Linzess Weight Gain
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I was just prescribed Linzess for my IBS. I am wondering if others on this medicine have experienced wieght gain?
I’ve experienced after 45 days on it an increase of 10lbs of weight. I’ve been off it for a few weeks and still haven’t lost any weight. I workout as well and maintain a healthy diet. Please someone tell me it just takes time and I will get rid of it.
Re: Heather (# 16)
Call your Dr maybe your dose is to high I love this not being hungry is a plus and pooping like a normal human ??
Re: Gee (# 10)
I have lost weight take mine at night and feel like a normal human lol??
Re: Angel (# 9)
Hi experience is the same I have lost weight plus feel great ??
Re: Ron (# 4)
I am loosing weight and I am pooping regular just took a while for my body to adjust ??
Re: JANE (# 3)
I have been taking it for 4 months I had to work with the doseage and time I take it I now go everyday and have been able to control my appetite ??
I have been on Linzess for about 4 months I love it ! I am actually loosing weight ??
Re: Ron (# 4)
I am having weight gain as well.
Re: Dawn (# 18)
Hi girl, I feel your pain. I never had any problem with body weight or weight gain even after childbirth. Like the others on this thread I would bounce right back. I've been taking linzess for over two years and have gone from a size 4 to a whopping size 10 now. I've been exercising, eating healthy, eating much less, and counting calories, and nothing seems to work. Since you have stopped taking the linzess have you lost that excess weight and is your body excreting the waste normally or are you back to being constipated. Because I seriously want to stop taking them too??
I will start this medication in one day but I am having trouble with weight. I can not afford to gain more weight.
Re: Melinda (# 2)
I have gain like 30 or more pounds..I have been on it for about four works as far as bowel movements but ,I look later me I'm pregnant..and when I asked the doctor if it makes me gain weight..I was never given an I have tried not to take it but now I have internal hemorrhoids that bleed so badly that I can barely sit down..,I have had laser treatments but that didn't last because I keep getting constipated and if I push even a little bleeding I started taking the linzess again and my stomach is bloated again
Re: Melinda (# 2)
Same thing with me!!
Re: Amp (# 28)
I feel the same with the Linzzes. I'm so Bloated right now i haven't been to bathroom 5 days. I'm to set up an Appt. I felt like i gain 5lbs. Its just 'Rumbling' inside. It use to me real good. I don't know what happened.
Yes it causes weight gain I have been on it close to two years and gained over 12 pounds plus having blood pressure issues which is a side effect now reported by the fda
Re: MarciaOR (# 85)
Hi, I want to add to my previous comment that I gain approximately 13 pounds.
Hi there. I have suffered from Ibs for years. I lived on laxatives and enemas and I am a healthy eater but constipation rules my life. I started on linzess in 2015, which worked, but became too strong for everyday use, causing watery diarrhea and black stool. Now I only dose twice a week but now have high blood pressure which the FDA now reports and weight gain. I am stopping this and pray I can go back on regular laxatives. The high blood pressure is not worth it.
I have had IBS for 8 years --> Linzess makes symptoms much milder...especially when I drink extra liquids.
__ Been taking 290mcg/Linzess for 6 months: gas + some boating. 1st few months weight gained 5 lbs. Now I've lost weight: down 10 lbs. (I don't care much about the weight: I'm a 74 yr old woman w/ Fibromyalgia.)
__Having less IBS is very important to me. I'm very grateful, eventho Linzess works on and off. ---> Maybe because I didn't eat in ½ hr after taking Rx. Today I am eating a snack. Maybe Linzess can work daily if do I eat every morning. Will try that - (tho not hungry in mornings.).
When I don't go for 3 days the pain after BM can be intense.
i have been on linzess for about 2 months. i have gained weight. only in the stomach area. a lot of gas, and bloating
Re: Sarah S (# 80)
I have not been able to lose the linzess weight gain. I excersize like crazy and watch what I eat. I think this medicine permanently changes your metabolism
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