Liquid Methadone Color Discrepancy (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy husband is taking liquid methadone has been for about four years and this morning he noticed his medicine was cloudy and then he took his other doses out and found several others of his doses were too. They were filled at the same time. Is this supposed to happen? And is it common? He said he hasn't bee feeling right for the last couple of days. I am worried, has anyone have this happen to thiers? And what could cause it?
When I went to a methadone clinic I took subutex an I seen huge gallon jugs of liquid methadone an tube running out the top an a person was filling up little bottles for the people who had been there for years an they didn't have to go an dose daily but it was described to me as looking just like color of liquid benadryl not cloudy it was a pinkish to red in color with no cloudy look an I seen tons of bottles an cups of liquid ppl was taking none was ever cloudy an I was there daily for 1yr an I'm now back on my pain meds I had to go do that to lower my tolerance but it was ppl that said they been going daily for nine plus yrs an also on up to 210ml per dose aday so it was alot of ppl I net on 150ml to 210ml an they tried to wean off an they couldn't as they said the withdrawals are the worst outta anything out here hope this helps this was Roanoke Virginia
You have not clue what you are saying. You DONT high from the methodone so I suggest you educate yourself before you start making accusations that have no basis. There are people that have been on it for 25 years. It's proven medically the longer you're on it the less likely you are to relapse. Yes there probably people who abuse the situation but to make the comment you made is dumb.
Check how thick it is, i have heard of it being diluted befor it was dispensed by a dodgey pharmisit who was struck off
Some independent pharmacies make it on site as it is cheaper than buying in pre-made solution from Martindale which although is liquid 1mg/1ml its branded as Physeptone much like the 5mg tablets which are not readily prescribed due to being very easy to inj.! Anywho the pharmacy next village from me which most of you may know of, Dunblane. And unlike your chains like Lloyds, boots, etc, Dunblane pharmacy is an independent one and all recovering addicts on methadone were complaining of severe withdrawals!! Needless to say this was very hard for friends of mine to prove it was the pharmacy at fault, as after all recovering or even recovered addicts all lie, cheat and steal!!! Small minded people don't start me on that subject! But needless to say it turned out the chemist was handing out methadone, free methadone!!?? Apparently the active ingredient or not enough was equated to the amount of whatever it is mixed with? SO YEAH GET THIS CHECKED OUT FRIEND. Hope your well by the time you see this message. Thanks for listening. Regards, A friend.
my methadone has lost its color is this normal after sitting a few weeks
Here in Minnesota the clinic I've been going to for last 13 years has a maximum of 13 take homes so I go every other week to dose and pick up. Methadone saved my life. I was out of control and for the past decade + I've been totally sober. As far as feeling different it can be from a long list of factors. Ex. When it's a hot day and I'm busy and over doing things myself then I'll feel like it doesn't last. Like I swear it out or processed it too quickly.
Also for the others who wondered it should say the strength on the bottle like my dose is 200 and it says 20ml on bottle, meaning 10mg/ml so if you're concerned it's not enough get yourself a medicine dropper and see if it's what it is supposed to be. I've also seen people think it wasn't enough and take a lot and OD so YES it's normal to be a very small amount of liquid.
Clear methadone should NOT taste leik water. It will taste very bitter and nasty. Almost leik someone dissolved a pill in water, but it is clear. If it tasted leik straight water, that's because it WAS straight water.
They put dye in take home bottles so u can't administer it intravenously, but cloudiness/ice, never heard of that. Sometimes at my program it's stronger, sometimes weaker. You never know what your gonna get. I'm almost off but it's the worst going through withdrawals. So go and check with whoever prescribed it.
Re: Dan (# 20)
Thank you, 3 years for me. It’s just like the meds I take for my heart and my diabetes. Some people just don’t understand.
Re: Fed up (# 17)
You've not walked in their shoes. Wait, do you actually think you're better than anyone? You're not. You're not innocent. You're not free of moral disgrace. People like you make me sick. First of all...drugs...from coffee to opiates are not bad. People are bad. And when people do things out of moderation or beyond intended use then life can become unmanageable. Back to my point, drugs are bad only when you cease to function normally and your life becomes unmanageable. Methadone makes no claim to “get people off drugs”. It is a tool and a system to make life manageable again so that the question of sobriety is even on the table again. Some people are so caught up in feeling high and getting the money to get the next high in an insane tail-chasing game that there is no reprieve or even a moment of clarity to begin that process. For some people it could be months. For others maybe years, but that's beside the point. You don't get to judge. You're a dirty, filthy, lying human being with zero moral authority over anyone, so don't come on this forum and virtue signal out of your ass. This is supposed to be an informative forum...not point your fatty finger at others. Forgive my language.
Re: Donna (# 12)
The clear methadone has a very harsh taste I vent even explain.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Well, Not sure why they're sending me these notices for posts from 2011?? But I will give you an idea of what might have happened anyway. Years ago a doctor was prescribing me 30 mg. Roxicodone and I noticed I was always getting shorted. The last time it happened I was shorted exactly 20, I don't think anyone mis-counts by 20! I called and the pharmacist got right on the phone and never questioned me or anything and said to come right back and they'll have those 20 all ready for me. Well, I figured it out, it was the pharmacist himself who was helping himself to my much needed medicine!! I suspect that this may be what happened w/ your husband's methadone. Who ever prepared it probably poured some for themselves and watered it down to fill it back to where it was supposed to be. Do NOT trust any pharmacist, they can be some of the worst addicts, I mean a pharmacist stealing pills from customers, it doesn't get any worse than that folks! Not many people count their pills when they get them but let me suggest that you start doing it now, especially in these times when doctors are in such fear of the DEA that they won't RX anything stronger than a tramadol. Incidentally, we are Not in any damn opioid epidemic anymore, the CDC wants to keep this farce going because there's a couple of real opiatephobic *****s that are in charge of the national guidelines. They are including alcohol mixed w/ other drugs in their totals for opiate related deaths!! Also, they're including heroin and fake fentanyl deaths. They have really created a disaster for people who suffer with chronic pain. Such unnecessary suffering and for what?? The opioid epidemic has been over for more than 5 yrs, how in the heck could there still be one when there aren't any doctors prescribing anything?! To the CDC, you have a LOT to answer for!
Hi I just wanted to tell you that my methadone is always cloudy. Mine is red and if it sits for any amount of time it gets cloudy. I noticed my take home bottles get this way after a couple of days.
I am having the same issue. I get my doses every 2 weeks and toward the end of that period my doses start losing their color and smell. Usually it a deep red and the smell is potent enough to hit ur gag reflex. However, I have noticed when it loses the color it is also losing that potent smell, and it feels like the all around potency has gotten much weaker bc when I take the doses that have lost smell and color I start feeling sluggish half way thru the day, and when I finally get my next 2 weeks to take home. That 1st one I take that is deep red and smells strong works well. So I don't think everyone's stories can be chalked up to the food coloring.
Re: Diana (# 10)
Vermont u get 30 days take homes to aftwr a year clwan .
liquid methadone can come in powder form and mixed with water thats why it may be cloudy and taste different or strange? i have had the same problem some is sugar free that tastes alot different. i would ask the pharmacy he gets it from? esp if hes not feeling to good as it may be a bad batch or something? i hope hes not too unwell as methadone withdrawl is horrible!!
How are you guys getting liquid from a pharmacy, I thought you can only get that from a clinic, I was getting it from my pcp for pain and they just cut me, because of all these drs getting arrested. They referred me to pain management but no luck yet. I'm on long Island if any one knows of any where I can go please let me know. Thank you
Hey I am on 155mg 15.5ml of 10mg per 1 ml methadone solution. It's basically similar in taste to oxy mixed in a rig.... Very similar taste and much better than the Cherry concentrate garbage.
Dude ur dr pharmacist f****d you. Unless it's powder mixed only into water but even then you should taste the non water additives no matter what.
I feel the clinic I go to does the same thing. My friend goes to another clinic 1hr away n his methadone is so much stronger it's crazy. So I know how ya feel. Turn the f***ers in. They don't give 2 f***s bout us. A bunch of us at my clinic called the medical complaint board. That's who u need to call.
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