Long Term High Dose Xanax Effects (Top voted first)


I began taking Xanax in 1982. I have been abusing it more and more over the years. I can now take 14 mg and not even tell it. I can stop taking it with no withdrawals. It's like I am immune to it. For the past two years I have been experiencing a lack of cognition, forgetfullness, and general fatigue. It does not matter if I stop the Xanax for a couple of months, I feel like the deficit is permanent. Can Xanax lead to permanent brain damage?

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My 20 year old son was on Xanax for 1 1/2 years.After going on Suboxone for his heroin addiction,his doctor prescribed this to him for his anxiety.This can be a very deadly combination if you abuse it...you can go to sleep and never wake up.
At the end he was snorting 8 bars a day.It completely changed his personality.He became very withdrawn,angry and depressed.
One day after selling a bunch of his Xanax as well as taking so many of his prescription,he became so desperate to get more that he actually told his doctor that the reason he had run out of 90 Xanax in 16 days was because his Mother(me) was taking his pills herself.(not true of course!).This is how addicted you can get to Xanax.When confronted and withdrawling that same day,my son went off the deep end to the point I almost had to call 911 before he finally agreed to let me take him to get help.He was actually at a point that he was a danger with his violent behavior to anyone that confronted him,his aggressivness was so out of control.My son was a very laid back and calm kid before he started using Xanax.This is very normal behavior with abusing Xanax.He became very angry and aggressive...started breaking and throwing things in the house and threatening to kill himself.I put him in a detox center and he is now in a rehab.He says the Xanax withdrawl is worse than heroin ever was.He wanted to die.
It's been almost a month and he still feels bad and is suffering major memory loss...but is very slowly feeling better.Xanax withdrawl can take months and months.Going cold turkey can kill you.You need medical supervision to wean off this drug.
Hope this story helps someone out there from getting to the point my son got to and is still battling becuse of Xanax abuse...

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Hey there Jhalljhall, I hope that your doing alright @ the moment?
As A Nurse Practitioner I wanted to let you know that *Long Term Use* of Xanax can seriously damage your Liver. As well, ... you mentioned something about your cognitive abilities correct? Well, YES, Long term use, ... CAN Cause serious problems with memory *(and just so you know, the memory loss should only be *Temporary)* ... Xanax also CAN cause, what is called 'Cognitive depression.' *(this is when your ability to perform your daily tasks become foggy, like your in a haze, & forgetful too)*
I suggest that you get help immediately!! I feel for you, & also wanted to let you know that *Confusion* is also a Long Term Use side effect too. Please, if anything, try your best to get help with this very serious addiction. I wouldn't continue taking the amount that you've mentioned, ... One day you may not wake up sweetie!! Take good care of yourself Jhalljhall.

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JHall, the problems you are experiencing are all too common when taking Xanax for a prolonged period of time; as in your case it's been 28 years. The cognitive problems that you are having are the same thing I have been having. You feel mentally muddled (confused or get confused easily), forget and slowed thinking. My reactions are slower and I know I'm definitely not the same person I was prior to taking the Xanax. I have been taking 1 mg of it daily for the past ten years. I initially started with 2 mgs daily. I know on one hand this is def a bad thing and I'm depressed about it but on the other hand I feel as though I wouldn't be able to work or deal with the world if I didn't take them. The thought of getting off them makes me paranoid. Not sure what to do about this. Perhaps cognitive-behavioral therapy might help as it entails replacing bad, negative thoughts about yourself with good ones. It's basically talk therapy and may even involve hypnosis. Ultimately tho I just wanted to answer your question and let you know you are not alone. I hope thinks work out for you and I myself will have to figure out where to go from here with my problems as well..take care!

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Aloha, I abused xanax for roughly 3-4 months; taking up to 15mgs per day. I can say this, detox was complete hell. I'll never take it again. All benzo's are quite difficult to revive from after becoming physically dependent. Be careful out there!

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Hi everyone, my names Jay and im an ex drug addict. During my times coming down i would take some kind of xanax or valium so i would not get anxiety attacks. It has been two weeks of quitting and my anexiety has been hitting me up daily since. There are times i wake in the morning with anxiety, when im extremely hungry my back around my right shoulder muscles witha bit of right side muschle aches, these muscle aches feel like a contast pain that i would want to hurt myself to feel a different pain. there are times i cant even hold down water or food for a good 24plus hours just vomitting or in extreme. When this gets real severe for me to handle i check myself into the ER and some drs dont know what going on tell this one doctor starting to message my back and he asked how it feels and i says it feels so good. Then he mentions im getting anxiety attacks and prescribes me ativan(lorazapam). well comes to say it help me for awhile but the pills were a bit strong for me plus i wasnt able to get them prescribe for me from a dr. telling me i had to see a pyschiatrist for such meds. i cant afford a pyschiatrist. plust them pills are strong. Recently I was talking to a friend about this and he mention xanax(bars). I recently took a whole one because my anxiety hit me hard. NOTE: my anxiety attacks are severe, extreme vomitting, dry heeves anything i drink or eat, which is very light drink and eat, i vomit out, i get into vomitting fits. With them first my back is twisting and churning with extreme pain has if someone has a big fist and is constistantly rubbing on it with such force it drives me nuts. I cant afford rehab.........so what I am getting to i took some xanax and it help me out quicklike and it wasnt as strong has lorazapam. i got my xanax of the street because im desperate for help. plus ive read alot about anxiety on here on the web and would love anyones opinion on this, on what i should do. what kind of helps should i seek, How can i win this battle with anxiety and start a new fresh life. I am desperate for some great help and advice. These anxiety is affecting my life and the others around me.

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I was taking 4 2mg. klonpin a day for about 6 years. they weren't doing anything for me any more, so my doctor switched me to 4 1mg. xanax a day. they seem to be helping,but after reading some of your comments i wonder if i made a mistake.

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i'm taking 40 mg of celexa a day for GAD and SAD and some depression plus up to .75mg of xanax per day usually less (I start out with .175...split a .25 in half)

at this low level are there concerns about long term usage? in terms of these side effects or should I be ok? a little goes a long way and I'm not tempted to abuse it...

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Over the past 6 years I've abused Xanax off and on, usually for periods of weeks or months daily with short intervals in between, the longest being a few months. When I started when I was 13 my first time taking them I took a few of the 0.5mg and it didn't really do a whole lot. My second time I had gotten the 6 of the 2mg from my friend in middle school and took five of them during 1st period. Got arrested with the last one at school a few class periods later. After this, my drug use drastically increased. At first I would switch between drugs and mix a lot of them at the same time, mainly using xanax, ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana and alcohol. But xanax and ecstasy quickly became my favorite, often mixing them with alcohol. (Rarely all 3, usually xanax + alcohol or ecstasy + alcohol) Eventually I got to the point where I couldn't function sober, my whole life revolved around drugs. I would take xanax at school, at work, anywhere I was really, and take large doses of usually at least 10-14mg ranging up to 30-45mg+ daily and more often then not drinking on them. I could feel the affects of the drugs and alcohol working on my body, began throwing up blood the next day after I'd drink. It got bad a couple years ago when I thought I was going to die after taking 4 xo's (ecstasy) and drinking a handle of vodka and 30 case of beer with two friends. Began throwing up, horrible cold sweats, couldn't talk, couldn't think, could barely move. And no one would take me to the hospital. I barely slept that night, freaking out the whole time. That's when my anxiety attacks really started to occur a lot more frequently. At first, I just had to stop taking uppers such as ecstasy, cocaine, ect. After the incident I tried to take only a couple xo's a week or two later and began to freak out again, which is when I began to be worried and decided not to take any uppers. My xanax use became more frequent, with longer lengths of time and shorter intervals inbetween, probably because I discontinued the use of most other drugs and xanax still remained my favorite that I wouldn't freak out if I took it. But then I had my first sober anxiety attack, and it reminded me vividly of the time I thought I was going to die on the ecstasy and alcohol. It lasted three days, and I was sure I was dying. I went to doctors and got examined, and they all said I was fine it must be anxiety. But I couldn't believe it, couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that anxiety could be so bad that I had intense physical pain and literally thought I was dying. After awhile of seeing doctors and having anxiety attacks more and more frequently since the first time, I began to accept it, but it would not stop. No matter what people told me, what relaxation techniques I learned, nothing helped. My xanax abuse grew even more during this time, and if I wasn't on it I had my unbearable anxiety. Finally my drug and alcohol abuse led me to the point where I was homeless again living under a bridge late november. I woke up one morning, took my last 6 2mg pills I had on me to stop the shaking, which I woke up with daily until I took the xanax and let it kick in. I realized I had to stop, so I called my mother and asked if she would let me move in to get sober. After letting her think about it for awhile, she allowed me to move back in and I quit my job because most of my drug use occurred at work and with co-workers. After my mother found out what drugs I was taking she researched it and decided to pay for a detox program for me to go through so i wouldn't die from withdrawals. I got horrendously sick for a few days and was bedridden, and it took a couple weeks of taking 18 pills/vitamins daily that the detox program The Right Step gave me to deter seizures, help sleep and other things before I started to feel a little better, but barely. Just good enough to move around and not have a seizure. Now it's been a little over 3 months since I last used, February 22, 2011 precisely. (I went to rehab beginning of december but relapsed about a month later for a short time) For the longest time I thought my anxiety was attributed mainly to all the ecstasy I took and the time I though I was going to die, (my ecstasy addiction was almost as bad as my xanax one for quite awhile) but after reading a lot of information about xanax-abuse effects it sounds a lot like what i go through, albeit milder than mine seems to be. But I live in a fog, it's hard to think, hard to focus, have insane migraines every day (most likely attributed to multiple concussions in the past year), and my anxiety, although quite a bit better than it used to be, is still a constant thing and my intense anxiety attacks still occur although not with the frequency they used to (however I did have two pretty bad ones this weekend, but was most likely due to smoking because I do get really anxious when I smoke pot, which i don't do much anymore for that reason.) I've been extremely afraid that this condition is permanent, because I do not think I could live through my life if this were to continue. Even though I feel physically miserable most of the time, and have crazy mood swings, depression and anger, I still try my best to stay as positive as possible and move on with my life. My life is going better than it has in a very long time (even though it doesn't feel like it), I have somewhere to sleep, food to eat, and am undergoing job training. It's just extremely difficult to think, study, do work, and live my life like a normal person. But after reading about it taking 3-18 months to recover, I now have new hope that I may be able to feel normal again one day. You don't even understand how f***ed up in the head I feel like I am. I am still worried that I may have done some long-term damage to my body, but that may just be attributed to paranoia and anxiety (my physical feelings and worries are the main reason for my anxiety) because I am still very young, (will be 19 in a couple weeks) and I often hear and see people doing drugs for a lot longer than me even if not as much as I did. I am very grateful that I am still alive, although a little surprised that I am, but I'm tired of that life and I don't want it anymore, I just want to feel normal. It's so hard to think clearly.

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i've been taking .5mg of xanax 3 times per day for about a year now. i often don't even take all 3 in a day, depending on my stress level.

in an attempt to deter me from the drug, a psychiatrist once told me that if i began taking it and then discontinued use, the xanax would have caused the chemical balance in my brain to function differently and that i would basically never be able to be happy again.

is there any validity to what he said?

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Dcat, you're brain chemistry would eventually return to normal, however, it can take a long time, from several months and up to a year, depending on how long you were taking it and how high your dosage.

In addition, this medication causes a very high rate of dependency, so if you abruptly stop taking it, you will experience withdrawal effects and this can include rebound anxiety and depression.

Were there any other questions?

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Guys, it's all about drug tolerance management. All these drugs were created for a reason. They have positive effects on people's lives when used correctly. The problem is, human nature prevents us from using it correctly. We naturally always want more. 1 xanax turns into 2, 2 turns into 4, before long you'll be taking wayyy more than you ever wanted to, just because you always want the drug to kick in. Too bad our livers aren't bullet proof. We will develop a tolerance to everything.
I have been prescribed to Xanax for 3 years now, 2mg daily. It's changed my life for the better. I've done plenty of research before taking it and heard so many stories about addiction. I prepared myself mentally to prevent being addicted. Let me tell you, 2mg daily does not mean you should take 2mg every day! You WILL become tolerant no matter what. Soon enough, you won't feel it. What I do is take them when necessary, but EVERY week, I detox a little to gain back my tolerance. For example: on sundays, when i have the last human contact, I detox. That way, i know on Monday, when I take a xanax, it'll kick in that much stronger.
Xanax has the power to positively impact your lives, you just need to be responsible. Know your limits, get a feel for your tolerance. Manage it. In a world full of drugs, it's the only way to survive.

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I am 36 years old. I began taking Xanax in 1998 for panic attacks. I was started on (3) .25mg per day. Over the next few years it gradually increased to about (3) 1mg per day, then as my tolerance increased so did the dosage, Anyways in June of 2011 I was taking approx 12mg per day every day. I know this was a lot. I quit pretty much cold turkey! Went through about 3 1/2 months of HARD withdrawels in a rehab facility. Now I know this is not recommened to the average person. Also this put a serious financial strain on my life near the end. Today I go to the gym every day, I feel very physically happy, not 100% emotionally, but im sure it might take some time. Anyways wanted to give some hope to anyone out there that might be stuck taking this medicine. I am now over 11 months off this!!! And moving forward and trying to rebuild my life...:)

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If I would have known how addicted I would have become to xanax I would have dealt with panic attacks once in a while and never gotten on the crap. I always messed around a little with drugs but thought "this is in pharmacys so it can't hurt you that much" when it came to xanax 15 years ago or so. I wish I could go back in time and smack that first pill out of my hand.

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I posted a reply a few months ago. Just wanted to give you an update. I was taking Xanax for 14 years and was up to 16mg a day near the end. I completely went cold turkey in a rehab setting. Went through 3 months of horrible withdrawals. It completely took over my life especially near the end. But I am now almost 14 months of the medecine. Finally moving forward. I have a couple what I think are symptoms left. The nerves in my feet still feel a little funny an slight depression but way better than having to be on that medecine. I definitely don't recommend to anyone to stop the medecine like I did, pleas see a doctor but I hope this helps someone out there still suffering. There is hope and it can be done it just takes time and it will get better!!! :)If anyone has any questions please contact me and I will give you more details on my experience...

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Wild thread, plenty of morons have graced the pages of Prescription Drug Info it seems? At my last forum everyone was praying for each other and making wild claims about Jesus & Xanax. This thread is funnier though!

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When it comes to Xanax and withdrawal....Jesus has always had the day off for me...

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I have to agree, Xanax contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, this is a Benzodiazepine, commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, but by abusing it, you are risking serious liver damage and may have already caused some.

In addition, if you try to stop taking it abruptly, you will experience some severe withdrawal symptoms.

You really need to talk to a doctor about this issue and get their help with beating your addiction to this medication.

Trying to stop on your own may cause some symptoms such as: vomiting, fever, chills, seizures and etc.

You can read more about this medication here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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I was originally prescribed Xanax (alprazolam) .25mg at bedtime to help me sleep (I could not stop thinking - had my own business). Now 20 years later, I am taking .5mg, 4 times, daily. I have been told the low dose I am taking should have no negative effects. It was actually a small dosage. (According to my last Psychiatrist.) I sometimes feel it has effected my cognitive abilities and anxiety is still an issue. If possible I would like to do with out it - will there be predictable physiological issues? Could it effect my brain function long term? I also take Celexa and Wellbutrin.

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i've been takin xanax for past 4 years and now i really want to take some amount that will help... befor was to calm down and deal with life better... . under greatest pressure and solitude... single woman age 35 and nothing , nothing is seem to help or work out for my life... don't mind to take those pills and gently fall asleep, how many pills will help me to do so? Please do not reply with comment like , don't, look for help... i've done all this and i reached the LIMT i deserve to put my pain off and easy up free me from my prison... Thanks for the info... God bless you all... Ciao Alexia.

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And im also losing extrem weight too, im weighing 135 from 150 since i stop using. the irony huh, where i should be gaining weight when quitting, not the other way around.

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