Lexapro Withdrawal Unwanted Side Effects (Page 4)


I have been taking Lexapro 10mg once a day for about a year. I have had many unwanted side effects which according to my doctor there are very few side effects from Lexapro. He says it is a clean drug. Wrong. It did nothing to help me and I want off. My doctor refused to give me anti-anxiety meds to help with the withdrawals from Lexapro because once again, there are no withdrawals from Lexapro. Why do doctors lie about this. Why do pharmaceutical companies lie about this? I have read so much about people just losing it while trying to stop taking Lexapro. I have not taken it in about ten days after weaning off for about two months from 10mg to 2 mg a day. My nerves are a wreck, I am extremely irratable, and have slight headaches. This is a horrible drug with many long lasting withdrawal symptoms. The makers of Lexapro, Forrest Pharmaceutical, should be ashamed of themselves. Do not lie to so many people just to increase the market strength of your company.

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I am still trying to find answers to that question through research. I haven't concluded whether I believe they do or not at this point, except what I have learned is that there is a possibility that they may recover if other factors are present such as no drugs, more vitamins.

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Mary, thanks for the encouragement to those of use entering their 4th week drug free. It's hopeful that we will all start feeling better soon...Once those neurotranmitters "get it" that there is no artificial serotonin coming to block them and recycle them, then hopefully we are back to normal. Good for you and hope you continue to feel great!Z

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I am at 13 weeks with no Lexapro and have had two good days and nights in a row. I am excited that someday I will be drug fee and feel good again.

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Are the withdrawn symptoms which you mentioned earlier getting better though? I am about to be weaned off Lexapro and am praying that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. I cant imagine being ill again...Thanks for sharing your experiences.

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I was placed on Lexapro 10 mg at bedtime after tapering off of Venlafaxin 75mg twice a day. After 3 months I decided to stop because I did not want to be "medicated" any longer. Mistake!!! I have suffered through 2 weeks of terrible restless leg syndrome every night and feel awful the next day. I hope to tough this out and not be dependent on anything like that again. If l must I certainly will taper off the next time and not just stop!

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The Best thing you can do for yourself, under the guidance of your doctor, is to wean off these drugs. I say , under the guidance of a doctor because their responsibility towards you is to help you get better. Since we manage our own care, for the most part anymore, explain you want to wean off and the dr. will help you.I have been off the Lexapro and Ambien now 5 weeks and I have been able to sleep better, I exercise 6 days a week, am more focused and am feeling like my old, well, not that old, self again. :) I will add that I am seeing a psychologist who is wonderful. She has helped me tremendously through the last 2 yrs... now she gets to see me off drugs, without artificial happiness and will work towards more consistent and "true" natural treatment. It's good to be off the medicene. Hang in there.....and exercise. Sweating out the toxins from your body certainly helps to rid the medicene from your body. Chiropractic care is also good and I see mine regularly. You can do it....just hang in there and tell yourself how much better you will feel once you're through the tough days. All of us on this thread have done it....not easy....but you can be successful. Hang in there....

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Joan you are the first person who has been through this nightmare and i am so glad you have made it.. i had to quit because i have no job.. i went the first 3 weeks of pure hell and then went back on it for about 4 days with half the dose, and then half of that.. i have been off of it for almost 2 weeks and i am feeling better.. i hope i have gone through the worst. i feel really good.. and i hope it continues.. i will be seeing a new counselor soon so i can learn how to deal with what is going on with me without drugs.. i look forward to living a normal life, well as normal as you can in a crazy world.. i only have one more med to wean off of.. and i will be starting that as soon as i know i am off of lex. thanks for your encouraging words.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement. I could feel myself regaining my strength and courage as I read your encouraging message. I am going to schedule an appointment with a therapist soon as I now realise that a therapist is definately an important element in my healing process. Thank you and stay blessed!

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Please help ! These posts are wonderful and very insightful about Lexapro. My husband only takes 10mgs "as needed ". He may take it for a week or maybe just a few days. He is also a recovering alcoholic, sober 6 months now. He craves sugar and doesn't always eat during a very physical work day, then will down lots of ice cream. My question is taking Lexapro on an " off & on" basis healthy. He is very difficult to be with, angry, short tempered, very fatigued!
He takes Kolnopin to help him sleep. He's a great man, but these highs and lows are extreme. Please any advice would be appreciated !

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what did the doctors say about your husband? i have been off of lexapro and lamictal and trazadone and now i am weaning myself off of klonapin. i don't think it is healthy to take the lexapro as he is taking it.. but i am not a doctor.. i only know that i was over medicated and i have gotten off all but klonopin. i can say that the way he is takeing it may be why he is having problems but i don't know. all i know is that the medication can cause more problems and giving medication to treat alcoholism is not wise..but again, i am not a doctor.. my advice to you is to research the medications that he is taking.. know the ins and outs of the medication..why it is prescribed, why does he need it.. and what are the side effects of taking the medication... that is about all i can say.. i have no more brain zaps (lexapro) and now i can concentrate on getting off of klonopin.. also one thing you should know, if he is has a problem with habbitual use of alcohol, he can have the same thing with klonopin..it is a narcotic.. research what happened to Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac on youtube..her own words about drug addiction..and how she got off of it..but that is all the advice i have for you.. i won't go on another ssri as long as i live..it is too painful to get off..and klonopin has led me down a path i don't want to be on..i am sorry i can not help more.

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Thank you Minpin for your reply. He has been taking Lexapro for anxiety for over 5 years now, but only when he thinks he needs it. I believe that this is his trouble, the constant on and getting off cycle of the chemical causes a huge imbalance to his system. He is highly athletic and has the "obsesive compulsive" behavior. The Lex was not prescribed for alcoholism by his Dr. it was for the anxiety disorder. The sugar cravings are related to being off the alcohol, I hope this will subside in time. Do you think he would be better off being completely off the Lex ? I tend to lean that way, especially the way he takes it.

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i can only answer for myself. it was better for me to get off of lexapro. have you talked with him about it? ssri can cause an imbalance in your brain when you take it off and on..i don't see how it can't.. coming off of it was a time..i got depressed, had iriatability, and all kinds of things happen. i am off of it and i am happy now that i am.. i can only say to talk with him and research yourself. get him to research it...talk to pharmacists about how he is taking it, both of you talk to a pharmacist about how he is taking it..and read read read..research research and research..but other than that, in my opinion, and i am not a doctor, he is taking it wrong but a pharmacist is your best bet right now..

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I just got off lexapro about 2 weeks ago and I had become this horrible monster that people don't want to be around with. I feel dizzy and have chronic headaches that surpassed any migraine headaches I've ever had since I was a child. I snap at people in a drop of a hat, I developed extreme sensitivity to light, my belly fat had increase tremendously even though I exercise and go to the gym 6 times a week. If I would have known upfront that this would be the side effects after I decide to come off of this pill, I would not have taken it in the first place. I would rather deal with my depression than take this freaking drug. On top of it, I have lost every desire to have sex since I started taking this drug, and the primary reason why I got off of it. If you are about to take Lexapro, DON'T! I would stay away from it. Deal with your depression some other ways.

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I'm just cutting my dose - its been a week now and actually - i feel good. My brain is clearer and so far I feel ok - I'm working with my Dr and we have dropped from 20mg to 10 per day - in couple of weeks it will be 10 every 2 days and then off. I'll let you know how I go.

Lexapro has helped me get through an awful patch - but it did rob me of my Mojo - my Dr who has known me for years recognized this thinks that coming off now ( after 10 months - should bring me back to normal - heres hoping.

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if you want to come off of this drug, then you should know that what you are going through will stop.. you will get through it. i did. i went through the same thing and it took me about a month. don't get discouraged. if this is what you want, i have been there. i have no symptoms now and am doing well. you will get there just hang on. it will be tough though.

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i got off of 20mg cold turkey, which i don't recommend, anyhow, when you do stop taking it. you will still probably have symptoms and that seems to be normal from what i have read here. i have been off of Lex since the middle of feb. and it took about a month but i am now symptom free and it is a great feeling.

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I took my last Lexapro on November 28, 2012 and it took four months before the major awful symptoms went away. I am actually starting to feel somewhat normal now but I would definitely not say back to normal.

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I have been on Lexapro for years, maybe 6 or so, so I am VERY worried after reading these posts, what I am going to feel like. I have started weaning myself....I was taking 10mg/day and for the last week and a half to 2 weeks i've been taking 10 mg every other day. I have felt dizziness, night sweats, a bit of a cloudy feeling, and at the end of last week very irritable. I'm scared to wean further and because I was on it for SO long, I am worried that my withdrawal is going to be horrible. Not sure if this is the best time to be doing this since I have a job where May, June and July are crazy busy season and I can't afford to have trouble concentrating. Help?

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I'm sorry about how you are feeling but the first question which comes to my mind is - are you withdrawing with the support of your doctor? Could you not continue taking the medication until after your busy season? I know I should not be preaching to others but yoga and relaxation techniques are really helping me through my withdrawal. The yoga teacher is teaching us about ensuring that our minds are in control at all times. Wishing you relief soon.

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Can any of you fellow "travellers" tell me if you ever lost weight after stopping Lexapro? (with exercising of course). I have gained 15kgs despite exerice and correct diet whilst taking Lexapro. I am currently weaning off and am wondering if I will ever loose the the fat.

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