Liquid Methadone Color Discrepancy (Page 3)
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My husband is taking liquid methadone has been for about four years and this morning he noticed his medicine was cloudy and then he took his other doses out and found several others of his doses were too. They were filled at the same time. Is this supposed to happen? And is it common? He said he hasn't bee feeling right for the last couple of days. I am worried, has anyone have this happen to thiers? And what could cause it?

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Ummmm your 90 percent wrong. Someones tampering with your stuff. Be careful hubby maybe poisoning you.

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Clear methadone should NOT taste leik water. It will taste very bitter and nasty. Almost leik someone dissolved a pill in water, but it is clear. If it tasted leik straight water, that's because it WAS straight water.

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Here in Minnesota the clinic I've been going to for last 13 years has a maximum of 13 take homes so I go every other week to dose and pick up. Methadone saved my life. I was out of control and for the past decade + I've been totally sober. As far as feeling different it can be from a long list of factors. Ex. When it's a hot day and I'm busy and over doing things myself then I'll feel like it doesn't last. Like I swear it out or processed it too quickly.
Also for the others who wondered it should say the strength on the bottle like my dose is 200 and it says 20ml on bottle, meaning 10mg/ml so if you're concerned it's not enough get yourself a medicine dropper and see if it's what it is supposed to be. I've also seen people think it wasn't enough and take a lot and OD so YES it's normal to be a very small amount of liquid.

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Yes, I've had the green in Nj.... it was honestly the strongest methadone I've ever had, I thought they had given me too much. I've mostly seen red, but there is a place that has clear around me in PA as well. In Florida at a clinic I guest dosed in they had orange wafers... So there are all different kinds. Even the red methadone can differ if it is a different company who makes it... although it has the same ingredients as everyone says, you can still tell a difference between them, sometimes one being noticeably stronger. I had the same experience with pain meds, same prescription but different maker & had a totally different affect when I compared the different ones.

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I am currently living I'm canada and we have methadone pre mixed from a pharmaceutical company that's called Methadose. It comes in cherry which is dark red and sugar free which is clear... it contains 10mg methadone per 1 ml of liquid and comes in tamper free bottles with a pump and must be poured in front of patients at the pharmacy... I'm on 120mg daily but it comes in an easy to drink 12ml of liquid... so yes there is clear methadone... your methadone is mixed from a powder by a pharmacist and can be f****d with easily which is why canada switched to tamper proof containers with pumps with 10mg per 1ml concentration...

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I just started a clinic and it too is light green . I was on a pinkish colored one before at a diff clinic and that one tasted very strong and made my throat kinda numb? As this green one does not..taste a lil nasty but nothing compared to the pink. I hope this helps a little .

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I am on methadone, mine is pink in color. I took to this site trying to find answers myself. Our clinic isn't ALWAYS on the up/up (being honest) & I'm feeling days my methadone holds me longer & shorter a lot more. Our clinic does add water, right in our faces & adds different amounts, our clinic does A LOT of things, maybe they shouldn't, such as with our swab analysis, ETC ETC ETC...Who do I report or complain to, bc I have some serious allegations towards my clinic but don't know where to turn for answers?

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I got a few bottles for a take home for a week and I noticed the bottles were not consistent in color, and when I got to the end of a bottle it seemed to be lighter in color like it was tampered with.. Who do they answer to and who does quality control? I live in Okatie, SC. Is anyone in my area?

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I'm in the uk and collect my methadone twice per week. Im currently on 60mls daily. It's been green but my friend said hers was clear! Im unaware there was clear. Can anyone clarify if this is true please? Many thanks.

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I'd be very suspect bc in the states all liquid methadone/methadose has to have a color descriptor added for identification purposes.Im speaking of methadone prescribed for opiate addiction treatment purposes and dispensed by any licensed methadone clinics.perhaps it's a slightly diluted pink from the red dye preparation .

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So there is no such thing as purple colored? It smells grapey I am not an addict but my boyfriend is. He has been claiming to get liquid methadone for the past few weeks till he's done with jos aoda.

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my methadone has lost its color is this normal after sitting a few weeks

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Coda vs allied what color is liquid of both. Need to know

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I have been taking liquid methadone at a clinic for about 3 years now. About a month ago they switched pharmacys and instead of the regular pink liquid I had been taking for years, it's now clear and makes me feel different and dosent hold me as long. The nurse said the pink was only flavor. And talking to others they feel the same. Is it in my head or is it affecting me different?

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In NJ both tablets and liquid are dispensed at clinics and yes the bulk liquid is clear a red dye is added

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Is there a clear methadone I've only seen the red one.

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I've been in a program for 18 years in new York when the clinic medicates you they show you the pills and count them in front of you each piece is 10 milligrams it's up to you if you want to add water or juice no I live in Florida and they giving me the red methadone liquid which I seem to be sick all the time you don't know how much they giving because it comes from a machine I'm on 149 milligrams and it's so little you feel like you're not taking anything

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Some independent pharmacies make it on site as it is cheaper than buying in pre-made solution from Martindale which although is liquid 1mg/1ml its branded as Physeptone much like the 5mg tablets which are not readily prescribed due to being very easy to inj.! Anywho the pharmacy next village from me which most of you may know of, Dunblane. And unlike your chains like Lloyds, boots, etc, Dunblane pharmacy is an independent one and all recovering addicts on methadone were complaining of severe withdrawals!! Needless to say this was very hard for friends of mine to prove it was the pharmacy at fault, as after all recovering or even recovered addicts all lie, cheat and steal!!! Small minded people don't start me on that subject! But needless to say it turned out the chemist was handing out methadone, free methadone!!?? Apparently the active ingredient or not enough was equated to the amount of whatever it is mixed with? SO YEAH GET THIS CHECKED OUT FRIEND. Hope your well by the time you see this message. Thanks for listening. Regards, A friend.

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I know it's months late but your definitely right. It's def not free at least not for me or most. Every state and clinic is different. I've paid anywhere from 20$ for a week to 16$ a freakin day. It's great to see we can still get jobs like that pharmacy tech and basically whatever else and love a normal happy quality life. The quality of my life is most important. Peace love and happiness. This allows me to do all that and more. It's not an easy decision to make and the choice is rather humbling. I'm glad to see someone like yourself on here. Best wishes enjoy your weekend!

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Check how thick it is, i have heard of it being diluted befor it was dispensed by a dodgey pharmisit who was struck off

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