Linzess And Strange Dreams


Has anyone had any realistic, but odd dreams upon just drifting off to sleep? I just started the 290mcg. Took it 2 days in the AM...nothing, just more bloating but it did help some with the pain. However after reading up some, and considering my work schedule, I thought I should switch to a bedtime dose. WELL...Its working now! But thats ok! I think most of us agree after suffering with being back up for years, hey, whats a lil diarrhea. Problem is, I awoke...well tried to..from a most horrific dream, right upon drifting off. Im usually not a vivid dreamer. Anyone else have this AT ALL?

12 Replies

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Hello, Kris! How are you?

Yes, others have reported having this happen, while taking Linzess and it's actually fairly common with most medications, since they often have a direct effect on brain chemicals.

If the dreams continue and start disrupting your sleep, you should consult your physician, they may have some solution that could help, such as taking it several hours before bed, rather than right at bedtime.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Yes I have and they are creepy. I am stopping using it, because it really hasn't helped my constipation very much anyway.

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I take quite a few pills and I do not have the dreams with those pills. Atenolol, plavix, levothyroxine, amitriptilyne, zetia, tricor. I did have it happen with a very strong cortisone cream once. I don't remember the name, but it was one they don't give it out very often. I stopped using that too when the horrible dreams came.

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Yes, I'm having HORRIBLE, vivid nightmares since using Linzess. When I finally get back to sleep they start right where they left off when I was scared awake, the other night it started where it left off four times. I quit taking it today to see if that is why I'm gaming the nightmare.
My gastroenterologist told me it works best if you take it in the morning, wait 30 to 60 minutes then eat. It seems to work better that way than taking it at night for me.

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I'm having the same issue. My disease has been reduced from 145mcg in the morning to 72mcg which I take at night. I take it at night so that if I'm going to have diarrhea, it should be before I need to leave the house; but now I have some strange dreams. I've been the type to sleep without feeling that I had any dream, but now I have strange dreams. They seem quite realistic though they're strange ( not related to anything I think I'd do in real life). I'm at the crossroads of finally having a medication that's helping the issue but accepting the strange and weird deals.

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Since I have been taking Linzess I have been having horrifying dreams mostly about death or people that have passed away it feels so real that they are back

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My dreams have been an adventure. Very vivid.

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Re: Tamara (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I just started taking it a few days ago and this is REDICULOUS! I am only on the sample dose, the 72mg and I had 2 nightmares yesterday, the same one twice and then couldn't sleep till daylight then drifted off for an hour then had another! They all included sleep paralysis and inability to breathe properly during the dreams and upon waking. I am DONE.

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Re: Ad (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I had the same type of experience. Just before I dosed off, I felt I was shutting down and lights were going dim. I tried calling out to my wife to call 911 but I could not speak. Before it got worse, I woke up. Now this scared the heck out of me for sure. So from now on I only take Linzess 145mg in the morning. That is it.

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Yes. My first time taking this dose.

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I have been taking Linzess for about a year and it works great. However, not everyday but about every 2 to 3 days, or as needed. I make sure I take it in the morning.
I am not a dreamer however, during this whole course I have had 2 bad dreams that were similar. The first one I felt I was dying and calling to my wife (but I could not shout out) for help. Then I woke up and a bit shaken. The next one was similar. These dreams only last for a few seconds. After each one, I asked the Lord to not let this happen again.
However, I attribute this mind bending experience to the Linzess, because this is not normal for me to have this experience. But the Linzess works, so I seem to be caught in the middle, but these nightmares or scary dreams have only happened twice in one year. Once was enough actually.

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Yes!! I’ve been on this med for a few days, and I’ve been having multiple dreams a night. All of which are very weird and really hard to differentiate from reality. I also have had a super hard time getting up in the morning, not because I’m physically tired, but I feel like my mind is still asleep. Like I cannot wake myself up if that makes sense.

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