Lexapro Withdrawl After Only 3wks? (Top voted first)
UpdatedNeed some reassurance, please! I am a 27 year old guy and have quit Lexapro after only having been on it for 3 weeks or so.
After my first ever panic attack experiences, I was given 10mg of Lexapro by my doctor. He also have me 0.5 of Klonopin (as needed) and a very low dose of a blood pressure med.
I am off the BP med. Lexapro made me scared and made me feel just "not right". I always felt medicated.
I came down to 0.5 Lexapro for a few days and then down to 0.25 for a few days after that. The doctor ended up saying "you can just stop taking it".
Here we are now. This is my 5th day with no Lexapro and I feel pretty crappy. Woozy sometimes, head in the clouds, shallow breathing, and rapid heart rate. All of this is come and go, but I rarely feel good. Started a new job and have such trouble keeping my nerves in check.
Is this withdrawl?? I am so surprised, as I was taking it for such a short time. I'm taking supplements out the wazOooo to try to help this along. Trying to stay positive and upbeat. So scary though. I know I will eventually be ok, but I just need to be reassured. It's made me so scared of any medication and so distrusting of doctors.
4 Replies
Some medications can do that to some people, even after just a short period of time.
Have you consulted your doctor about it, though? You should have this checked out to make sure that there is nothing else going on.
What are your current blood pressure levels and what medication were you taking for it?
Yes I had bloodwork just recently and everything came back just fine. Only thing was high cholesterol.
I was taking Bisprolol. My heart rate has been totally normal all day today (7th day no meds).
I've felt slightly anxious and some dizziness but overall it was a good day.
My panic attacks started when I was your age and it was frightening. The right meds will help, but the kind of meds vary for many. I had success starting at 5mg of Lexapro and gradually moving up to 20mg. I do well between 10-20mg daily. The first week on Lexapro is not fun. You will feel foggy, tired, and nauseated. Just ride it out.
Lexapro does have side effects including tight jaw, clenching teeth, and a general wooziness that never goes away. Wellbutrin XL (time released) 300mg daily nearly eliminates all side effects and it is an excellent add on to the Lexapro therapy. Also I believe it minimizes sexual side effects.
While you are getting dialed on your meds, ask your doctor for a benzodiazapine (anti-anxiety med) like .5mg tabs of Ativan to help keep you calm and running smoothly. Ativan worked better than Klonopin which made me want to immediately go to bed. Ativan washes the anxiety away and you can function. I also disliked Xanax. Tranxine or it's generic seemed to work well too. You won't need this class of drug later because Lexapro works well. Just remember with Lexapro you need to taper down over a long period of time (months not days). When I taper down I have little or no problems.
BTW, I understand your trepidation about Doctors. IMHO you need a new doctor or psychiatrist. There is no shame in having anxiety disorders or changing doctors. BTW I am in my mid 40's and a business professional. This can happen to anyone so you are not crazy. Don't worry, you WILL get your life back, just follow up with a good doctor.
You are right to suspect withdrawl. Benzodiazepines also cause withdrawal. You are also healing. Try to not take any more toxic drugs. Hang in there. Avoid caffeine and chocolate during withdrawl. Also cured meats are irritating. The supplements gaba and tryptophan may help you sleep. Take lots of omega 3. Eat healthy. You should begin to feel more normal.
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