Lexapro Withdrawal Unwanted Side Effects (Page 8)


I have been taking Lexapro 10mg once a day for about a year. I have had many unwanted side effects which according to my doctor there are very few side effects from Lexapro. He says it is a clean drug. Wrong. It did nothing to help me and I want off. My doctor refused to give me anti-anxiety meds to help with the withdrawals from Lexapro because once again, there are no withdrawals from Lexapro. Why do doctors lie about this. Why do pharmaceutical companies lie about this? I have read so much about people just losing it while trying to stop taking Lexapro. I have not taken it in about ten days after weaning off for about two months from 10mg to 2 mg a day. My nerves are a wreck, I am extremely irratable, and have slight headaches. This is a horrible drug with many long lasting withdrawal symptoms. The makers of Lexapro, Forrest Pharmaceutical, should be ashamed of themselves. Do not lie to so many people just to increase the market strength of your company.

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Geez Diane, your story is my story!! I was on 20mgs for 5-6 years. Weaned VERY slowly at 5 mgs each month, down to the 5mgs, then one every other day. Had this dizzy thing in my head tho, was almost going to get a brain scan, thought I might have a tumor! Eventually got my energy back, and felt awakened again!! But the thing Is you are awakened in every sense of the word...I am angered REALLY quickly, my partner and kids just plain give me the s***s most of the time! I am unhappy and grumpy and confrontational. I wonder whether the suppression of emotions due to the drug, just all come back up after you withdraw??? I am tempted to get back on them again to feel a little happier.. but really don't want any drug dependance again. Maybe I am just an a**hole of a person just naturally? Although I never used to be.

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I can tell you after weaning off, I felt the same way for several months. Quickly angered, weepy, unable to handle a lot of stress without an emotional meltdown. But for me, it did improve. I worked with a therapist who supported my decision to not medicate (which is not right for everyone) and did a lot of cognitive therapy to help deal with the emotional side. She's also a nurse and helped me understand the physiological issues with going off the meds and how I would "feel everything" for awhile. She encouraged me to be patient with my brain as it relearned to deal with things that the Lexapro caused me to not have to deal with.

I am now 9 months Lexapro free, and I feel amazing! No more cloud, no more fog, brain zaps are gone and my emotions have leveled out. I wish you blessings on your journey and hope your outcome is positive as well!

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I am wanting to get off and your posts have given me the encouragement. I tried to wean off a few times, but I just go back as it seems like the withdrawal symptoms are horrid. As long as I can get rest, I am okay, but I started having trouble sleeping and gave in. I plan on starting a year-long weaning program adjusting my dosage by 1/4 and slowly progress downwards.

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I hope you get this message since its been 4 years. This is very helpful thank you so much

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Six weeks Lexa-sober after 2.5 years of 15 mg. I did a drop down to 10 mg for a bit and then almost as little as 1 mg every two weeks taper. The dizziness and vertigo were intense. I am happy I was able to get off completely. I tried to just stop once done with 2.5 but that was a nightmare. Went all the way down to a crumb of a pill every other day. Now I do find myself crying at small things and getting overwhelmed with everyday stressors, but I equate that to trying to run a mile after not working out in two years. We just have to get back in emotional and mental shape. I hope everyone out there going through this same thing or contemplating a taper finds hope in the thread here. We are not alone.

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I was on generic 10mg Lexapro for approx 6 months before coming off about a week ago..tried to go down to 5mg then decided to quit cold turkey. irritable, SO OBNOXIOUSLY TIRED, and, oddly enough, having incredibly vivid dreams that feel like De ja vu (which I also experienced while taking the drug). I've always experienced these traits, but now they all just seem much more.. intense, I suppose. I don't have a primary physician.. I'm actually not quite sure how I've legally been able to consume this without psychiatric guidance but I've been getting my rx filled just fine.. I'm just feeling loose and confused. your daughter seems to have the most similar symptoms to me.. how is she doing now?

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I have been trying to wean off Lexapro for almost 8 months. I had been on 10 mg. for almost 8 years! First attempt failed..went back on it for a couple of months and tried again. Went from a few weeks of weaning to a few months this time. Yes, slower is better! Have been off for only three days. Remaining strong, positive and praying for this to be the time I can succeed! Shame on doctors and the manufacturers of this drug for not making their patients aware of how horrible the withdrawal of this drug really is!!!

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I have just been put on Lexepro 10mg and have taken it for 3 days. Should have done research prior to taking it but after researching withdrawal symptoms I do not want to proceed with this drug. Is it ok to go cold turkey since it has only been 3 days or should I ween off? Any help is appreciated.

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What a relief to read that so many people share so many of my side-effects.
I put on 45kg since taking Lexapro. That's about 7 stone. I have, successfully, lost 30 kg but an struggling to lose the last 15kg.

I didn't know Lexapro was causing the weight gain.

Two months ago, I cut out all grains and all dairy products from my diet.

I can't begin to describe how settled, happy and sane I, now, feel!

Many people experience mental problems as a result of eating grains and dairy. There is so much information on the internet about it.

Now that I feel so wonderful, I would like to go off Lexapro so see how I'll feel.

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

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I would think three days isn't long enough to cause too much of a withdrawal, as your body is actually not used to having the drug. Probably more symptoms from starting to take it than from stopping. As with most questions like this I would ask your prescribing Dr though.

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I have been taking 5 mg of lexapro for a little over a year now. I started lexapro because of a sudden on set of SEVERE anxiety and moderate panic attacks that were occurring on a daily basis. Now, I am trying to come off of it. What I did was start taking it every other day about a week ago and now I have started taking it every three days. I was going to go cold turkey after doing the every other day regimen but I felt really weird, almost panicy so I took one and the symptoms stopped. I am assuming that this is part of the with draw symptoms. I am going to the doctor tomorrow and see what he says to do as far as coming completely off of it and how to taper from here.

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after taking the 5htt, wouldn't you become hooked on this also. Is it not like another ssri. let me know, because I'd like to know more information about the 5htt.

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I have terrible withdraw. On lexapro 10 years 10 mil. I feel like I am so tired walking is tiring. I have dizziness sharp headaches and just feel like it takes a lot of effort to do anything. I went on it 10 years ago after my mom passed from a long illness 10 I just did not feel like it was helping anymore. It is tough. I just hope I get my energy back soon I am so exhausted all the time

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I had to taper down to 1 mg due to those exact withdrawal symptoms...my thought was there was no rush to end the meds might as well go as slow as my body needed...it really helped to taper down to a tiny amount daily rather than a larger amount skipping days

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awful withdrawal symptoms from lexapro...have been taking prozac, then zoloft then lexapro for the past 20 yrs for Afib...docs said it was caused by an anxiety disorder...hospitalized several times in cardiac unit for Afib, never given a rhythm med until just recently (Multaq) & was told it interacts w/ the lexapro & had to stop cold turkey...flu like symptoms, chills, fever, tremors, insides shaking, easy to anger, irritability, bad night mares, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping and the list goes on...have been off it about a month now and some symptoms are easing a bit...don't know which is from the anxiety from not taking it and which is from the withdrawal...i am not doing well interacting with people, especially my friends...i feel like no one understands me...

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I myself am weaning from 10 mg. as well after being on it for 8 years. Down now to 4 mg.afteralmost a year. I have been toying with just stopping due to these horrible side effects...no appetite, insomnia and nausea and fatigue! Horrible way to live.

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I have been taking Lexapro 5yrs+. I recently stopped taking it. I have since had bad headaches, heart palpations, sweats, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. It's awful. I refilled my rx. I've been reading all these posts and im so scared now.

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If you are wanting to go off you don't need to do it cold turkey. Research how to taper the medicine. It will GREATLY reduce your withdrawal symptoms. I had a very sensitive reaction to tapering so I reduced my dosage in very small increments and was able to stop completely after a 4 month period of decreasing dosages. Hang in there. It is possible to do. I did have migraines and the associated symptoms you mentioned and they are indeed uncomfortable, but for me it was worth it in the end.

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I asked God to help me with my mood upsets after stopping this drug. He did.

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Totally agree....horrible drug...withdrawing from 10mg for over a year now. Just down to 2 now with the most horrible side effects ever. Determined to be free and work on my anxiety without it ever again. Try yoga, accupuncture and prayers. It's helped me!

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