Linzess Allergic Reaction (Top voted first)


I had an awfull expierence with my first and only dose of Linzess. I expierenced severe dizziness, lightheadedness after the first 3 hours. Then I noticed a rash on my face, swollen eyes, wheezing, sneezing and severe itching. These symptoms lasted 18 hours + and I continue to have an itching face the next day. I took benedryl evey 6 hours for 2 days. After reading the Lizness website, I found I expierenced "Rare" side effects and I have called Actavis to report my adverse reaction.

2 Replies

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Yes, those are typical symptoms of an allergic reaction, as listed by the FDA and it usually means you will need to refrain from taking this medication in the future, as these types of reactions can get worse with repeated exposure.

How are you doing, now? Has it cleared up?

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I have Been taking linzess for about 3 years, and I been feeling terrible weaknees and fatigue, I live in México and linzess is new in here I use To but the medicine inU.S, I have visited about ten doctors and I have been hospitalizad 3 times, and everything is ok and this feeling is driving crazy and the only medicine I take is linzess I also feel dissines, and ear congestión like crazy I feel like if my head is going to falla and drs in México and in US Day that it not the linsezz, how posible is that linzess is causing all does problems? Please this feeling is making me go crazy consulting drs every day please help me

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