Lipitor/memory Loss
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After two years on Lipitor my wife has a serious memory loss. Dr.'s can't explain it. I tell them I believe it's the Lipitor and they say it's not known to cause memory loss. I beginning to hear that it does. She's now off Lipitor, and if it's causing the memory loss - will her short term memory improve?
18 Replies
I have used Lipitor for about 1 and 1/2 year. During the use of these tables I could find my brain slowing down and huge problems with my memory. I use to have a photographic memory, now I have to think twice before speaking to people, because stuggle to remember their names. I use to achieve distictions in studies. I went back to study and strugle to make a pass? Find work a lot harder as well. I use to be on a dosage of 40mg... Will never go back onto them again... I though I was alone with this, but can not believe when reading this forum. I am only 31 years of age and with a brain of a 90 year old.. This is no good. Something should be done to stop other people from taking this drug.
I too have been taking Lipitor and have memory problems. I also lost my job due to the memory problems. My Doctor said it isn't a side effect, but a friend spoke to a Dr. and said this is a well known side effect. I am going to do further research and see another doctor. I'm just glad to know this may be the reason for my memory problem.
I was on lipitor for 1 month, and the lowest dosage. That was 5 yrs ago. I still have memory loss and pain in my muscles. Yes it does effect you. I couldn't walk for over a year, I had to live in the downstairs only. I have gotten better. I am now on Zinc for memory, and CoQ10 for my muscle cells. I have greatly improved with these. I have expermented with dosage to get the best results. Stain drugs block the production of CoQ10 that naturaly occur in the body. It is documented in several medical reports. My doctor has went for side effects only occur in 1 in 3000 to 1 in 300. And because of my problems he has removed several people off of this medicane. I was in my 30's, and very athletic. So he knew it was genitics that and not eating habits or health that caused these problems.
my husband is having the same problem but his may be due to diabetes. he will see a neurologist soon if i find anything out about the lipitor i will post it
Cheri: My wife is off of Lipitor now. We have now visited 5 doctors. Along the way someone said Lipitor is the number one money maker and doctors are getting some benefits from perscribing Lipitor. My wife is now on leave from her job. She can't function to the level needed, because of her short term memory loss. Psychiaitrist now thinks Lipitor could be playing a key role in her memory loss. My wife has no family history of memory loss. My wife is way too young for this to be happening. I think certain people are effected in this way from Lipitor, but they seem to be ignoring us (Too much money is being made). Ironically she's worked at a hospital for the last 13 years. I may seek legal action also. Please contact me in Boise Id.
Dear Dan, i also have taken Lipitor for 2 years know and also have memory loss,frown.I did not know about it doing ` that till my mom told a man she knows took Lipitor for many years and it ruined his life.He lost his business and other things i think had a stroke not sure but anyway he blames Lipitor for it.He told my mom to tell me to STOP taking it! Hope i dont have any other problems,frown.I told my doctor and he like your said oh it is okay.No it is not and i am going to stop taking it and ask him for another brand but he is a korean doctor and does not believe in much.I need to get rid of him but have been goingto him for 13 years to long,smile.Anyway i think i would like to find other people who have taken Lipitor and memory loss has happened and talk to someone about it,sue the maker or get them to notice the problem,becasue something has to be done and let others know there may be a problem.I was forgetting ,simple things at that,frown.I am hearing more and more of this about Lipitor and not good.Anyway lets keep our ears open,smile.
The Ocracosanol comes in 60 capsules for a 2 capsule a day months supply.
You can get a interesting complete report by e-mailing:
[email protected]
with the word Heart in the subject line.
Thanks for the reply.What size of container do you get for $13.00?Do you know of anything ofr blood pressure control also? I am a vegan and trade at a couple of heath food stores regularly.
Twin Labs makes the Spinach Octacosanol and has since the mid 70's. You can find it at the website
do all health food stores have octacosanol? My doctor wanted to start me on Lipitor and I told him no!
There is a product that I use instead of Statin drugs. Its called Octacosanol It is a spinach derivitave. It lowered my cholesterol 30 points in ten days,lowered my triglicerides and increased my HDL (good) while lowering my bad (LDL)
There are no side effects and it cost about $13.00
I have been using it for about 16 months now.
Ms. Rudolph's comments on statins being the cause of Alzheimers are misrepresenting what's being said. It's like she's saying cold weather is a cold. Statins could be the cause that advances the premature start of memory loss.
The medical journals report the first Alzheimer diagnosis was actually in 1979. Medical evidence of dementia goes back to 1909. Google the drug Baycol for more intereting info.
How can people think that Lipitor may be
linked to Alzheimers? This disease
has been around for yrs. long before any of the statin drugs were
on the market. Do Alzheimers patients naturally have low cholesterol levels?
Statin drugs such as Lipitor attack cholesterol .The brain's weight is made up of about 80% cholesterol .Baycol,another statin drug was removed from the market for the same reason.In some corners it is believed that the Statin drug use has increased the number of Alzheimers patients.
See this link
I think it will interest you.
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