Linzess Not Working
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I have been taking linzess off and on for a few months. The first few times it worked great, but now it just makes my belly rumble, then I have to push to get anything out and it's still hard.
8 Replies
Re: Sue (# 7)
I have been taking Linzess 290 mcg. for 4 years for IBS-C. For the first year it worked well. Now, have to use miralax or Lactulose with it. Horrible disappointment.
Re: Donna (# 6)
I have been on Linzess about 3yrs. At first it always seemed to help, before that miralax use to work.
The last year seems like it hasnt helped much. I had a colonoscopy last March and my gastroligist said scar tissue is the problem you'll need surgery for this. Well in June I had surgery it was divrotriculitis and removed 18in. from my colon. I realize I needed the surgery because of the blockage. But I'm still constipated and linzess does not always help and I may have a hernia now. Probably from having the surgery 8 months ago and still straining to go to the bath rm.
Hi Hopingforhelp, I have been on Linzess for about 2 years and even the 290 dosage didn't help for long :( , I know exactly how uncomfortable it is. I took it when I first woke up and a couple of things helped me with it. I made sure to take it with a big glass of water followed a few minutes later by 6 to 8 oz of Prune juice. However many times it still wouldn't work and if I don't go for about 3 days I pick up a bottle of Magnesium Citrate and that does clean me and gives me relief. I did call and tell my Doctor I was doing that and he said it was fine. I don't suggest you use anything without your doctors consent, I had been to the ER several times due to constipation ( not knowing that is what was causing my pain) and that's what they would give me to take home. The Linzess no longer works for me and my Doctor gave me samples of Movantik to try, but can't start those for a couple of days yet. I hope you find something to help I know first hand how awful constipation effects those of us with medical issues :( .
I am on 290 and it did not work and I started taking it at night and it started working and I go as soon as I get up.
I received samples a few months ago, starting with 145mg for a week or so then 290. It took around a week to work, and I had a lot of bloating & diarrhea (which I'll take over the horrible constipation any day!), then I ran out of samples. I finally received the prescription (290mg) about 2 weeks ago, took it for a week again before it started working & it worked for a couple of days but now nothing for a week. When I first got it, it said to take at night but I couldn't do that, my belly rumbled all night & I was running to the bathroom constantly so I switched to the morning. I don't eat breakfast, so it's usually hours after taking before I eat anything but I do take it every day. Maybe I should wait until an hour before I'm going to eat (or after eating)? Any advice? I really hope it starts to work again, even when I had diarrhea it was much better than not going for at least a week & being miserable. From what I'd read before, a lot said they had diarrhea/bloating at first but that subsided and they went to regular, normal bms. It almost seems like I had the real meds before & I'm on placebo now
I have been taking Linzess for about 18 months.I have celiac disease with chronic constipation. Some days Linzess works OK,but most days not so much.My Dr. gave me samples so that I can take extra if necessary. Check with your might be more than constipation. Some days I have so much bloating too.What was diagnosis for Linzess scrip?
It should be taken as prescribed by your doctor, which is usually daily.
Additionally, it needs to be taken with water, on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea.
Does anyone else have any advice or ideas that may help?
Hi I agree.The first week I was on linzess it work to well vut it still helped but now that im back on it its been two days and still nothing.. what did you do or why is it my stomach just rumbling but im not going.
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