Linzess Issues


Chronic constipation with 40-50 lbs weight gain... Linzess works with explosive diarrhea within an hour of taking it but doesn't seem to resolve the problem. It makes me go from feeling 9 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant. Also have a new side effect of the drug (or the constipation) which is acne on my shoulders and back. Tries lots of otc remedies and natural remedies with no luck. Dr gave me linzess and like I said it works but not completely. The 145 dose seems to work while the 290 did not, so i went back to 145 and same results. I am fit. Used to do 1000 sit ups a can't manage 20 due to the bloat and weight gain...frustrated and worried. I am a big guy...6'7"...should be 230# but am weighing in at about 280# which has been increasing over the past 6-7 months...

14 Replies

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Hello, Robert! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem you're having.

Yes, Linzess doesn't actually 'cure' the problem, it just helps you to have bowel movements.

Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness and flatulence.

What type of doctor are you seeing? Have you considered consulting a specialist?

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Seeing a gastroenterologist...switched me to amitiza but think linzess was working better. it a shot for a while and might switch back...also dieting and jumping rope but still having same problems. .

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I too have issues urinating sometime when I take linzess and severe cramping and bloating,dizziness and nausea but when I take the 145mg,it doesn't make me cramp,etc
This linzess works good but is like a temporary fix because I always end up back bloated/constipated. And how long are the side effects supposed to last?

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looks like i gained weight taking linzess. It is so expensive can not afford it. Any other solution for constipation.

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You gain weight in it? Been in lo zess a week and nioothing!!
Why does it make u.gain
I have had no results on 145 mcg.

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Just started taking linzess this morning, which resulted in extreme stomach cramps that took a few hours to work through. Finally I started having bowel movements along with severe cramping. This doesn't sound normal. Looking for someone with similar symptoms.

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I had something similar way before I took Linzess, but early in my IBS days. Check out the GAPS diet protocol. Healed my gut and I stopped looking and feeling pregnant, felt so much better. IBS symptoms are much easier to control once gut is healed. I eat a modified version of this now, a year and a half later. A few foods I can now eat, a few "approved" foods I can't tolerate. Good luck.

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My doctor gave me samples of linzess but after reading all these comments I am afraid to take it. I have chronic Pancreatitis. The doctor just dumped samples in a bag with no directions except to take one a day... Help PLEASE!

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i am taking linzess from few years now. 145 mcg does not work for me. i have to take two every other da. It is very expensive. any other solution for that. I do not know if i am gaining weight.

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I’ve been on Linzess for 2 months now, first on 145mg and switched to 290mg... 5 days after being on the 290mg dose I developed mucous in my stool...sometimes mucous and blood. I’ve seen my gastro doctor since - & we're working to figure out what’s wrong, but has this happened to anyone else? I’m so worried :(

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I took Linzess 390mg for years. This AM I took 72mg after not going for two days (long story). Last nights' meal went right through me with severe cramping (used to be painless). Now I'm having pelvic spasms that worry me. How long does Linzess remain in your system?

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I am experiencing violent diarrhea with Linzess (which is better than suffering from my horrible constipation). What length of time should this period of diarrhea last? Does anyone know? I don’t mind the diarrhea it causes, but I would like to be able to schedule my activities around it.

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So I started taking Linzess a few months ago. Sometimes I take it and it works great and other times I take it and get a major headache and can’t go to the bathroom. I also get dehydrated and feel bloated. Now I have a bladder infection. Is this related?

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Has anyone experienced side and pelvic pain when taking linzess? I also hardly have any bowl movements to where I sometimes have to stand up and push to have some stool come down. I also took this drug before but stopped because of the same issue. When you stop this drug it seems to make constipation worse and your mobility to move stool. I have only had one bowl movement since taking it and a lot of pelvic and side pain that makes u want to go to the hospital. I've already been to the hospital. The other day I took a stomach x-ray and it showed a large stool burden that gave me edema and all the liquid came out, but no stool. I took miralax for 4 days straight and 6 days of trulance and now linzess plus prune juice and fruits and have only gone once in the last 12 days. I've done all the diagnostics, colonoscopy, endo, cat scan, blood work, allergy checks, etc. I don't have crohn's, celiac or colitis. The doctor told me I have IBS-C. I have had covid 2 times and after having it I had gastroduodentis and left sided infectious colitis, but antibiotics got rid of it. Now I'm dealing with nothing but constipation. I'm seeing my gastro tomorrow and she wants me to see another specialist to check if my pelvic muscles and rectal muscles are sensing stool. She said something is definitely wrong if none of those drugs moved me (linzess, miralax, trulance, prune juice). Every time I go to the hospital they see I'm compacted with stool and all they do is send me home and tell me to take laxatives. That's crazy. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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