Lo Loestrin Fe And Continuous Bleeding (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I started taking Lo Loestrin FE on Feb. 2nd and it is now Feb. 21st and I have been bleeding non-stop (literally all day, every day). Doctor says to wait it out for 3 months... 3 months of non-stop bleeding? I've heard of breakthrough bleeding but this crazy!

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I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and PCOS. I am taking Metformin 1500 mg and Lo Loestrin a day and thought the Metformin was the cause of my non-stop period. I am so happy I found this forum I was going crazy! I am on week 2 of non stop period and am 2 days away from finishing my first pack. I haven't had any anxiety or depression however this non-stop bleeding has me at wit's ends. My boobs are bigger than ever, and I wear size 36 C and feel like they're at a DD. I suffer hair loss as it is, and have noticed thinner hair. I am going to be positive and stick it out, but I cannot imagine 3 months of hell. The cramping is HORRIBLE. I feel like a baby is coming out of me, and the clots are about the size of quarter. I do not wish upon anyone else. Will keep posting and reading everyone else's comments. This is probably the most effective birth control--it lowers any desire of having sex and the bleeding makes it impossible to have intercourse.

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I have had 8 periods in the past 3.5 months. Lo Loestrin Fe has also caused me to develop anxiety and depression, today I literally could not leave the house because of uncontrollable crying. It also caused me to gain 13 pounds (with diet and exercise). I highly suggest you switch! today was my last day on it and i couldnt be more excited to get off this damn thing!

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Hi Ladies...

I was given the Lo loFe as well...I explained to the doc my experiences in the past with BC pills. The hormones, etc. Literally made me suicidal. After everything I have read, I find it very likely that I will have some severely negative side effects to this pill. I need an answer! I cannot afford to pay 400 for an IUD right now...I feel so trapped!! I had 10 pregnancies, which I lost...and I can't handle it to happen again, but Ijust keep getting any pill tossed at me, and I go nuts!!! I don't know what to do...If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Idon't know if I can risk such side effects with more depression...I already suffer from it, and am coping with it. I feel very stuck. I need BC, help with my acne, regulation of my periods would be great. I just can't find the answer anywhere in sight. Thanks everyone for your posts, and I wish you all the best! Please keep it updated on whats working, and not...I'm looking for all the info I can get.

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Personally I am extremely sensitive to added hormones. Ive been on the depo shot, nuva ring and 3 different pills. After my second child I got on the paragard IUD, the nonhormonal. I had it in for one year. Had it removed because the last few months I experience heavy continual bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, decreased sex drive and honestly it just wasnt comfortable to have sex. Having it out, I immediately felt better and the bleeding stopped. I got put on loestrin 2 weeks ago. I already regret it. Nausea every day, swelling in my feet and bloating in my stomach. I even have sore boobs. I havent had sore boobs since I had my children. I dont think there is a good answer out there besides having your tubes tied. Our bodies were not designed to take these pills every day. Added hormones. Killing your eggs. Just seems messy and it is. No matter what preventative measure you take. I'm talking to my doctor this week about getting my tubes tied because I DONT want anymore kids but I'm tired of taking things to prevent having babies... and feeling like crap all of the time!!

In a nutshell, I'm just saying the IUD was not the answer for me and I wasted my $$$.

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I totally understand!! My insurance won't cover an IUD or the tubal procedure. I'm not irresponsible...I use condoms...I'm gonna look into if there's any funding for students, and I'm a mom already, too.after all this research, I am relieved I'm not aLone her :) take care!!

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I started the Lo Lo pills 4 months ago. First period was fine then two weeks later had a heavy flow with A LOT of blood clots for 11 days, then didn't get it for 4 weeks and now I'm going on my third week of heavy flow and blood clots. I was also put on this because of my high blood pressure, but it is getting to be too much. I'm going on vacation next month and don't want this to be a problem. Has anyone just stopped? How long did it take to stop bleeding?

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I started lo loestrin on Jan. 14th. It is now the 26th. This is my first time on pills and I'm becoming impatient. Doc told me give it 3 months before I see a change to my extremely irregular cycle but this is crazy. Totally defeats the purpose. If this doesn't stop by the time I'm done with the first pack, I'm asking for a new pill.

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Super glad to see this. I started my pack immediately after I got it. I am two pills from finishing my first month. My period isn't due for about two weeks but 5 days ago I started bleeding, and it seems to have stopped, but it could just be a false alarm and start back up again. Reguardless, it is uncomfortable. It isn't heavy enough to be my period, but it is definitly enough to be a pain. This is the only birth control I can currently afford, so for now I'm stuck with it. Aside from this, I have yet to experience any side effects. I do take it in the evenings, not sure if that makes a difference.

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Well, I went back to the doctor and she said the Lo loestrin was not strong enough for me. Even though u have to adjust to a pill, u should not have heavy bleeding for 3 weeks. She gave me Natazia. I've only taken one pill so far and I already see a huge difference. I took it at 10pm and by 2pm today, the bleeding has slowed tremendously. It's still light right now. My mood has also improved. I know its only been 1 day, so I hope I continue this great experience.

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Did it get any better? Your post sounds exactly like my current experience. I'm on day 16 of the pill and am having the worst bleeding of my life, soaking through my jeans down my legs and to the floor within seconds of standing. 5 days straight so far.

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The bleeding stopped after taking natazia for 3 days.I've only been on this pill for a week but I love it. My mood has even improved. My doctor said lo loestrin wasn't strong enough for me. You do need time to adjust to new drugs but its no reason to bleed that long. If its heavy, its no help for your cycle. Ask for a new pill.

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I am having the same experience. I started Lo Lo 2 weeks ago. The first week was okay. But I've been bleeding nonstop for like 7 or 8 days now. Again, not heavy enough to be a period, but really REALLY annoying! It's gotten to the point where I don't want to be on it anymore. I don't want to wait 3 months. For the previous 12 months I was on Loestrin (not Lo Lo) and I really liked it. But they don't offer the discount card anymore. What to do, what to do -- go back to Loestrin and pay almost twice as much, or stick with this stufc.

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I had my daughter oct.12th. 4 weeks later i went to the doc for post partum checkup and a birth control method. I was put on lo loestrin fe due to being anemic during pregnancy. My appt was on a tuesday i was instructed to start the pack that sunday (even though my period hadnt come back since my daughers birth) so i did. Now for about 4 months i have been bleeding every 7-10 days nothing heavy but its kind of defeating the purpose of being on BC i just hope its doing its job in not releasing an egg every month lol. Im not sure if its related but my hair is falling out alot! I have to unclog shower drain after every shower i take now for water to drain! I called my obgyn today and am switching to something else asap!!

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I'm so glad to see I'm not alone. I've been on Lo loestrin fe for three months and it's been pretty horrible. Before starting birth control, my periods were extremely regular- practically the same day for 12 years. Now I have no idea what to expect. My first period on the pill was 2 weeks long and very painful (they're normally 5 days long) the second month I got a very light period, so I was hopeful the worst was over. However, this past month I've had a horrible time- I got my period when I was supposed to, but longer and more painful than usual. A week later, I had another week long period. That finally ended two days ago, and now im bleedin heavily again. This pill is making me anxious all of the time and has ironically stopped me from having sex for 3 months because im so paranoid. I'm going to see a new gyno because I'm convinced that anyone who would prescribe this hates women lol.

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I had the same issue, it was a game to me b/c I wasn't sure what was going on. There were times where I had mass amounts of blood, I'm talking cups come out of me. Then there would be times where I thought I started but then it was spotting, but different colors. I had PMS symptoms all the time too; back ache, bloating, sluggish feeling...Glad you got off!

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started lo loestrin feb 3 when i got my period, i would say i had regular menstrual stopped and now this morning (day 20 of taking pill) i was spotting like when im about get my period should i continue the pack or just stop! is this normal? helppp!!!

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Hi everyone- just wanted to follow up on the post I made a few weeks ago. I switched from lo loestrin fe to loestrin 24 fe and now everything is completely back to normal. Like many others have posted here, lo loestrin is just too little estrogen for many women. Also, I think doctors push it because it's more expensive. For me, the generic works so much better and I'm getting it for free. Good luck, everyone and thanks for the support :)

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I'm having the exact same problem w bleeding. How did you stop it? I don't know what to do. My doctor away this week I suppose just keep taking the pill and hope the bleeding stops. This is my first month on the pill and I'm in the third week, bleeding heavily these last 8 days it's crazy... But I'm scared to just stop, would that make things worse?

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You should keep taking it as directed so you are still protected from pregnacy. Untill you can get in to see your doctor.

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I have the exact problem! It's only my second week on the pill and it just started bleeding today. Glad I'm not the only one though.

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