Lidocaine Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Lidocaine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Lidocaine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I am suffering with piles, causing pain and it is like bubble around my rectum. Please suggest proper medicine available in india. ## We have an excellent treatment for piles cure, just 7 pills and few precautions and your problem is gone. many patients have been benefited from this madicine. The medicine is free of cost, need to bear postal/courier charges, as we at Lord Dhanwantari is a Charitable Trust with a single vision of disease free India, earn its operation cost from the donations offered by treated patients. For more details please post back. Regards, Yogesh ## I REQUIRE MEDICINE FOR PILES I AM SUFFERING SINCE 20 YEARS ## I am Kishor from Delhi, 34 yrs old male. I am suffering from external piles, no bleeding only pain last 15 - 20 days. ## sir i am suffering from III degree ...
Can lidocaine used during surgery test positive for cocaine on a gas urine drug test? ## Can Aspercreme with 4% lidocaine in it cause you to fail a drug test for cocaine? Could a patch you can buy over the counter with Lidocaine in it cause you to fail for cocaine as well? ## I use lidocaine 5% occasionally and I have tested positive for morphine. Also hydrocodone 10s and cough syrup with hydrocodone in it for copd. Will the patches cause the morphine to show up as I dont use any drugs other than prescribed? ## My pain management doctor focused on the morphine that showed up on my test in december. I do not nor have I ever used morphine or cocaine, nor any other drugs only prescribed by doctors. I had hand surgery which they used morphine. What the hell is wrong with these doctors? He l...
I had my colon removed, now I have this burning sensation after each bowel movement. After each movement I apply Lidocaine for relief but it burns worse and won't cease until I remove it. When I was using the lower % 2.5, that worked but had to use a lot for relief. I tried the 5% at the diva office and it worked fine but doesn't now. ...why? ## Do have any more details on it, such as the ingredients, or the manufacturer? That would give me the information needed to research this for you. It is possible that you are just sensitive to some ingredient in that dosage, the FDA does warn that skin burning, and irritation can be side effects, along with redness, and scaling skin. At the office they may have had one made by a different manufacture, your pharmacy might have provided you...
What is "LI 2.5%/PR 2.5%/CY 0.1%/GA 6%/AR"? I found it in my mother's medicine cabinet and she doesn't remember what it's for. ## These are specialized ointments ordered by a doctor and filled by a compounding pharmacy, but going by what I've learned, my best guess from what you've listed is that it contains Lidocaine (which is as topical anesthetic), Pregabalin (which is used to treat nerve pain), Cyclobenzaprine (which is a muscle relaxant), and Gabapentin (which is also used to treat nerve pain.) However, you can always contact the pharmacy to be sure. They should be able to tell you the precise ingredients, in case I'm wrong, as well as why it was prescribed. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including skin redness, irritation, drynes...
I tested positive for cocaine but never did it. But I had a bone marrow done and had lidocaine. Will this give me a false positive on my urine drug test? ## I've had two steroid epidurals with lidocaine injections in my back and failed a urine test for cocaine and opiates. I also take pain meds and lidocaine creams on my back. I do not use cocaine and opiates. Is this what could cause a positive drug screen?
I have very severe and advance DDD and have been taking MS-Contin which has been helpful. However I always have severe pain every time I walk around 15 steps or so due to severe muscle spasms. For 12 years the only relief I would get would be to stop walking and try to stretch the muscle in my back and the spasms. After a few more yards I would have to stop walking again. I have been on every muscle relaxant that has ever been made with no help. I am at a point that I will soon need a wheelchair when I leave my home. This past weekend I had a chance to try Lidocaine patches and I could not believe when I started to walk my pain was gone. While my doctor has no problem writing a prescription for them my Medicare part D provider (Cigna) will not pay for them because the FDA has only appro...
## WHere can I purchase Lignocaine Hydrochloride Gel 2%? I need it to treat an aggressive sarcoid on my horse. Thanks! ## i am using it for my piles problem since last 2 years.what are the effects if used for a long time i use it in a very small quantity. 5ml ## This contains the active ingredient Lidocaine, which is a topical anesthetic. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including skin irritation, redness, flakiness, and soreness. It is available over the counter, in most countries, now. Rahul, have you consulted a doctor? There may be other medications better suited for your piles.
is this drug for an ear infection? and what side affects if any ## Otilin contains Lidocaine and Neomycin, the Lidocaine is a mild pain reliever and the Neomycin is an antibiotic to treat the infection. Side effects to the ear drops can include: tickling or itching sensation, redness, ringing in ears and burning. Read more: Do you have any other questions? ## I have an ear infection due to my sinuses will this work for it
I am taking a combination of lidocaine, diphenhydramine and nystatin for thrush that I get often from chemo, but this one seems different from the medicine I usually take and I am not liking it too much. Is this the magic mouthwash or did they give me something different? It costs less so that made wonder why. ## Hello, Ginny! How are you? There is no specific mix for magic mouthwash, it really depends on what your doctor orders, and what your pharmacy has in stock, when they create it for you, since it is not an actual manufactured product. The ingredients, and the amounts of them can vary from area to area, and from doctor to doctor. What about it seems different? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this ingredient as including mouth/throat numbness, funny taste, and nausea.
I'm looking for topical lidocaine 50gm made by Amneal Pharma with a National Drug Code of 65162-918-53. I have feet pain & back pain. I used this before & need to know where I can get more or if it requires a prescription? ## Lidocaine is now available over the counter, but I don't see any that are 50gms, and I am not sure if they are made by Amneal. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including skin redness, irritation, and flaking. Have you tried asking your pharmacist? ## No, I have it. I got this from Skyline pharmacy at 2123 2nd ave New York, Ny 100929. I live in Philadelphia.
My husband passed away in August and I received the autopsy report and it says that in the specimen-submitted “blood / heart”, the drug test (comprehensive) showed Lidocaine-Positive. I’m having a hard time understanding it.
UpdatedCan lidocaine and epinephrine show up as benzoylecgnoine on a random drug test? I had 2 dental appointments a week prior to the test. I had used some oral gel on the sensitive area around the crown as well. I also took a couple amoxicillin, and some airborne because I was going on a trip and my sinus were bothering me. I used a nasal spray as well. I don't recall the name but I can provide that If needed. About 3 months ago I started taking supplements including iodine, methyl defense, D3 5000, osteopenia ultra, ultimate Onega 3, and progesterone. I was taking valacyclivir for cold sores. Until recently when I started the supplements, I am the kind of person who does not even take Tylenol. Appreciate your assistance. ## I had a tooth extracted at the dentist office. They injected 25...
I have been using 5% lidocaine patches for at least 3 years @ $47.00 a month a box of 30, they are not adhering as well as they did before and are now smaller in size. Shingles is painful and itching, even after the outbreak has healed. It is difficult on just a SS check to afford these!! Whats going on ?? Any coupons would be appreciated. ## I have nothing to add! I don't feel for the price this product is worth it . ## Won't your insurance pay for the patches? I have gotten prescriptions from my doctor and my insurance paid for them I just had to pay my copay of 3.00 and if Actavis is the manufacturer there have been many complaints about them not just with your patches but with pain medication ## Sorry to hear about the cost of this med being a challenge. One option might be ...
I have not opened it yet, but it was expired. It was prescribed on 11/27/13. Can I still use it? Is this safe? ## It does not become dangerous once expired, according to NIH studies, but it can lose efficacy, so it may not work as well as it did, when fresh and new. It would be best to see your doctor for a new prescription, if you need to use it. The FDA warns that its typical side effects may cause skin redness, rash, irritation, and flaking. Are you on any other medications?
I am getting electrolysis twice a week for facial hair. The electrologist has been putting a topical 5% lidocaine on my face to numb the pain from the needles. I am applying for a new job and will take a urine test and wondered if this will cause a problem or show up in some way in my urine? ## It is difficult to say, it really depends on how much of it is being used and the concentration of it. It is chemically related to Cocaine, though distantly, and just like Novacaine and other similar drugs, it has been know to cause false positives for it, on some drug tests. It may be best to stop the treatments for several days, before you have the test, to possibly give your body time to process it out. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Will a 5% lidocaine patch show up on mouth sw...
My neurosurgeon told me to avoid NSAIDS or anything that will thin my blood because I am scheduled for surgery in 6 days. I am in excruciating pain because I had to stop taking Voltaren. I have a topical solution that has Ketopro 10%, cyclobenzaprine 1% and lidocaine 5%. I can't get in touch with the mail order pharmacy. Does anyone know, if any of those will cause blood thinning? Thank you! ## Yes, the Ketopro stands for Ketoprofen, which is an NSAID, so it should be avoided, before surgery, according to your doctor's instructions. The FDA lists its other typical side effects, when used topically, as possibly including headache, skin redness, irritation, and flaking. Is there anything else I can help with?
I am wondering if I can take lidoderm 5% (lidocaine) while on 130mg of methadone? ## What can I use for charot marie tooth disease if my pain is a 10? ## @Adrianne, According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no interactions listed between Lidocaine and Methadone. That said, although it may appear to be safe to use together, I would still encourage you to contact your prescribing doctor first or a pharmacist who can assure you of this information. @Tom, Have you discussed any potential treatment options with a pain management doctor or specialist? If not, this may be your best starting point as they can make the most appropriate recommendations based on your medical history and so forth... I hope you both are doing well!
I recently had a hair and urine test taken. My hair sample tested positive for cocaine but my urine sample was negative. So I asked the people from the drug testing lab if me having a tooth pulled could be there reason why. He said no, even though the dentist injected me with lidocaine, articaine, and marcaine ...on top of the prescription drugs; which were hydrocodone, ibuprofen, and penicillin... I just want to know can any of this cause a false drug test reading for (cocaine). I don't do any drugs nor do I smoke. I need to no what can I do to keep my record from being destroyed... ## Hello Dent, There has to be a connection between lidocaine & cocaine because there are several people that this has happened to. I am not a drug user and rarely even drink alcohol but tested posi...
Can i use a lidocaine 5 patch if am allergic to codeine? I suffer from shallow breathing and an increased heart rate with codeine. ## They are different medications, and since the Lidocaine is a patch, your body usually doesn't absorb much of it. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including skin irritation, redness, flaking, and rash. However, it is always best to pay attention, in case you experience allergy symptoms to it, as well. How is it working for you?
I got put on a compound containing the above meds and the top of my feet are numb and have been pretty much all day. Is this normal? ## Hello, Christie! How are you? Yes, the Lido stands to Lidocaine, which is a topical anesthetic, so that's exactly what it's intended to do, according to the NIH. Other side effects may possibly include skin redness, irritation, and dryness. Is there anything else I can help with?