Linzess Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Linzess forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Linzess and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been on the 145 dose of Linzess for several years now, and it was like a miracle drug. No side effects, and for the first time in 30 years, regular BMs. The past few months have not been so great, though. Constipation, bloating and cramps have returned. I saw my Gastro a few weeks ago, and she upped my dosage to the 290. No change. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? So frustrating! ## Unfortunately, many people have reported the same experience, though the amount of time have varied. Are you making sure to take it with a full glass of water, at least half an hour, before eating or drinking anything else, as directed by the FDA? The bloating and cramps can be side effects of this medication, but it usually causes diarrhea, rather than constipation. Are you on any other ...
how long does it take to work ## Hello, Oscar! How are you? Linzess is not actually intended to be used for weight loss, so there is no time frame I can give you for this. It is used to treat symptoms of IBS that are associated with constipation. And while that may cause weight loss, in some instances, it can be dangerous to try to lose weight via giving yourself diarrhea, since it creates the risk of malnourishment and dehydration. Common side effects to this drug may include nausea, dizziness and stomach pain. Was it prescribed for weight loss? ## I just received a sample from the dr to help with my weight loss, however, I am shocked at ALL the side affects from people of.horrible weight gain! I am confused, can you please help explain? ## I have IBS. Been taking linzesss for a month....
I eat very clean, rarely at restaurants. I have been on Linzess (Lazy bowels) for years, been on synthroid (subclinical hypothyroidism) for several months now along with simvastatin for high cholesterol (hereditary). All blood work shows perfect numbers. I have done several variations with my macros monitored by a trainer. I have not been able to drop any weight in 3 years. No one understands, not even the doctors. I am a personal trainer my self and work out 5-6 days a week. I’m about to stop all prescribed meds because I don’t know if they may be causing the issue. I feel like I’ve been beating my head against a brick wall! Any suggestions? ## Synthroid has been known to cause increased appetite, but both the Linzess, and the Simvastatin are known to cause weight los...
I'm a stroke survivor who, post stroke, suffers from extremely irregular bowel movements sometimes going 5 days without a BM, I don't have pain or bloating, I do suffer from acne breakouts ocassionally which is kinda embarrassing for a man in his 50's. Testing provided a diagnosis of 'slow motility', i.e. part of my brain injury from the stroke affected the function of my digestive system) I was prescribed Linzess 290 mcgm daily to address this problem and to restore BM regularity. I only take the medication on Mondays and Fridays as i work from home on those days and my home office is next door to the toilet, otherwise I run the risk of a bowel evacuation at the office which would be humiliating. I take the medication on an empty stomach with a 12oz glass of water a...
The 290 gave me severe diarrhea and cramps but lower soaw no bm I tried waiting a day then take again had horrible round hard stool a few of them passed only with manipulation and bleeding so I took same day the 290 and nothing but can feel it there making it difficult to sit or walk. ## I'm sorry, perhaps I am not understanding you. You said you did not have a BM, but also say it gave you severe diarrhea, and diarrhea is having a BM, even though it is runny and likely not your usual consistency. Can you please clarify? Did you make sure to take it correctly, which is a half hour, before eating, or drinking anything else? Diarrhea can be a normal side effect of Linzess, along with nausea, cramping, and flatulence.
I have been on Linzess for over a year now, and happy enough with the results. I had been covered through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of NC. There was NO problem getting the rx filled. Now I am covered through BC/BS of Minnesota. I received a letter denying the rx stating that I am not eligible because I don't suffer from active cancer pain! What the heck are they talking about?!?! Has anyone else run into this kind of issue with their insurance?? ## Appeal it and they might. Your doctor may have to do a prior auth, but I would fight it. I have before with other meds and other insurance and it works. ## Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have already appealed and I have still been denied. ## That is very odd, since Linzess is used to treat IBS with constipation, and idiopathic chroni...
Anyone taking the 72mg dose of Linzess, and what are your experiences with it? I just filled the prescription and want to try, just worried. Thanks. ## Hello Drew, According to the NIH linzess has the following adverse reactions. For all of these only 10% of users experienced these symptoms. - Diarrhea - Abdominal pain - Flatulence - Abdominal distension - Viral Gastroenteritis - Headache It's smart and understandable to be cautious when taking new medications. If you feel that any of your symptoms are out of the ordinary or too severe for you to handle please consult your doctor as you may be having an allergic reaction. Have a wonderful day and I hope this helps.
I've been taking Linzess for a few months now and I must say it gets the job done. Sometimes after taking Linzess I have diarrhea. I've noticed that when I do have diarrhea I pass parasites! Has anyone else experienced this? I have detoxed before with natural herbs and didnt pass a thing. I know Linzess itself kill off parasites but there is def something in it that pushes them out. Has anyone else experienced this? ## I’m taking linzess About three months. And I have had leaky gut whenever I take it two days. Three times I’ve had leaky gut Had pads on and it was covered with parasites , disgusting.! What does this mean? Are they dead or alive???? ## Hello christy, It makes sense to me that it would be a lot easier to pass a dead parasite than to pass a live one sinc...
I started taking Linzess in early August and around the end of August I broke out with a rash and had severe itching and had to go to a dermatologist. She thinks I had a allergic reaction so I am taking the linzess twice a week. Its not working as well as before, but I was miserable for a month with the itching. ## Hello, Lulu! How are you? The problem is that even just taking it twice a week may not be safe, if you are allergic to it, because such reactions tend to get worse with time. Have you consulted an allergist or immunologist? That might be a good idea, in order to get a better idea of what's going on. ## Thanks Verwon, I will talk to my doctor about seeing a allergist. I am allergic to aspirin, penicillin, so I need to check into this. again thanks! ## My body itches me and...
Hi, I know this may sound like a stupid question but I have suffered from Opiate-Induced Constipation for 15 years and have followed several different VA doctors recommendations, none of which really worked or else the VA pharmacy would fill their recommended prescription. My civilian doctor got me approved for Linzess which I have read great things about. By inpacted, I think it means where the stool is backed up and is blocking evacuation but now I am thinking that since opiates cause slow transit of stool through the G.I. tract, that might be the inpaction they are talking about. I have never had a complete evacuation of my G.I. tract (colon), only partial. So which is it? The inpaction around the evacuation point or up through the colon? ## Hello Lartomar, According to Harvard Healt...
I am on Linzess 7 days now had 1 bowel movement after 1sst dose of 290 mg Is it save to continue taking it ## Hello, Sheila! How are you? It would be best to follow your doctor's instructions for whether or not to continue it. Most people do experience bowel movements, shortly after taking it, but it does not work for everyone. Have you made sure to take it on an empty stomach, at least a half hour, before eating or drinking anything else? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, bloating, and diarrhea. ## I have been taking 290 mg linzess for15 days and still nothing should I keep taking it
I've been taking Linzess (290mg) since May 8th, 2018 and it has really helped me have a complete bowel movement. Now I'm so glad for this medicine, I should've been on it. I can deal with diarrhea ok, don't like it but it beat not being constipated & not being able to completely empty your bowel properly like it should be done. I suffered from not having a complete bowel movement for 6yrs now, due to the fact that my spinal cord was damaged severely in car wreck damages. This causes my bowels to not function properly like it should and stools were not passing through the rectum. My colon was storing up stools in the rectum. Whenever I have a bowel movement I could still feel stools in the rectum and the urge to go was always there. That feeling that I had to go. This...
I have been taken my linzess 290 mcg with coffee every day and then I continue to drink my full cup of coffee. My question is can that hurt me? I just read I should take this med with a full glass of water. Have I cause any damage by taking this med with warm coffee? Maybe that's why It has not been working and I am feeling some abdominal pain. thank you for replying back. ## Hello Tawanna, When taking any medication it is best to administer the medication as it is instructed. Linzess is a medication used to treat constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. According to the NIH this medication contains the active ingredient linaclotide (NDC 0456-1202) which lists Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, Flatulence and Abdominal distension as common side effects. It is instructed to have this medica...
I was prescribed Linzess for my IBS-C. I have been taking Linzess for two days now and very bloated with no bowel movement. From what I had read, it would work rather quickly, but for me that is not the case. I took one 145 mcg the first morning as directed and 2 of the 145 mcg the second morning and still nothing. How long does it usually take before I will start seeing results. I have the urge to have a bowel movement, but nothing is produced. Any advise will be appreciated. ## Hello, CJ! How are you doing? Has it worked, yet? There's really no way to give a time frame, it can vary from person to person. Some people have good luck with it, some don't. One person posted recently that it was only resting in one BM a week for them. Have you consulted your doctor for advice? ## I ...
I am the same. I have lost 85 lbs over the last 1 year. I have gastroparesis. After 120 days on linzess I am up 15 lbs. I was holding my weight before this prescription. I'm gonna stop this for a week and see what happens. I actually fasted for 1 1/2 days taking weight in A.M. and P.M. only having water and fruit juice (Low Sugar) and didn't lose anything? ## Hi Chuck, I don't know if this is would accurately describe the type of weight gain you mentioned, but according to, Linzess (Linaclotide) is known to cause swelling or a feeling of fullness/pressure in the stomach region that may appear as added weight. It can also cause excess gas to from, which may also contribute to feeling bloated. I'm thinking perhaps either of these side effects could be the culprit, ...
I take Linzess 1/2 hr. before breakfast. When should I take my other meds. Levothyroxine I take alone. I also take Furosemide, Januvia, Ramopri, Atenanal, insulin, and Duloxetine . THANK YOU ! ## Hi Eileen, According the University of Maryland's drug interaction checker, there are interactions listed between the following drug combinations: Furosemide + Ramipril: Taking the two together can reportedly cause low blood pressure. It may also increase your risk of certain side effects. recommends contacting your doctor if you experience diversions from your usual blood pressure or unusual weight gain. Januvia (Sitagliptin) + Levothyroxine: Taking Levothyroxine with anti-diabetic agents such as Januvia / Insulin, may cause them to not work as well. recommends contacting y...
Trying to simply find the best way to somehow get some serious price relief on this amazing but incredibly ridiculously priced pill. I understand a profit but the pricing I am finding is simply, for lack of a better way to put it, pure advantage taking of the public. Please help. ## Hello, Swanson8! How are you? These is a co-pay card available for eligible patients that helps you pay as little as $30 a month, if your eligible. You can check out the qualifications and print the card from their website at click here. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, bloating, gas and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## You can get 90 tablets for $430 via the Linzess Savings Program at: ## I we...
Yep. It was prescribed for me to take as needed. It works well for me taken on an empty stomach; within 2 hours my bowels start churning. ## Ditto, I also was told as needed by my Dr. It works within 2 hours very efficiently. ## I have constipation due to everyday meds for blood pressure. Nothing helped until I started taking Linzess. I like the idea of as needed. I think I'll try that. Otherwise. I become housebound.
I have been on linzess for a week now and no results yet besides bad bloating! Will the bloating go away? How long does it normally take to start working? ## How are you feeling? Have your symptoms improved any? It can take several weeks for a medication to reach its full efficacy level in your body and for the side effects to peak and begin to taper off, usually 4 to 6 weeks. ## I started linzess a few days before a colonoscopy and it worked. Now five days after the colonoscopy it hasn't worked yet. I have ibs c. ## I just took a bisacodyl laxative 2 days ago, I had a BM the first day but nothing since. My doctor gave me 290 mcg Linzess to take. Is it safe to take it 2 days after the bisacodyl laxative or should I wait a few more days? ## If I'm unable to take Linzess before br...