Lo Loestrin Fe And Continuous Bleeding (Page 14) (Top voted first)


I started taking Lo Loestrin FE on Feb. 2nd and it is now Feb. 21st and I have been bleeding non-stop (literally all day, every day). Doctor says to wait it out for 3 months... 3 months of non-stop bleeding? I've heard of breakthrough bleeding but this crazy!

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Yes, Kendra, for the short time I was on it, it made me extremely tired. When I came home from work and saw my bed and pillow I just wanted to crawl in. I did not even have the energy to go for my customary walk or bike ride Sat/Sun mornings. I feel ALOT better off this pill. However...the past four days, I have had spotting. Sun, Mon and Tuesday was brown spotting, only when I wiped. Never even had to wear a pad and felt like I had my period, swollen in that area, very crampy and very bloated. Now yesterday afternoon, I actually could feel the bloat subsiding and the cramping going away. Last night and today just very little light spotting. Wondering if that was my period that would have happened had I never been on this pill. It was expected to come Tues/Weds of this week and often rears it's ugly head via cramps/bloating a few days before it arrives. So, by being on this pill, but stopping it 15days in, last pill I took was on the 21st of Sept, then I am sure I screwed up my cycle and may not get my real period again for maybe another 10-12 days.

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That is how I was first go around. I started this first day of my period and on the 6th or 7th day was still bleeding and got exactly what you described. So I bled constantly. Stopped the pack on the 15th pill...kept bleeding for three more days..then had another HORRIBLE bout of cramps..bloating..etc and theb sppotted for another seven days. Started the pill again on Sat the 5th...stopped spotting and now maybe once a day when I wipe I may have a tiny trace of blood. I am going to the end of this pack to try and right myself but then I'm out. Tuck and roll on this pill. I know I screwed up my cycle by stopping on the 15th pill of my first pack but I had horrible headaches and basically bled for 20 days.

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I just stopped taking it. after you stopped how long did the bleeding last? Its day 2 and it hasn't stopped.

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I am now on my third pack of lo loesterin fe. I finished my period 10 days ago. For the last 4 days I have had a light to dark brown discharge when I wipe. It is very uncomfortable because even though I know I am not going to start my period it feels as if I though I am. I have been going through this since I started on this birth control. At first, I felt alot of the side affects. I had mood swings, depression, I would get irritated very easily and I noticed that my body odor increased in addition to spotting and cramping. I want to stop taking this pill but at the same time I hope that if I continue taking until the three full months that I will see a change in my heavy periods. As mentioned in another post, I had the nova sure procedure in may 2013. This procedure was unsuccessful. I bled as heavy as I had before I had the procedure done. Can anyone tell me if they too have experienced what I have for the first three months? And if so, was there a change after for better or worse? I've realized that this is probably the time that I should be ovulating and instead of my discharge being clear its a bit brown. Did anyone else experience this?

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Hi gina. Im on the 3rd pack and went thru the same "period " as y. Heavy cramps. Nausia.fatigue. my spotting lasted for 2 days. I wonder if i will get a real period this month? If not i wont complain ad i bled for almost 3 months. But i havr no energy to excersize and i have developed a burning achy pain in my r upper quadrant. I read loestrin can cause gallbladder inflamation.i had mine removed 19 years ago but i think these pills are whats causing the pain

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Wow so many negative comments on LoLoestrin. Im not much of a bleeder.I just wanted a low low dose of estrogen in my birth control. Im on my white pills on the 1st pack. I had a few days where I wiped &found super light brownish red blood but not much. I wore a light tampon twice since I started the pack. Im a lil bloated &cranky but im hoping itll pass when my period starts. Lo Loestrin has got to be better than Reclipsen.

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I have also experiencedoing hair loss on this pill. It's terrible I literally have about 10 bald spots all over my head.

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I started lo loestrin fe birth control pills back in October of 2014.These were my first birth control pills ever. After 3 months in the pill I started noticing bald spots in my head and I got a feeling about the pills, so I stopped cause i started seeing bad reviews online. Then I went back to my gynecologist who came up with any and every excuse in the book saying that it was not the pills even though before I begin my pills I had gotten blood work done and everything had came back normal even thyroid, diabetes, and high blood pressure, nothing had changed in my diet but the pills. so I recommend if you Are expiriencing hair loss STOP right away!!!!! It's the most horrible experience I have come across in my life and still dealing with. I have seen the dermatologist who said most hair loss comes by taking medication. Which in this case was the pills. If anyone else has had this problem please comment below and share with me your experience. I still get depressed when I see my spots so any motivation would be greatly appreciated thank you!!!!!

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I am 39 and my only real concen is dvt/pe risk. (I am not concerned with breakthrough bleeding/androgenic activity). Being that Lo-loestrin carries a first generation progestin AND the lowest estrogen dose, would it be the "safest" of all coc's in terms of lowest risk of dvt/pe?

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Hi..I am on 2nd pack of Lo Loestrin Fe.They put me on it because of my bleeding, cyst in my ovary, acne, felt pms symtoms.So after 3 weeks I had a couple days no bleeding, then spotting alittle, by the end of my 1st pack, and I am going on 3rd row of my 2nd pack, I been bleeding non stop.I am exhausted, I can tell I gained weight..So frustrated..Not even sure if my cyst is shrinking..My GYN told me to come back in Feb..and its Dec 18th.I am 44..I dont need it for the birth control, just wanted to get my system normal, I am not sure if I should ask for something stronger to stop the bleeding, I read alot of other stories on how, I am not the only one, but I dont have a life, because bleeding constant with cramps and pain, I dont feel like exercising, and doing much..plus I get hot/ cold flashes during the day..like if my hormones are all mixed up..what should I do?? :(

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First pack of my pills I had spotted for 12 days and had breakthrough bleeding for 2 days. Period came normally as scheduled. Started 2nd pack..6 days after that, I have breakthrough bleeding for 5 days. I'm taking this for my endometriosis. I am bleeding less than usual. (Usually my periods, I go through bunches of pads for hours..but going throughout the month? A pain..) Breakthrough bleeding days are light/normal bleeding but still a pain. I feel tired lately. Gyno says I should persist 3 packs and I'm on 2nd pack and hating this! How is this even "normal"?!

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Ive been on it for 3+ months. my doctor put me on this to help stop my extremely heavy periods. I was anemic, and bleeding sometimes 16 days in a row. and bleeding almost 200ml a day ( a normal period is 80mls, for the entire period)
On this pill my period happens every other week at first it was lighter so that was good, I could finally go about my day but now its back to the way it was. extremely heavy and long. I am now anemic again and extremely drained feeling and cant go about my day as usual anymore. I fewel that my doctor is incompetent, as when I was trying to re-explain my symptoms to him he claimed that the amount I am bleeding is subjective. He kept repeating this, and talking over me. He kept saying that the amount a woman bleeds is personal?! Sure in most instances, but when you bleed as much as I am it's a medical issue, not a personal issue. I really advise against using loestrin if you have extremely heavy and long periods.

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I started take the birth control for a week start bleeding Friday that was in November. I stop taking it. It crazy to be on a birth control pill and it start making you bleed crazy and have the worst cramps every no way. An when it was time to take it my head and chest hurt and it make me feel dizzy too. These Lo Loestrin Fe was the worse birth control pill and my for time on the pill. Depo was before than Lo Loestrin Fe but I won't get back on Depo or Lo Loestrin Fe.

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Re: Kimberly (# 264) Expand Referenced Message

No do not worry. I got 5 days of clumps. Had my period for the entire month.
I did forget to take the pill one day so I took 2 in one day. A friend on the same pill told me That it is important to take it at the exact same time every single day so since this is my third pack I’m going to try that option and if I bleed the entire month again I will have to go on a higher dose pill.

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Re: Ellvee (# 283) Expand Referenced Message

Well I’m soooo glad to hear these responses also !!!! I’m not not sure have long I’ve been on them but I’ve been bleeding constantly and I’ve been scared to death and have some type of cervical cancer or something . My dr wanted me to do a d&c (for a polyp ) but I’m terrified to be put under do I just had a biopsy done in office Monday and waited 5-7 for results and about another 7 days before I start new pills ! Ugh! I’m praying g it’s just the pills and if it is boy what a big mistake it was getting on these!

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Lo Loestrin Fe sucks. I have been bleeding for 28 days. The cramps feel like hell on earth and each active pill makes my period heavier.. I hate this!!

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My 16 year old daughter was put on Loestrin FE for heavy bleeding, long periods and very painful menstrual cramps. She is on week 3 of her 1st pack and she has been bleeding for 9 days. She said it’s not bad or heavy bleeding, but it is constant all day long. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I’ve got a call into her gynecologist. Thank you!

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My doctor gave me this sample 2 weeks ago. I am not even through my 2nd week and got my period on schedule. I have had heavy bleeding for the past 3 days, no end in sight. I could not describe the level of back pain I am enduring and I have NEVER had back pain with a period. I have tried this one before and I never stopped spotting. My new doctor told me to give it 3 months. No thanks!

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Re: Crissy (# 295) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i am 20 years old, i recently just started taking Lo Loestrin Fe this month and all I can say is wow. I started taking the pill the very first day my period started which was a Sunday. It was like a regular period. I am normally heavy and my cramps are normally bad so what I can say is that the pill kinda helped with the cramps and the bleeding because it wasn’t bad at all.. but what I can say is, there was constant bleeding. I finished my period on the 6th day and that’s normally how long my periods last, it ended light and everything was cool and then 6 days later I started bleeding all over again, for another week. It was so annoying, once again it wasn’t as heavy and I had no cramps but the constant bleeding and having two periods in one month back to back is very overwhelming. I finally ended yesterday after 6 days again and remind you I am on my first pack and this is my first time ever on birth control so I didn’t really know what to expect. I know you’re supposed to start bleeding during the inactive pills but I was bleeding during the active pills and it was in the beginning and middle of the pack. I know everyone and my doctor is saying it will take a couple months (3-4) for your body to get used to it and I’m hoping I don’t have any more surprise bleeding because if so then I will be switching birth control brands. So I like Lo Loestrin so far that’s just the only problem I’ve had with it. Once again everyone is different and so are our bodies so what may happen to me, may not happen to others. Give it a few months.. i will try

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Re: Denisa (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

How long after u stopped taking the pills did ur period stop?

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