Lo Loestrin Fe - Missed Periods (Page 10)
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I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe at the same time every day consistantly for two months with no period... is this normal?

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I just finished my 3rd pack of loloestrin pills. I went through the first 2 packs with no period at all and no spotting. It totally freaked me out because ive never missed a period before. On the last week of pills of each pack I got extremely mean, bloated and had terrible headaches! On the last week of pack 3 I started spotting and I have been spotting for 5 days now with on and off cramping and bloating. After talking with my dr, I will no longer be taking this pill. I hope my review helps other women out there as all of your comments helped me when researching this pill.

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After 3 months of being on Lo Loestrin fe I switched to mononessa and couldn't be happier. On the Lo Loestrin fe I had a period every two weeks with spotting in between for the entire 3 months I was on them and awful mood swings, I was miserable and so was my husband. I switched to mononessa and haven't had a period in 4 months! I just had spotting two days ago but it was only for a few hours and cleared up, that's the first time spotting occurred with this pill. I have taken the pill pack back to back with out using the placebos so I'm pretty sure that why I was spotting. It's also super cheap, it's only $7.50 if you get on the HEB platinum rewards program (which only costs $5). If you don't get on the program it's still only $12. I don't have insurance so this is awesome. I will say though, the side effects in the beginning sort of suck, sore breasts and bloating but my bloating didn't last long, the sore breast did though. But I'm happy to report I am 4 months in, no period, no bloating, no weight gain, and no sore breasts. At $7.50 a month I'll be sticking to this. Good luck ladies!!!

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YES! Same thing happened to me--- I havent had a period since April and my doctor claims its normal on this pill though none of my research indicates this is what happens on this pill.

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Thanks everyone, I feel better. Especially after my test showed a "-" as well! My gyn. Said to test maybe 2-3 weeks later, to be sure. ALSO said if it was proven that I am not ovulating (tested in office) the doctor can prescribe a medication to actually help me ovulate again. This way, if we decide we do want another child it is possible to conceive again. Interesting info, and helpful I hope to others! Blessings--

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Im having the same exact symptoms . I took a test last week n it was negative. Im going to wait to the 18 of nxt month to take another. I dont like having all these pregnacy side effects

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Hi, I too had been on the Lo Loesterin for the past 3 months and stopped at end of July. I have ALSO recently had bloating (and gas!), serious fatigue and one bout of severe cramping, the night after my husband and I had unprotected sex. I have still not gotten my period, and now am concerned with what could be going on. I did want to say that my period sounded like "Diana" described when l last had it. Barely there, red blood that appeared brown only on tampon, and gone within 48 hours. Weird stuff, to know what goes on while taking this pill!! Thanks to everyone for sharing- it does help to know its not just me! However I am wondering if I could actually be pregnant, since we have had (unprotected) sex once every 2 weeks weeks since being off pills..... Or if my period is even coming now that I've read all this!! Any ideas? Thanks girls.....

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Hey girls

The period loss seems to be completely normal. I was in complete panic mode when I missed mine the 4th month on lo estrin fe 24. I had had very light (two-one day) periods the previous months, then it completely disappeared right after my and my boyfriend had unprotected sex. My doctor said it was normal but I took a test which turned up negative. But still worried I went in to my gyno and they ran a blood test which also came back negative. I think im going off this pill just because I actually like my period without it I don't get that once a month "YIPPEE NOT PREGNANT" feeling :) Also I take mine every night exactly on time and have been told that getting no period can be a good thing on this pill because it means you are taking it correctly and not ovulating at all.

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Hi guys,
I started taking these pills a couple months ago and I'm in the third packet now. I was actually supposed to get my period earlier this month on the 11th. And it never came. I'm very worried. I have has unprotected sex the beginning of this month but I waited 7 days like the pills instructed. is there any chance I could be pregnant? My stomach feels like it's getting hard, is that the pills just making me bloated? Im very confused at this point. Please let me know what you guys think.

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Same for me. Been on this pill for over two months now and no period... I have never skipped a period... But from everything i see/ hear, it is normal w this pill:)

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So my first month taking loestrin I missed two pills and had a major full on period for five days even though I remembered and started taking the pills again then no period the week I was supposed to have one. Then the next month I had a super light period now I'm still waiting to have my period and started taking the iron pills two days ago. Should I take a pregnancy test? I've had unprotected sex with my husband but I was current on the pill. By what people are saying I'm seeing that lots of girls are missing periods.

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@Kelsey I have. I had been taking the pills for two months also. The first month was regular, period for 5 days. The second month I had a period for 1 day. Kinda scared then. Then this month no period at all. Really got scared then. Have taken 3 pregnancy test also and they all came back negative. That's why I'm on the computer right now trying to figure out is this normal and I see other females are having the same problems so its easing my mind a little.

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If you have taken the pill properly and waited at least 2 wks to have sex then you should be okay..But either way..ejaculation doesnt have to occur for pregnancy to occur..
I have had several months where I "felt" pregnant(I have three kids) but its all just the pill making me feel that way and its doing its job.
Wait two weeks,take a test..and you will know for sure,but if taken as directed this pill does work.

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I'm going through the same thing. :( I'm scared. I had unprotected sex on the third week of my first pack of lo lo fe. He didn't finish inside me. We literally had sex for 2 minutes. He didn't cum or anything. My period lasted 14 days 2 days before we had sex and it was supposed to come August 9th and its the 12th and it hasn't came. My stomach has gotten a little hard. Is it the pill that is making my stomach bloat or what? I'm really scared. I'm only 17. :( please reply someone.

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Yep. It says in the little packet that comes with it that it can happen. It's happened to me.

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Im on my third month on the pill, i started right after my period, i got my period the second month and now Im late. I dont take it exactly at the same time but always at night, it varies a lot. Also the first few weeks of starting the pill, i missed like one pill every other week for about six weeks and always took it in the morning and the next one the same night. Is this going to make the pill non effective?

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I was only on Lo Loestrin Fe for 6 DAYS then stopped taking them. I had a normal period about a week later. Now I'm 5 days late and my bfand I are kind of freaking out. I haven't been feeling good, I'm getting cravings, gas reflux, hot flashes(on occasion), nausea but no puking, and I'm constantly running to the bathroom. I don't know if I'm jusg imagining the symptoms or not. I've taken a preg test at 1 day late and 4 day late, both came back neg. Is it too early to tell? Or did I miss my period because of those 6 days worth of pills?

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i have the same issue is this normal? i already have a 18 month old and dont need another one.

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Yes! I get severe PMS symptoms every month..sometimes lasting all month..its takes extreme self control not to lose it sometimes..
Sore breasts, cramping(not just around ovulation or period time) anxiety,emotional,angry,etc...its not just you..but I still think its worth not having to worry about another child. I have 3 and each time were high risk pregnancies..I cant physically chance harming a child or myself..so yes..this pill has alot of side effects,but I dont gain weight,I dont have a period and i dont get pregnant..overall i cant complain..it could be worse..:) Right?

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I've been on the pill for a year now and after the first two months haven't had any period or signs of it.

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I've been on Loestrin for a little under a year now. I stopped getting my period all together a few months into taking it. The past two months I've experienced symptoms of a period, just no actual menstruation. This month is worse, I'm having headaches, nausea, & mild cramps. My breasts are also sore. Anyone else experience this?

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