and prescribed by a psychiatrist! That's the clinic's rule and not state or federal laws. Most doctors when they hear that you are a Methadone Maintenance person will usually not prescribe a benzodiazepine to you. The stigma and demonization of Methadone. I have a cool doctor who is not judgmental or condescending. I have been on Methadone Maintenance over 20 years and go to the clinic once a month to pick up my 27 take home bottles. You have to be really good to reach this phase. Many consecutive clean urine and swabs. You begin with weekend take home, my clinic is open on weekends too. Very busy clinic and they are over the patient limit. Good Luck!
Re: Dee Dee Brooke (# 8)
You have to go all the way from Tennessee to north Carolina for your methadone ? That's crazy how often do you have to go
Re: spaceghost70 (# 10)
My name is Julius and I'm 42 years old and I have never dealt with anxiety until 2017 when my son died of a seizure in his sleep and his twin brother died two and a half weeks before my wife gave birth in 2013. But the anxiety didn't start until my second son died in 2017 and a month before he passed away he had a seizure they called it a febrile seizure and I begged them to do a epilepsy test because they said it would never happen again because there's different kinds of seizures. And I said I don't give a s*** how many different seizures there are I've been to prison and I've seen people have seizures and fall off the top bunk I've seen people have seizures and be hauled off and watch inmates rob everything they have, food, clothes, pillows, everything.
And I begged the doctor to have an epilepsy test done and I was told that insurance does not cover the epilepsy test unless the child has five documented seizures and they can't be by word of mouth they have to be caught by either an EMS worker or a doctor on the street or in the emergency room or on camera. And I said he almost didn't survive this one and you're going to tell me he needs to survive 4 more before he can be tested for epilepsy? And I said well what if I pay for it? And they said it was very very expensive and insurance gets deals and I said I don't give a s*** I'll pay for it and they assured me that it would never happen again. My wife and I had over seven doctors I believe it was like seven or eight doctors, all assuring that it was a febrile seizure and it will never happen again and they said that on tape on video and in front of family of mine and we believed them because when more than one doctor says the same thing you have trust in their schooling and their honor of being a doctor.
Let me tell you they were all wrong my son was born with one kidney and my son that passed away in the womb his kidneys stop growing when he was 6 months in the womb. They called it Porter syndrome due to the fact that my wife had never been pregnant before never had a miscarriage and never had an abortion.... I was very very confused and angry but then they explained it to me that it's like an engine that needs to be broken in and I understand engines so he got through to me. My wife had already understood. In worst of all she had to carry for two and a half weeks our son that had passed away in her womb until she gave birth to our other son.
I will never understand what she must have and is still going through, the fact that every time our one son kicked she thought it was our deceased son kicking because they used to kick each other and play with each other in the womb. And I will never know her pain I only know what my pain is like. She'll never know from a man's point of view and I'll never know from a woman's point of view. And sorry guys out there I know when a man loses the Son we think that it's worse for us but it is not that way it is worse for the mother. We only planted the seed, she grew those little angels. He was my best friend in the whole world he was my hero he was so strong. He had clubbed feet because he was breech and his feet were pushed up against her hip and he was supposed to be in cast until he was 4 years old but his feet were all fixed and perfect by the age of 2 years old the doctors couldn't believe how quick his feet healed themselves. And his one liver had urine around it and this is where it gets bad, they put him on an antibiotic from the age of two weeks until a month before he had his first seizure and that antibiotic was a preventative for his one kidney to keep it healthy but it also kept him healthy from getting sick like colds and other sicknesses etc. He had never been sick from the day of birth till a month before his first seizure, they took him off when Obama gave all that power to the insurance companies cuz the antibiotic was $800 a month and we offered to pay for it but it would have cost us $1,700 a month because once again insurance companies get deals. But they said it was just a preventative everything will be fine but little did the doctors and little did we know the antibiotic was keeping him from having seizures along with getting sick and we even asked them to wean him off and they're like "it's an antibiotic he doesn't need to be weaned off". And I said listen, this kid has never been sick and he's about to start school and they're like he'll be fine, and when he started school we noticed everyday he wasn't himself he was coming home he would get the sniffles he would sneeze cough. He started turning pale he didn't have energy we told the doctors this and they said that's his body detoxing from not having to antibiotic.
This is when my anxiety started in. Little did I know my wife and I kept a secret from each other we both had a vision that our son would die in his sleep and we didn't tell each other until after he passed away. But back to the story. So one day he gets off the bus and he usually grabs the dog by the ear and drags him into his room and lays down on a pillow and watches TV but on this day he grabbed a pillow and laid in front of the closet and was shaking. We called 911 and they brought him to the hospital and that's when they told us it was a febrile seizure and then a month later he had a fever Spike and he was sweating so we were very happy due to the fact that he was sweating because when the febrile seizure that the doctors claim that he had a month before that means that your body doesn't know how to cool down when you have a fever and if your fever gets too high that's when you have a seizure, and that's what happened to him a month before he passed away. His first seizure he didn't sweat and his temperature got up to 104 with no sweat but this time he did have sweat and we called the hospital we called 911 and they said that they're not going to come unless his fever goes over a hundred, and it was at 99 and we broke his fever and we were up with him for over 16 hours and he finally finally went to bed at 3:00 a.m.
I'll never forget, it was Friday going into a Saturday and we had a nanny cam and I watched him climb up in bed and we would check on him very quietly because we didn't want to go in there because he's a light sleeper and he gets excited and he feels like he's missing something so he would try to force himself to stay awake. So we kept looking in on him and after his first seizure I bought a special old fashioned mattress that had springs that squeaked even if he moved a little bit and he didn't move not one bit and we even looked around to see if there was any vomit cuz I had heard that people vomit when they have seizures and he appeared to be fine and we were so exhausted we slept in the living room because it was closest to his room. And we woke up around 6:30 in the morning and I went outside to bring the garbage cans in and I heard my wife scream and I pray to God that it was a mouse and I come running in the house and she was holding my angel my son my hero. Vomit was pouring out of his nose and mouth. He had had a seizure in his sleep and no vomit came out because he was swallowing his tongue he didn't shake not one bit. We watched The Nanny cam and he did not even move not one bit he stayed in the same position all night. There was nothing blocking his breathing passage and his fever must have came back. Obviously it came back as soon as he went to bed and I knew and I begged the hospital to take him just in case and I even called back and said that oh his fever is over 100, and they said well if we come out there and it's not 100 or over he's not going to come to the hospital and we even were going to drive there and they said they will not admit him unless his fever is 100 and over. But the whole reason we kept our cool because he was sweating and the doctor said it was a one-time thing and now his body will know how to cool off by sweating his body didn't know what to do the first time so we gave up trying to get him to the hospital. My wife was in shock. She used to be an EMS worker and I begged her to do CPR. She laid him on the ground and backed into a corner and didn't do anything and I was screaming at the top of my lungs and I didn't CPR and I was sucking the vomit out of his mouth but my wife knew he was gone. The rigor mortis already started on his jaw but I didn't know what the f*** rigor mortis was. I thought he was keeping his jaw closed because he used to do that when I tried to give him his medication so I was squeezing his jaw between his teeth to open his mouth anyone that opened his mouth because he was gone so I had to suck the vomit out. I was in denial.
He was gone gone and this is when my anxiety began and is never stopped at all. And I have purchased Xanax, just 1 mg makes me feel like everything's okay in my life. It helps me eat ,it it helps me manage my day, it helps me take care of my daughter like she deserves to be taken care of. Cuz at first I didn't even want to be around her because she looked just like my sons. But this 1 mg of Xanax a day is a miracle and I don't know where I would be without that 1 mg. And I am on 40 mg of methadone, not because I've abused opioids heroin in the past. I'm on the methadone because I have terrible lower back pain and the 40 mg makes my back pain completely disappear, and the 1 mg of Xanax makes my mind completely focused and I can function like a normal human being.
I live in Connecticut and I cannot find anyone that will give me a prescription for Xanax. My wife is on three 2 mg sticks a day and that is the only thing that keeps her normal and makes her the way she used to be. And let me tell you every year gets harder and harder without our sons. And some people may think that's a lot but let me remind you she carried those babies and she lost those babies. I only planted the seed and I'm not saying men are stronger than women but I will never know what she is going through I only know what I'm going through. And I know that a 1 mg of Xanax makes me function in life properly and my wife is functioning well with her 6 mg a day. She works 6 days a week, she makes $35 an hour, and her life is going very well. She is not on methadone.
So if anyone knows a doctor in Connecticut that can help me so I don't have to keep on getting Xanax elsewhere. I cannot get them from my wife because she needs them for herself. I try not taking them for a while and there was a little bit of a detox. It was mainly bad dreams and it went away after a week, but then my life went right back to the depression and I stayed off of them for around 4 months. Because taking one a day at $5 a pill that's $150 a month that gets very expensive. That may not sound like a lot to some people but it's a lot of money for me and the risk of counterfeit pills and with fentanyl in them and people are dying and I don't want to be caught up in that.
So for anyone knows a doctor in Connecticut that will prescribe me Xanax while on 40 mg of methadone please I beg you help me out. Give me a number and a name. Please I beg you.
Thank you for listening to my story and God bless you and have a wonderful life. And another thing: don't trust doctors. And one last thing: when our daughter was born they had to do a full epilepsy test on our daughter because of our son passing away from a seizure. So we were very comforted by this knowing that our daughter is not going to die in her sleep from a seizure but there's still all the PTSD from my sons.
Thank you for listening and please help if you can.
Re: Buckmaster (# 4)
It ain’t going to kill you. I’ve been on methadone for going on 3 years in August and I’ve taken a Xanax here an there when I need it and I’m just fine. My anxiety goes away and I’m back to normal. I have panic attacks where I feel like I can’t breathe and I’m struggling the same way. I need a psychiatrist to prescribe the Xanax.
Re: Julius (# 19)
Quite the novel.
Re: Jeff (# 2)
Wow!!!! I just looked on here and saw your reply first thing. I’m sure it was a "helpful" response to the person asking the question.
Re: Empathetic (# 29)
What an *****!!! I’ve been on both for 10 years!!! With a productive life and kids and a job, a dope feind wouldn’t be f***ing in recovery. Most ppl on methadone don’t keep using or they get kicked out. To OP, I hope you found somewhere that will serve your needs. Anxiety still exists in people who are on methadone.
To the a**hole who had to s*** talk, do some research. I hope a family member or someone you care for doesn’t become a drug addict with someone like you around. What a sad excuse of a human. Go find a freaking person who gives a s***.
Re: Elle (# 7)
My number is {edited for privacy}. Please tell me where I can get benzos prescribed. Preferably 2mg Xanax 3 times a day for my anxiety from childhood rape and abuse, and 1 or 2, 2mg Klonopin to take before bed. I’m on methadone because after my back surgery the pain clinic said I didn’t need to come back anymore, so here I am. The first thing you’ll think is that I'm a junkie but I’m not.
Sorry it's against the law to prescribe both together because it can and may kill you,so good luck I've been trying to do the same thing for months.
You are a dope addict, no doctor who wants top keep his license will prescribe that combination, IN ANY STATE, much less KY.
You won't find one to prescribe you the methadone, if you mention xanax or anything else to go with it.
I'm in Lexington KY I'm looking for a doctor will write for my Xanax 1 mg prescription. I had brain surgery and really bad anxiety.
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