Lexapro Withdrawal Unwanted Side Effects (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking Lexapro 10mg once a day for about a year. I have had many unwanted side effects which according to my doctor there are very few side effects from Lexapro. He says it is a clean drug. Wrong. It did nothing to help me and I want off. My doctor refused to give me anti-anxiety meds to help with the withdrawals from Lexapro because once again, there are no withdrawals from Lexapro. Why do doctors lie about this. Why do pharmaceutical companies lie about this? I have read so much about people just losing it while trying to stop taking Lexapro. I have not taken it in about ten days after weaning off for about two months from 10mg to 2 mg a day. My nerves are a wreck, I am extremely irratable, and have slight headaches. This is a horrible drug with many long lasting withdrawal symptoms. The makers of Lexapro, Forrest Pharmaceutical, should be ashamed of themselves. Do not lie to so many people just to increase the market strength of your company.
How long did it take to get thru lexapro withdraw. I have been off of it for 7 days and feel horrible my body hurts I cant think straight am very on edge. I feel like it is never going to get better. My doc told me to go off cold turkey so I did.
Well, I'm on Day 7 as well. It's no walk in the park, but I think my symptoms are milder than most. I've suffered mainly dizziness and feeling as if I'm using someone else's head between Friday and today. Saturday was the worst, though - actually burst into tears while talking to one of my lecturer's on-line. I didn't even feel sad or anything; just straight waterworks for about 10 or so seconds.
Today's better, though. Got up and speed-walked some laps before getting some more sleep. Still have periodic out-of-body sensations, but it's slowly getting better.
I should have asked - what dosage were you on? If it's 15 mg or 20 mg, I think you need to talk to your doctor about the cold turkey method. I was on 10 mg, and I felt out of it (still do in a bit), so coming off of higher doses would probably be even worse. :(
If you feel really bad, check out the web site i posted on in one of my earlier posts. they have people that have weaned themself off of it. I had to wean off, going down to 2.5 each day and then 2.5 every other day , then every third day.... This was over a 3 to 4 week period.... Then there are "phases" to look out for - depending on how long you were on lexapro will probably depend on the severity of the phases.... There are some reports of manic/deep depression phases 6 months out!! Be careful, dont trust your moods to be just your moods... It could still be withdrawls.... Be kind to yourself and take lots of vitamins and try noni juice. try to really take notice when you are feeling very, very down...
I was on 20mg for the past 7 months. I spoke with her about it and she just said your fine it will pass. You said you still feel out of it sometimes how long have you been off of it. I really dont know how much more I can take of this. If I went to the er would they be able to help. Anyone who knows how long this last or if the er would be able to help please let me know. Thanks
I've been off for just a little over a week, but I was on the 10 mg dose for 2+ years. Now, I feel a little dizzy once in a while, compared to the room-spinning feeling I had last Friday night/all day Saturday. I'm no doctor, but I honestly think you should have been weaned off of such a high dosage instead of straight cold-turkey. O_O No wonder you're feeling so miserable. ;_;
Hi, I took 10 mg lexapro for 6 months and ultimately decided to get off because it made me way too tired. I dosed down from 10 to 5 for a week, then 5 every other day but found on the day I wouldn't take it I was totally dizzy so I just stopped altogether. That was 5 days ago and I'm not feeling the flu like symptoms that a lot of you mention, but I'm so dizzy and have brain zaps (as you call them) and it's driving me crazy. Just when I think it's getting better it's not! When can I expect this to end? I'm also irritable and not sleeping well. I'm actually very annoyed that I went on lexapro in the first place. It stabilized my mood for a few months but then it just made me tired and gain weight, and now I have to deal with this craziness coming off of it. I'm happy to read other posts about this so I know what to expect.
Hello Everyone,
I have been off of lexapro (10mg) for 2 and 1/2 months. I was only on the drug for about 3 months, and about halfway though those 3 months, I started developing jawline, chin, and neck acne. I have never had acne before in my life. I decided to get off of lexapro at that point because of the acne and it making me so exhausted all of the time. As soon as I got off (I did wean off), the acne EXPLODED on my cheeks, neck, and jawline and has gotten increasingly worse ever since. Is this just withdrawal? I was sure that it would have cleared up by now. I am terrified that taking lexapro has ruined my skin forever. Will this acne go away??? I am totally depressed over it and it has ruined my life. I hope that someone will tell me that this WILL go away.
Thanks for any response- I am desperate!
Brittany, Sorry to hear that. It is probably very, very upsetting, but i feel if this is a side effect you are experiencing, then it should pass soon. I have heard about adult onset acne, but maybe this is just from the meds. Have you tried any of the neutrogena deep cleanse sysytems? Is not, they are amazing! Even loreal has some good ones. These are the ones that have glycolic acid in them and they really, really make your skin beautiful.... It does take a few weeks though and you should probably read if they are harmful to use if experiencing acne... This would be good for when the break out is done and you are clear. I wish you all the best. Good luck.
Thank you for your response! I also think I am going through a re-adjustment period. I just get so discouraged when I think of "what my skin has become" and I worry and worry that I'll never return to normal. But from what I've been told by my doctor, it takes about 3 months for lexapro's effects to fully build up in your system. That tells me that it would take at least another 3 months for my body to get back to normal. I also try to remember that I was only on lexapro for a little over 3 months, so that should shorten my recovery time. I've also deduced from reading that this is either an effect of my liver detoxing or of my brain "re-learning" how to function and communicate and produce chemicals without lexapro interferrance. And lastly, I have found others who have experienced the same problem after lexapro. I think I have reason to be hopeful and optimistic :)
Yes, you do have many reasons to be optimistic. I have to say, i went into a deep, deep, depression and am only starting to get out of it,,, it's been over a year too. Lexapro is really bad. Not sure if you were on it long enough to mess with your moods, but take everything with a grain of salt. This could kick back up on you... Not the acne, but mood swings... They are harsh. I was on it for over a year... Feels like i am coming out of a tail spin or a mid life crisis. Not on anything now. And never will take anything ever again. Just into more counseling ... Less side effects...lol
Good Morning!
First of all, I am so sorry that has Lexapro haunted you for so long. Depression is truly debilitating. I also agree that Lexapro is a HORRIBLE drug, and it has basically scared me away from any other medication forever (if I can help it). I didn't trust it going in and I should have listened to my gut. I am also going through mood swings, depression, anger, and difficulty finding my words, too. I was only on Lexapro for a little over 3 months, so my withdrawal period is probably going to be shorter than yours, but I can empathize. I should have stopped taking it when it caused severe suicidal thoughts in the first week, extreme night sweats for the entire time I took it, and chronic exhaustion. I'm sorry that you were victimized by our medical and pharmaceutical system. I just hate how this drug was touted to me as a miracle drug and the doctors look at me like I am stupid when I disclose the symptoms I am going through. You are so smart to have chosen counseling; treating the cause rather than the symptom is always the lasting cure. I am doing the same.
As far as the acne goes, I believe it has basically run its course! Finally!!! I woke up this morning and everything feels basically over! Now I just have to treat the left over marks (chemical peels and perhaps a laser treatment IF needed). Patience and faith (and a little help from my esthetician), and this will all be behind me soon.
Lastly, I wanted to mention Louis Hays to you... her life-coaching points have saved me through my anxiety and depression. If I would have been introduced to her world 6 months ago, I wouldn't have ever even turned to Lexapro. It might seem cheesy at first, but it totally works. It's basically just positive self talk.
So so happy for you! I love Louis Hays! I have one of her books too! She is incredible. I know this may sound silly, but I am looking in to self healing with reiki and I would love to help others eventually too. Can't hurt. I have a family member that practices it and I am now intrigued by it. It is all about positive healing energy. Good luck!! I wish you the best!!
I began weaning off Lexapro on 7/1/2012 and stopped all together on 8/31/12. The following days were absolutely awful. I was dizzy, couldn't think clearly, extremely tired, agitated, had diarrhea, nauseated, stomach bloated. As of 9/25/12, I am feeling better. Hope this helps someone. Seems you have to give it 3 months. Trust me, I thought I couldn't live like I was during the process but suddenly I feel better. Give it 3 months. A few things I did was go to see an acupuncturist, take Chinese herbs, take fish oil with high EPA, and take a decongestant if you need it. Stay away from anything that make you feel dizzier...like benadryl, mucinex. Very bad to go through but you can do it.
Just want to let everyone know that you can wean yourself off lexapro when you get ready. I was taking 20mg/day. I noticed bad side effects when i would miss a few days (headaches, nausea, brain shocks). I cut back to 10mg/day for a week or so, then 5mg/ day for another week or so, then i would wait a few days and take 5mg only when i felt the side effects. I quit taking the 5mg doses after a few weeks. Basically get a last refill on your prescription and start cutting back. Ive been off the pills for a few years now. I hope this info helps someone. Withdrawls are scary.
Thank you all for this site . I have been taking some form of ssri"s for quite a few years now and weaned myself from Lexapro after 3-4 years of taking the drug.I have been feeling miserable and am taking ayurvedic medication from a good doctor as I live in India and the symptoms are bearable. I take Klonopin asneeded SOS and drink lots of water. The dizziness and spacey feeling has slowly receded, and I'm drinking a lot of water, doing yoga and deep breathing, and praying that the symptoms become less with time.
This is really for anyone: I started taking 10mg of lexapro. No real benefit but as a male I did experience the sexual side effects I.e. the inability to ejaculate. My doc prescribed Wellbutrin to counteract that part. Soon after I got this sensation in the very tip of my penis-not really a tingling so much..but feeling like I needed to pee constantly. My doc ran urinary tests for uti etc and all were negative. I started to think u had prostate or bladder infections/cancer (health anxiety). My doctor said this was a potential side effect. I tapered off my lexapro quickly as well as the Wellbutrin. I had horrible brain zaps, fatigue, muscle aches etc for three weeks. Then they went away. Now my pee sensation which previously went away is back. I have no other symptoms down there-no pain, no hesitation etc. when I need to pee I pee fine. However the rest of the time the very tip just tingles like I need to pee 24-7. Has anyone else had this? I have extreme health anxiety and though my doc previously said its nothing but the med...now that I am 4 weeks off of it my mind is fighting that logic. All I can think about is this and the thought that its cancer causing it. Please help! It's ruining my life. All other withdrawals are gone though I cannot say that I might not be still having depression. Is it possible to have most side effects abate and then have this pop back up? :( I hate anti depressants.
25 years old.
I have had the same problems with my doctor and decided to just take myself off of Lexapro. I seen no changes while being on this medication and if anything my side affects been worse. I was still irritable, gained weight, could not sleep, and still depressed. Now I am experiencing dizziness after weaning off. Can not be sure whether this is connected to the Lexapro.
I'm not a stoner, but marijuana has helped me tremendously in mitigating the withdrawl symtoms from Lexapro. Don't laugh or knock-it until you give it a try.
Besides, it's thousands of times safer than the Lexapro and you don't get addicted. People can become dependent on cannabis, but it is actually less addictive than caffeine.
It helps with the irratability and brain zaps and I've actually lost weight, regardless of the munchies. Just try to snack with healthy foods if the increase in appetite becomes an issue.
I'm not a doctor, but I doubt if the sensation you're feeling in the tip of you penis is any type of cancer. I'm middle-aged and had the same sexual side-effects (I actually didn't mind the delayed orgasm/ejaculation, or should I say the ladies didn't mind ;) ) Hang in there and it will get better.
I'll never tell a person with depression to 'get over it' but I've found that my problems were more related to getting into a negative feedback loop with my emotions and feelings. I've gotten back into exercising outdoors and trying to literally make myself laugh several times a day along with some other cognative therapy changes.
Hang in there and try to laugh more and just enjoy life as much as you possibly can. Find something bigger than yourself to put your energies into and stop thinking about yourself. It seems to be working for me so far (fingers crossed) and I'm never going to get back on artificial drugs unless I absolutely have no other choice.
Good luck.
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