Long Term Effects Of Demerol (Top voted first)


I was on this drug and taking it regularly for way too long. Where or does anyone know the long term effects are for this drug? Will my brain be permanently damaged? Anything I should be worring about?

2 Replies

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Hi, Britianyann! How are you doing?

The brain issue with using an opiate for a long period of time isn't the type of damage that most people typically think of, as in having trouble with your cognition and intelligence levels. What it really causes is a problem with the brain chemicals, such as Serotonin, which is the happy chemical that helps create good moods and a more even temperament. When it gets out of flux, you may experience more anxiety and depression than you used to, because it can be hard for your body to be able to balance things back out. It may eventually rectify itself, but some people do end up with permanent issues, similar to those caused from being on antidepressants for a very long time and then stopping them.

As to organ damage, there could be some liver issues, since most medications are processed through it. But only time will tell on that, unless your doctor does regular blood work to check your liver panel. If not, you may want to ask for one, just to be sure.

Learn more Demerol details here.

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Do you know what types of medications they use to treat people with injuries that are going to be causing long-term pain? :/ say.. Someone who they've had on vicodin for 8-10yrs and now want to switch it

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