Long Term Effects Of Espiride (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Esperide anti-depressant drug - long time use:

I have been on esperide for at least 4 years continuously, varying between 2 - 4 capsules a day. The effects were quite significant - i was always tired, even after sleeping for 8 - 12 hrs; i was always grumpy; i forget many things; long & short term, i stopped having my period after 2 yrs & didn't have them for 3 yrs. It felt like i was comotosed; had no interest in things i previously loved, like sit coms & comedy, etc. I had no more energy and was freezing cold in the summer; i was not interested in intimacy. then checked with my gynea why certain hormone levels were extremely high. In the last 2 months I changed to a new anti-depressant - I'm now a new person, periods have come back, laughing again, remembering again, loving again, the anger is gone and I don't get so cold any more. I can't wait to go back to gym and exercise.

47 Replies (3 Pages)

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I am on Espiride to stop anger and road rage I am experiencing due to frustrations in my life always being at the surface, so its interesting that Espiride is causing anger in some of you. But the Espiride is causing hectic fatigue, feels like Iv taken half a sleeping tablet and is affecting my ability to function at work. In response to some people having difficulty with Wellbutrin, I was on it for a short time and had alot of side effects, severe anger being one of them. Im normally a very chilled person so having all these meds for anger is new to me. If you are needing a tranquilizer just to take the edge off at times ask your psychiatrist for Tranquipam, it puts you cloud 9 for a couples hours but the next morning you are great again.

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espiride was wonderful. took my period away and thinned my uterus lining. but other than that, perfect tablet!

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I have been on Espiride Capsules 500 mg for the past 3 months to stimulate breast milk supply of which it has helped a lot as I battled with milk supply with my previous baby. The challenge now is that I have an extremely low low libido, that's even putting it mildly, I have no libido, something I have never experienced before as such I don't feel like being intimate with my husband. He tries foreplay and everything possible to get me aroused but I don't get aroused at all thus making it impossible to be intimate. Can the loss of libido be a side effect of these pills?

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I have been on espiride for 2 years following diagnoses of NF2 (brain and spinal tumours) and following brain surgery. It was given to me to help my constant vertigo. I've heard that long term use increases your risk of osteoperosis - anyone else heard of this? I'm not depressed but I do sleep up to 18 hours a day. Thanks

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i was on espiride for 4 months and then stopped taking them and started experiencing the same symptoms. i was also experiencing terrible anxiety attacks. i had to go back onto the tablet and start weaning myself off. i was also experiencing pain in my chest on the left side.

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Hi Licia,

When you were weaning yourself after going back on espiride, did you start with the last dosage before stopping? Have you completed the weaningnow?

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hi Simon has it helped you come off Paxil completely or are you still taking paxil and espiride?

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Can I please ask to what anti - depressant you change to?? Need to change also have all the side effects your having!!!!!!!!

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Hi, I'm only a week on Wellbutrin and just want to faint, my ears are also buzzing. Really feeling awful

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Hi, I know this is an old post but I'm going to reply anyway. I've been given espiride together with lyrica and trepiline to reduce pain and not as an anti-depressant. I haven't experienced side effects before but now on a higher dosis I am experiencing breast tenderness. i feel that the side effects of espiride is not worth it and I'll rather change medications because of the various side effects of espiride.

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Hi there,I have been taking esperide for about 30 years untill I developed an allergic reaction to it,I had to replace it with another drug I was told by my Doctor,Taking Cilift now ,its working but I have a rash again from the cilift,has anybody out there had a simuler exsperance ,I am confused cause I always felt great with esperide

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my psychiatrist prescibed esperide 1cap. it liftd my mood and makes my cope. im also on wellbutrin 150 daily. my Dr says th esperide is only for short term use and want to wean me off it. im very reluctant to stop it because it really liftd me from that dark place. are there any effects for long term use of esperide

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I had a similar experience, could be your immune system or your adrenaline glands at fault, There's a thing called Adrenaline gland fatigue syndrome when your body starts developing allergies for no reason, anyway speak to your Doctor,get him to do some tests; The best of luck

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Will aesperide help for Fobromalgia
All the drugs she gave me was making me more sick

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Hi there. My Dr put me on Esperide due to the depression caused by Fibro. No it does not solve the Fibro but yes it has lifted my mood that I am not angry all the time. It has given me some sort of life back.

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I have been on Espiride 50 mg per day for the last 3 weeks. I have never been pregnant and I don't tend to gain weight easily.

Will this dosage:
- affect my weight gain tendency - leading to weight gain?
- will it cause breast enlargement?
- I feel constant muscle pain especially neck and back - is it due to the medicine?

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I was prescribed Espiride for breastfeeding the day I gave birth. I've been on it for about 10 months, taking it almost 3 times a day. I have recently stopped taking it as I plan to stop breastfeeding but now I feel like a different person. I'm depressed, emotional, unhappy with my life. It is now affecting my studies, my moods etc. is this normal? Do you think I need to seek medical attention? I've even had suicidal thoughts... no attempts though.

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Good day,

Could it be the espiride (50mg) that is causing my breasts to be painful and bigger? Looks like the breasts of a pregnant woman.

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I have taken many different meds for anxiety. Started taking Espiride 4 weeks ago and i'm a different person. It it working for me. #verygrateful

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