Long Term High Dose Xanax Effects (Page 9)
UpdatedI began taking Xanax in 1982. I have been abusing it more and more over the years. I can now take 14 mg and not even tell it. I can stop taking it with no withdrawals. It's like I am immune to it. For the past two years I have been experiencing a lack of cognition, forgetfullness, and general fatigue. It does not matter if I stop the Xanax for a couple of months, I feel like the deficit is permanent. Can Xanax lead to permanent brain damage?
My husband is addicted(going on 4 years now) to Xanax. He also uses suboxine. He has changed so much and doesn't even see it, he says I've changed, not him. He is prescribed 90 'bars'per month but often runs out early. He is forgetful, paranoid, highly emotional, agitated. We live in the same house but different rooms. I'm tired of the addiction but he tells me its mean of me to not be supportive...supportive of his addiction? I'm so fed up. He's a different person And life is too stressful with him. He talks about rehab but never does it. I gave him an altimatum eithee get help or we cant be togethee, he thinks that's mean and wrong... anyone been though this? Any advice?
I am no Doctor, but as someone who does work in the field of Mental Health (Psychotherapist), I would say that there is a very good chance that that combination will kill you. Instead of playing Russian Roulette, May I recommend that you seek out an In-Patient/Detox program.Substance abuse cannot be treated in a vacuum. There are other issues which are leading you to use meds in this way. Any local hospital would have a Detox/Rehab unit where you can start anew and then start to work through the real issues behind the drug use.
i have your same anxiety try listening to binaural beats on youtube weird stuff but actually works its just sound frequencies...i have your type of anger anxiety issues same stuff happens to me...keep on plucking away and pray to God he helped me find the binaural beats and they help me take little medicine now for my anxiety
My cousin recently died from a Xanax overdose, he vomited in his sleep and choked on the vomit, so you can die from benzo od
I have been using Xanax for about 7 years, I'm up to 2mg a day for last 5 years and I take the whole bar before I go to sleep. when my son was a teenager, I hadn't slept in 3 years, so this helped. now I take one every night before bed and if I don't, I can tell. I tried to get off of it one week, but I felt like I was walking out of my own body. I could not sleep and I was very edgy. then I got my refill. I would love to lose some weight and I think the reason I can't is because of this drug. I work out, eat right, yet I lost it when I was off it. could this be keeping me from being a thin woman again?
Yes Jerri, Xanax like pot makes us less energetic so If we didn't take it we would naturally be more active. Yet anxiety can overtake you, and we are dependent to the Drug & 2 mg dose. Whatever you decide, don't just stop them!!
You can die from Xanax overdose. Taking too much of any drug can kill you. It's just a matter of how much you take. My boyfriend took so many he lost track. He doesn't remember anything after. He was in the ICU for two weeks. His liver is shot and a vein in his abdomin collapsed. It's been about mine months and his memory is damaged. It takes him awhile to remember things like his age or his birthday. He struggles to remember words. He spent about a month just relearning how to talk. I have no idea what else to expect regarding long term effects.
Please stop taking xanex, please listen, I have Fibromyalgia, cronic pain syndrom, and I was prescribed, cymbolta, elivil, norco and then to lessen the liver effects of norco, he kept me on that for breakthrough pain and recommend methadone. I was up to three at three times a day, I know that is way less compared to some , my sister took 15 at three times a day, but my point, you are just switching out a problem for a problem. I know how difficult it is to ween of methodone, I took it for six years and I just felt since I was unemployed I didnt need all that, so I decided to clean up I immediately stopped everything except cymbolta, which I weened off and its been a year and im down to a 1/2 of methodone a week. Yes it was hell at the beginning. Achy, sore, restlessness, restless legs, body, cold sweats, chills, hot flashes, even times I had vertigo, dizziness, and that lead to vomiting. But I slowly weened off that was way better, . See methadone can stay in your body up tp 72 hours full strength, because it gets in your bones, it can also deteriorate your teeth, bones and so on, but read up on complications or side effects of xanex, yes rare but more thaj few, my sister in-law was on xanex for 7 years, xane was originally not intended for long term. It was to get you through help phase. But doctors kept giving it. She started with delusion, passing out, more pill popping, anything, then, passing out, to full blown seizures, so bad all her teeth broke out, she then had a stroke, and coded in hospital, she was so confused the admitted her to a mental ward. Upon detox, and addiction program, she had more strokes, and can no longer speak. At all. Its so sad. So please . There is help. They have medication to take so you can get off methadone. Its expensive. I couldnt afford it,. But I have pain everyday, I swell. Ache, feel tired, from my Fibromyalgia. But its mind over matter. I take maybe 1 norco, and a 1/2 off methodone with ibu, around my menstruation. For flare ups but that is once a month. Otherwise absolutely no narcotics, I am herbal, for me I love it im so amazed on all the stuff that grows on this earth that 7s even better than an prescribed medication, I see a doctor if needed, if I needed a drug for life, id take it, or if so sick nothing herbal worked, but so far, I even rid my husbands kidney, and gallstones with no surgeries, or heavy duty narcotics.
Im detoxing off methodone will be off completely in two more days after twenty years on it so i know how you feel. Just have to do what gets you through. Try be active a walk anything it does help an try keep mind focused on positive things and people.
Are you serious? Stop taking any and all drugs. Theres a lot more to the world than sysyphus rolling a boulder up a mointain for an eternity. You're 60 years old, stop acting 15.
I have been taking alprazolam for over 15yrs now. Recently my doctor told me it was too dangerous to be taking it with my pain meds so she took it from me, before I was doing fine, now im totally not! My pain seems to b worse(I have DDD, stenosis, sciatica, and everything connected ), my anxiety is out of control, I cant sleep, I feel totally out of sorts!!! Why would they make me stop and be ok with me feeling this way?!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND DOCTORS AND THEIR THINKING!!
Thanks for the inspiration, Jay. I am hoping to lose weight as my doctor takes me off Benzos. I did poorly on memory tests and facing additional nueropsychological tests. The drugs are said to cause early onset Alzheimer's disease. I am a V.A. patient. Is anyone suing Pfizer yet?
I stopped talking my 1 mg and I was right back to the disturbed cruel person I once was...I can't see why anyone would deliberately misuse their medication.. This doesn't help them it only makes things worse
STOP !! Taking this crap. It is deadly it is a money maker for the the coprp. Heads. Really do you think they care if you live or die? Im going in the 10th for biopsies my liver is huge painful and my spleen. Lets not for get passive aggresive. Driving someone could die. I abused this drug to the point I took a bottle of 1mg. Just to see if Id wake up. Yup I did...
Not to mention the fact I took my self off it. Awake 5 friggen days.. Bugs crawling on me it was the worst. GET HELP!!! NOW!! ADDICTED SINCE 2000 when my mom passed away. I miss her her everyday and yes lets not forget crying and anger jags. worse drug to be addicted to. Ill keep smoking. My liver will kill me first.
I was taking 10 to 20 mg every day for years along with huge amounts of molly and coke when I detoxed from the xanax. I have had 3 seizures 1 grandmos seizer, my emotions are completely messed up. it is one of the hardest drugs to fully recover from. it is no joke and I hope your son is doing well. I just want you to know xanax can completely take away someone's care for anything. they are made to relieve anxiety and when you take enough to completely remove anxiety you lose care for everything around you, many times not realizing that you do. its a crazy drug to try to overcome. I hope all is well.
I have been with my boyfriend with 19 years. He also has an addiction to Xanax. It wasn't like this in the beginning. Maybe a few on the weekend. In the past 10 years things have gotten really bad. Lies and deception have played a major role in our lives. I am to the point I don't know what to do anymore? It's not just about us we have a family.
I have been taking Xanax 2 mg three times a day for anxiety and agoraphobia and for the agoriaphobia I take 4 mg and have been doing this for three years. In 1998 I had a gastric bypass to lose weight and a side effect of this is malabsorption I hane insomnia and have to take 20 mg of ambien just to sleep four hours and The meds work at these doses and I am not abusing them nor wanting to increase them but my doctor keeps referring to a "they" who seem to expect the doses to be decreased....I wanna know when "they" became more important than the patient..... Me... When I do leave my home even on 4 mg of Xanax my anxiety becomes so severe that if I am forced to interact I start to stutter and I am 52 and that stutter started with my stress turned into extreme anxiety. I have no foggy memory, no hazed days no forgetfulness, I am dealing with a great deal of issues, lost my home, my mother is terminally ill, my daughter is waiting to be shipped out in the military but I find it amazing that "they" who know nothing of my life want to decrease my meds that are for the most part helping me function.....ANY ADVICE
Karen, if you are taking 10 mg a day total that is way too much. "They" are watching you, and I would expect a dosage change in the near future, perhaps being cut off. Just be prepared as I would look into another Doctor?
I do not take 10 mg a day I take 2 mg 3 times a day unless I have to go out and in those cases I take 4 mg and only take another 2 mg for the rest of the day. I never take more than 6 mg daily
I thought it was 6 mg for anxiety and 4 mg for agoraphobia, you had spelled it wrong. 6 mg is a pretty large dose, not especially when it is taken but when discontinued. I feel for people who lose their connection, it will happen and I know you have been through a lot. You might look to cut down over time as between me and you Alprazolam is absolute poison.
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