Lo Loestrin Fe And Continuous Bleeding (Page 3)
UpdatedI started taking Lo Loestrin FE on Feb. 2nd and it is now Feb. 21st and I have been bleeding non-stop (literally all day, every day). Doctor says to wait it out for 3 months... 3 months of non-stop bleeding? I've heard of breakthrough bleeding but this crazy!
You're not alone. I am on my 5th pill pack of lo loestrin fe and I'm still having the spotting and random periods. Last month I had gotten my period which lasted a week and literally like 2 days later it started again. It goes from bleeding like a normal period to having spotting to being okay a couple of days then bleeding again. I keep having hope that it'll get better but I'm quickly losing it. I can't handle it anymore. I'm hoping I can get my physician to change my pill. It's killing my sex life and ruining all of my underwear!
If the obgyn actually said, take our uterus out..fxxx them and find a better
As for lo loestroven. I spotted the entire second month, felt sick every day several hours after taking it and worse, when I get to the estrogen only pills ( white ) I get horribly sick. Nauseous, headaches, anxiety through the roof , my "period" never actually comes. Just stopping constantly., my body feels like it has gone crazy. The word would be scizofrentic. Valium helps very little in this case. Using this for perimenopause,solved my thick lining in two months,
but never stopped my ovulation - like it is suppose to, this was confirmed by ultrasound. Constantly feel out of
sync. Like the pills is behind what my body wants. Really tired of the obgyn trying to put me in a box. Thinking if stopping completely, but nervous about the peri anxiety that existed previously. Oh, also always tired on the stuff.
I just ended my first pack of pills today and I have bled EVERY DAY. On my inactive pills I feel the bleeding went down, and I can't even be sure my period came. I'm so confused and it's starting to make me worry! I just don't understand whats going on. Supposedly its normal since its the first month and my body has to adjust but, I'm still panicky!
I have been researching hysterectomies because I thought I was dying until I found this forum today! I started taking loestrin in June until July and was bleeding/spotting almost daily. I got really sick of it so I stopped taking it. Well since I have been off of it I am STILL bleeding. I have seriously been bleeding every day for a month or more. I have made an appointment with my doctor for Thursday because I can't take it anymore! I also get cramps daily like clock work around 1pm its really weird and there is DEFINATELY something wrong with this pill as I have never had this problem or period problems before.
Rachel, excellent choice to go see the doctor. But do not accept this it will take 3 months explaination. You have a right to feel well and healthy. Once you get fully checked out, usually by blood work and a transvaginal ultrasound..which you should demand, that will tell what exactly is happpening. That will take the fear away that always comes into women's minds of the worst. You will know. Most likely it is just your body is very confused, as mind was. Every month got worse with spotting non-stop and then when I am suppose to have a period..nothing. Just massive anxity, nausa, and unable to sleep because of jidders. After 2 months of "giving it a chance", I quit taking it 2 days ago and am starting to slowly feel better, I can sleep withouit valium. I am not tired and the bleeding has stopped. Hang in there. If you do not get the answer you find acceptable or are discount for your feelings, go to someone else. You are not alone.
Shannon, go back to the doctor..that is not right. I too had werid thing happening and quit taking it as I do not buy into the 3 month adjust theory. Other pills never had a problem. I strongly suspec there is something not throughly tested with this product. Too many women are having problems. Read what I wrote Racheal. Ditto for you. You are nnot alone, what you descibe is happening to many.
I am almost to my brown pills on loestrin, i just took my first white last night. Im FREAKED out because last week i had a full week of my period. It was one week early and EXTREMELY heavy. Cramps were unbearable and now i had some spotting as well.....does this mean it's not working? Me and my husband had unprotected sex during that time, so i'm worried. It looks to me like alot of people are having these problems though, so should i be ok? I mean, do i keep taking these pills as normal? will i still be protected?
I was told to start taking Loestrin 24 at the first sign of my period. I did and had a light 4 day period and was really excited. THEN, I started bleeding again 4 days later and it has not stopped. I am now on day 9 of bleeding that is becoming progressively heavier. So out of the 17 days on this pill, I've been bleeding for 13 of them. I highly upset because I started BC to make my periods shorter and lighter and now I'm constantly bleeding. I really wished I read this before I started. I think I'll stick it our through the first pack, but I cannot imagine continuously bleeing for another 10/11 days.
Well I'm almost done with my second pack of these pills in hoping the first month was the "just getting used to being back on birth control." The second month was a little bit better. But I still get depressed and emotional a lot. I am not sure if its postpartum depression after birth or actually depression. Anyone else suffering from this? If so, have you gone or talk to your doctor?
Hi, Ive been having about the same problems so far. I'm 21 years old. I was told to take my pill the second my period started. this is week 3 now on my 1st pack, just a week b4 my brown pills and I've been nauseated and medium bleeding. I was on this pill 4-5 years ago and never had these problems and was n it for 3 years. I had to stop taking it because i was spotting off my period after the 3 years being on it. I contacted my obgyn and my yearly appt was a month from then and they said i could change it then. well i went to my dr because of my broncitis and mentioned my other symptoms and they asked if i could possibly be pregant. i replied no because i took my pill ritually everyday for 3 years. despite my answer they took a blood test anyway. 3 days later i got the call congradulating me on my pregnancy. i was 5 weeks pregnant and didnt know and still taking the pill. and i believe because of that reason is y i miscarried because i took my pill those 5 weeks that i hadnt a clue i was pregnant. after that i had my period for one day thru the pregnancy and the 7th week i miscarried. after that i had mine for 3 days then just recently b4 i started loestrin i had it for 8-9 days and that is y i started taking the pill again. to my disappointment so far apon reading these post i find that something must be defective in this pill. Ive been nauseated since a week after taking them and now this 3rd week im bleeding a lil more than at a medium consistency. So now I think that wen I see my obgyn again next week for a follow-up, I'm gonna have it changed.
I started taking Loestrin the first day I started my cycle like the doc said. It is now day 11 and the bleeding has not lightened up, it's actually gotten worse. It has been real clotty which is usually not a issue for me. I am extremely tired and have crazy mood swings. My husband told me to quit taking them. I thought this would help our sex life (not that there is anything wrong with it), but now we can't even have sex because the bleeding is so bad. Does anyone have any advice? Should I stick it out?
I have been using LO Loestrin Fe for a week now.I was worried that i was going to bleed a lot after reading all the reviews but surprisingly I'm not getting any of those side effects.However,I do get mild headaches and i get a little emotional easily.So far it's been great.
Has anyone of you felt weird pain in the heart when you are around smokers even if you are not literally smoking ???
Hi!! this is my second month on the lo loestin fe and today I decided to stop taking the pills! I had my baby via csection 2 and half months ago and I still havent had an actual period! when I first gave birth I had a light period but when I was put on the pill I never got a period only spotting, bloating, cramps, headaches, and lack of energy. These symptoms can also be because I have a newborn that doesnt let me sleep much and an 21 month old so im super exhausted and stressed out. I decided to stop the pill and let my body take a break from pregnancy hormones and changes, surgery, and medication. After I heal, I will think of putting the paraguard (non hormonal) IUD. I think its important to get a normal period so that the body gets rid of all the toxins and clean itself.
i had a baby 12 weeks ago and started taking loestrin fe 1/20 for the first time. it will be 7 weeks tomorrow i have been taking it. i had my period 2 weeks ago and started again 2 days ago. i just want to know is this normal or should i be worried ?
I am towards the end of my second month on lo loestrin fe. I was put on this pill to solve an enlarged uterus and a thickened lining and to help regulate my hormones. I'm 41 and had my tubes blocked 3 years ago, so I don't really need the BC side of things. This pill was touted as a 'miracle cure' for all that ails you by my dr. I was excited to see the mild acne that started a few years ago FINALLY clear up...I was excited to think I wouldn't have to take herbal supplements everyday to help mood swings and night sweats...I was excited to think light periods or no periods at all. So far, acne is way worse; to the point where my husband told me maybe I should go see a dermatologist. I have horrendous mood swings and AWFUL depression! I don't want to do ANYTHING but sit in bed all day. I'm exhausted all the time but toss and turn all night, never able to get into a deep fitful sleep. And I have had constant bleeding for 2 months....well, that's a lie, I had 3 days right after what I think was the end of the first month period...And then I got ANOTHER period, horrible cramping that I ended up taking a vicodin for, heavy bleeding. It lightened a little and cramping stopped after 4 days, but STILL bleeding 2 weeks later! When I called the dr the first month, a snotty nurse told me it would take 2-3 months to regulate my system and to give it time...I had to practically shout to get her to understand I have never bleed like that before! She called me back and said the dr had reviewed my file and everything was fine. REVIEWED MY FILE??? How about reviewing ME? ARGH! I'm so frustrated! My husband is frustrated! Calling dr. again today. If she doesn't have me come in, I'm stopping the pill, I can't deal with this!
same thing with me!!! i cant stand it,i thought i was having enternal bleeding so thats why i looked this up,my cramping is so bad that i was crying and i cant even leave a tampon in for 30 mins
same thing with me but im ending my first pack,i cant take this pain,im always in pain and have been bleeding for 11 days,so so heavy,i cant even have a tampon infor more then 30 mins
I was taking Loestrin 24fe, and they just switched me to Lo Losestrin. from what I've been reading up there I shouldn't even be on this pill. My first month of the 24fe my period never came, the second month it came about half way through and it came with vengeance and never stopped I was halfway through pack 4 when I called. This pill sure does stop pregnancy because who wants to have sex while their pouring blood.
I took Lo Loestrine birth control for just over a week. There was a day or two that i forgot to take it so I took two to make up as instructed by my gyno. I stopped taking it a day ago and now I am bleeding and cramping like a period. Is this normal? I already had my period on Oct 31st this month. Is this an actual period or just withdrawal bleeding? It's a heavy flow. I'm not sure if this is normal or I need to see a doc. Never doing BC again.
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