Lexapro Withdrawal Unwanted Side Effects (Page 3)
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I have been taking Lexapro 10mg once a day for about a year. I have had many unwanted side effects which according to my doctor there are very few side effects from Lexapro. He says it is a clean drug. Wrong. It did nothing to help me and I want off. My doctor refused to give me anti-anxiety meds to help with the withdrawals from Lexapro because once again, there are no withdrawals from Lexapro. Why do doctors lie about this. Why do pharmaceutical companies lie about this? I have read so much about people just losing it while trying to stop taking Lexapro. I have not taken it in about ten days after weaning off for about two months from 10mg to 2 mg a day. My nerves are a wreck, I am extremely irratable, and have slight headaches. This is a horrible drug with many long lasting withdrawal symptoms. The makers of Lexapro, Forrest Pharmaceutical, should be ashamed of themselves. Do not lie to so many people just to increase the market strength of your company.

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I'm off lexapro now but I'm courious if anyone else had an issue with scalp or torso rash whenbon this drug or swollen lymph nodes on upper side of neck? I did and it was horrible. Still having some issues with rash but only been off a month or so. But thank god to no more night sweats, low energy, and headaches!!!

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Most Doctors who praise Lexapro get regular free samples from the manufacturer, then illegal kickback pay for choosing to write scripts for it. That is a good Doc to loose! If he treated your withdrawal they are admitting it is not safe. Then...No more free money for the "Doc in the pocket". They pulled the same s*** with Valium. Just history repeating itself.

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This encouraged me to make my Dr. Appt so THANK YOU! I also mapped out a really slow tapering plan. I will keep informed of my process. I am currently on 5mg. That is my regular dose.Going to reduce to 3.75 ish as soon as I decide to start officially, take that a month, then 2.5 mg for a month, then 1.25..., then every other day....It is scary, it was SO bad last time...

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Thanks for the responding . I will try to extended for at least 2 weeks . Then atleast a week or 2 on 2.5 one day on and one day off. Thanks for the feedback . I can't wait to feel better

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I strongly suggest MUCH longer than 10 days at 2.5, especially as you are feeling withdrawal effects already from your recent reduction. Do 3-4 weeks, then every other day. It won't hurt to ease your system into the reset. I tried 10 days,at 2.5 then nothing. BAD. I had to start again it was so awful. Physically and mentally, emotionally. So now I am going to go SUPER SLOW and see if I can get oral Sutton to go down to less than 2.5 as my final dose. Best to you!!!

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Thats awesome i am going to start going down to 2.5 for my last 10 days . Still have light tension headaches and brain zapps but lighter . Hope it goes well

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Been off it now for about a month and side effects are all gone.

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How is everyone doing with getting off this drug any improvements ?

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I have also experienced many withdrawal symptoms. My eyes are very sensitive to light and feel very heavy and ache. I also get pressure type headaches and sometimes my ears feel like they want to pop. This pill has been a nightmare. I found that taking fish oil seems to help with symptoms.

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I was on lexapro for 10 months. 10 mg a day. I felt constantly tired and gained 8lbs. I also got severe rashes on my head and torso the whole time and my lyohnodes on my head a neck were always swelled. Did anyone else have the rash and lymphnode problem? I recently stopped taking it. Went to 5mg per day for 3 weeks then every other day for a week and then done. Now 4 days later I'm extremely dizzy and spaced out. Hope it goes away soon.

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Mine goes near the side of my temple, especially when I look away, like a headshock. Supposedly, they are harmless (supposedly) but they are annoying and irritating

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Im so relieved to know there are people out there who are going thru similar side effects of lexapro withdrawal! Its an awful drug been tapering down. Had horrendus effects. The medical field has no blooming idea what these pills r doing to poor innocent victims. I wouldve never started lex if i knew how bad it would be to get off. For the readers of this. Please consider other options. Before taking a pill to help depression!!! I beg u. Its not worth it. It did nothing to help me. And hell to get off. Doctors just love to hand pills out like candy. Often times if u can wait it out i do believe yr body will naturally heal itself. Nature. Walking. Keeping busy. Good diet. Vitamins. Talk therapy. Light therapy. These are worthy if yr time. Please! Be wary of starting pills!!!

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I took two and a half miligrams of Lexapro for two days for depression. It gave me unbearable vertigo and insomnia. That was 3 days ago and I'm experiencing constant anxiety, trembling, dizziness and confusion. My Psychiatrist says it may take a few days for Lexapro to get out of my system. Has anyone else experienced this on such a low dose for only a couple of days?

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HI !!! Can anyone describe the brain zapps . I was put on lexpro for anxiety and it was working but i gained 25lbs in 6 months and always tired . My doctor is weaning me off to try wellbutrin . I went down from 20mg to 17.5 for 2 weeks and now at 15mg. And today i feel some what light headed and also a sharp tension headache that comes and goes behind my head . Is this normal?

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Yes, the idea that it works so well is great TO START. And we do need help, so we are thankful. But unless you plan to be on it forever, not so good. The Dr.'s have NO IDEA, unless they had a family member take it and try to taper as text Dr. Recommend. THEN THEY WOULD KNOW and BELIEVE US! I am still on my 5mg, need to decide how to proceed. It is causing some joint inflammation/ pain I know, and this is my major complaint. ( Without it despite the 10 other horrible withdrawal effects I had NO joint pain until I resumed..) So....let you know what I decide. Still thinking about switching to Celexa, ( as I hear NO first hand withdrawal horror stories ) which I actually requested first, but my Dr. gave me lexapro. So....gotta make an app with a different Dr. as mine retired. I was going to stop seeing him anyway.

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I do not understand your tapering. Could you clarify?

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Do you have horrible anxiety for a withdrawal with your dizziness?

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I've been on Lexapro for 6 months 10mg. Now tapering off I took 5 for 14 days and 1 each other day 2 each 3 4 and 5 each other day...I have little side effects thanks God..
your brain needs to gradually reboot it's chemicals..Do not quit cold turkey.

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Hi, I am on lexapro for 1 year and i decided to stop before seeing my dr in 2 weeks as i am in pregnancy plan and i m worried it will affect the possibilities of getting pregnant. I have stopped to take lexapro 3 weeks ago and I dont feel good. It somehow confuse me could it be due to the withdrawal sympton or my mild depression relapsed. I went tru dizziness, restless weeks ago but even until now i still feel restless and lifeless. I dont wan to rely on the medicine but yet I feel my mood swing a lot and tend to think a lot and cannot get out from the circle. It is just left and right brains are telling different stories and emotions overhelmed the rational in my heads. I just feel im suffering so my tears can come out easily again when no one is around me. I just dont wan to rely on lexapro

May i know is this depression relapsed or withdrawal symton? How long will the symptom last for as they makes me feel terrible

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I tapered from 10, to 7.5, to 5, to 3.5, 2.5, then off. Three weeks each taper. Fine till 7 days after stopping. So...I think getting the liquid to do the last 5mg way way slow, but 1mg per month and then every other day, then every three, then four, then off is the way to go. OR ask to switch to Celexa , which I hear from family and friends is NOT HARD to withdraw from. For now I am gun shy to stop. On 5mg. I was on 5mg for 7 months last May 2015 through December 2015. Then upped to 10mg ( which was my Dr.'s original dosage rx. But 5mg worked so well for up till then I stuck with it. ) It also works great now. But I do want eventually to try and go off it. I think switching to Celexa will be my best bet.

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