Lexapro Withdrawal Unwanted Side Effects (Page 13)


I have been taking Lexapro 10mg once a day for about a year. I have had many unwanted side effects which according to my doctor there are very few side effects from Lexapro. He says it is a clean drug. Wrong. It did nothing to help me and I want off. My doctor refused to give me anti-anxiety meds to help with the withdrawals from Lexapro because once again, there are no withdrawals from Lexapro. Why do doctors lie about this. Why do pharmaceutical companies lie about this? I have read so much about people just losing it while trying to stop taking Lexapro. I have not taken it in about ten days after weaning off for about two months from 10mg to 2 mg a day. My nerves are a wreck, I am extremely irratable, and have slight headaches. This is a horrible drug with many long lasting withdrawal symptoms. The makers of Lexapro, Forrest Pharmaceutical, should be ashamed of themselves. Do not lie to so many people just to increase the market strength of your company.

274 Replies (14 Pages)

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Ok I have been on lexapro 20 mg for about a year. I have gained forty pounds and am the laziest most exhausted person on the planet. I will say my depression stopped while on lexapro. I am knocking it down to 10 mg a day wish me luck!

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It is so frustrating to gain weight, feel lazy and have sexual side effects YET have the depression and anxiety go away leaving you in a bind to chose. It is a hard choice. I am only on 5mg and it works for me, and I want to go off it but I am nervous about my anxiety and depression returning. I tried to go off before and had hellish withdrawals, even with a slow taper. My Dr. agreed to prescribe liquid for when I decide to try again. It is a tough choice, quite the gamble.

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Any one know how does it take to feel normal ? I only took it for alittle over 6 months but can't seem to shake of the headaches and light nausea. I was taking 20mg at one point.

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I was on 10 mg of Lexapro for 4 mths in Sept to help my depression and anxiety that I had while I was abusing alcohol. The Lexapro certainly helped the dep. n anx. so that I could focus on my sobriety. With Lexapro I put on 30 lbs and have had terrible joint ache. Having not had a drink for 4 mths (I am committed to not start again), I am weaning myself off the Lexapro. Have done a week at 5mg and have now stopped totally for two days. I have had bad Insomnia during this time, but my bones are a lot less painful. All of your posts have been very helpful, thank you.

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Hope it's not a hard ride for you . And I am glad your sober, that it self is a big accomplishment!!. One day at a time that's what I tell my self

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Lexapro withdrawal caused me to have a major meltdown, after 16 yrs on this antidepressant I decided to step down over a two week period from 20mg to 10mg.. It has been a living hell. Dizziness, shaking, feeling like my brain's on fire, confusion, anxiety, crying.. not feeling like myself.. I've been off work for six months.. and staying with my folks.. This breaks my heart. I'm 44.. They're in their 70s.. Before this happened i was very independent.. if only i could turn back time!!

The real truth about antidepressants and withdrawal is it's a painful lonely journey and only faith, hope and love keeps you going for recovery and peace.. Peace and love to all who are doing it tuff..

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Good morning everyone...I went cold turkey off of Lexapro 10 mg after being on 5mg for 4 years and 10mg for the last 6 months. My last dose was 4 days ago. I went from 130 lbs to 190 lbs during the time on Lexapro.... To tell you the truth...I'm feeling awesome....some frontal headache at times...and my anxiety is holding it's own thank goodness but I am using Gaba L-Theanine topical on my wrist about 2 x a day to help with the anxiety just in case..and who knows...maybe that's what helping with the anxiety. Also...to help me with losing the weight along with exercise/diet, I've been prescribed Contrave. A combo drug with no stimulants but has two meds that work on the hunger center and addiction center. The only addiction I have is food..no drugs or alcohol...but sugar is also an addiction. Started taking my first dose today. Really feeling pretty good and my appetite isn't overwhelming as usual. I'm making sure I'm eating lots of protein though...like Pure Protein bars with only 2 gms of sugar. I'm a chocoholic big time so this satisfies that craving. I tell you...Lexapro makes all food tastes awesome and makes you want to eat more and more of it.....and now my self esteem is tanked because of the weight gain...Now...let's see what happens. I've already lost 3 lbs being off of the little white pill. Praying all withdrawal effects stay away.

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I am happy you feel good, but be aware that it takes about 7-10 days to feel the effects of the discontinuation of a dose fully. It will likely be a tougher time in a few more days to a week. If so, don't feel bad if you resume. I did. I WANTED to stop for many of the same reasons. I went from 5mg to 2.5, to zero every 3 weeks and still it was so awful I had to resume after weeks off. I since have researched it more, and Lexapro
( escitalopram) is far more potent at lower doses than all other anti depressents. It is like 3x the same dosage of a different anti depressent. So... my plan is down 10% for 3-4 weeks, eachvinterval, and go to liquid to ensure proper dosing. I read this is suggested to allow your body to recalibrate and get accustomed to it's own levels of seratonin, etc..and to minimize, any of the discontinuation/withdrawal effects. Ithe will take a long time, but eventually I think I will try it. It was SCARY what happened to me at about a week.
Please come back and let us know how you are doing at a week, 10 days, etc..
There is no shame in a slow taper. I had to reconcile myself to that last year.
The cold turkey is rough on your nervous system. It sounds like it will help somewhat, with you are doing otherwise, but it may still be quite tough. Hoping for a miracle for you!! Be well! Please do check back in.

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Well said Mate!! After 16 years on lexapro, I'm coming off this... I had a major meltdown.... and lost it. Still in recovery now!! It's great to hear the truth!! Peace to all for recovery. God bless.

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I started taking 10mg of Lexapro about 6 years ago at the recommendation of my OBGYN in my early 40s. I was extremely fatigued all the time and my blood work came back totally normal. She thought I might be perimenopausal. After about a week on Lexapro the fatigue was gone and I felt great again for years. Then real menopause hit and I started having depression and all sorts of bad symptoms. With the addition of hormones I was good again for a while. Then I had a hysterectomy and all hell broke loose, so I changed hormones and my OBGYN upped the Lexapro to 20 mg. All was good again for a while.

However, I realized over time that I have some other weird symptoms that I never attributed to Lexapro. I have problems concentrating, especially when reading. My eyes just won't focus on the words. I have trouble focusing on what I am doing because my mind is always wandering to other things. As a result It takes twice as long to complete a task. The worse symptom is I feel drugged at times where my eyes feel heavy and I'm really fatigued. Last but not least, I have non existent libido. I was worried it was all from getting older.

The light bulb went off when a few months ago I started taking a drug called Accutane to help permanently treat a lifetime of acne breakouts. I figured at 50 yrs old enough was enough. Accutane comes with tons of warnings but no one seemed to be concerned about the fact that I was on Lexapro. I was also put on Losartan, a blood pressure medication around the same time. Well to make a long story shorter, the cocktail was devastating. After about a month I was having periods of each day of feeling horribly drugged. I couldn't concentrate on anything, had weird vision changes and I was exhausted. My Dr. took me off the Accutane immediately and I quit the Losartan immediately as well. It took about 2 weeks and then I felt a lot better again.

Then I started to notice though that I still had the concentration issues and fatigue and it all came to me that they were there before starting the other drugs. I realized that I really hadn't felt that great for years now, but it just happened so gradually. The additional drugs just brought it all to light! So I decided to get off the Lexapro as well. I had heard that you shouldn't do it cold turkey. One of my Drs. said to cut the dose in half for a week, then take half every other day and then every few days until none at all. She said it would only take a few weeks. No big deal.

When I first quit Lexapro I felt amazing. Huge energy surge for the first week. I think it was a honeymoon period. Now I have been completely off it for about 2 weeks and all hell has broken loose again. I have headaches, huge anger problems (not normal for me), crying at the drop of the hat, constant irritability, fatigue, body aches at the end of the day and depression. I'm thinking I did not taper off the drug long enough. I had no idea how bad it would be. I have not had any of the brain zaps you all refer to. I read on another site that fish oil helps with that. As it turns out I have been taking Omega 3 fish oil pills all through this. Try it! Also heard to try magnesium and vitamin B. I just started the two other vitamins. Hoping it helps.

At this moment I just feel like my brain is in a fog. It is similar to how I felt on the drug only worse. It makes me so tempted to just go back on the drug but I just want my brain back. I'm terrified by all the stories I hear about the withdrawal symptoms never going away. Does anyone have any success stories after going through this?!

I am hoping my story helps some of the woman my age understand what they are experiencing. DON'T let your doctors put you on Lexapro. It was amazing for a long while but there is a huge price to pay. Also it's crazy how easily your Drs. will prescribe additional medications. You have to protect yourselves. Don't just blindly do what they tell you. Do your homework first. I moved recently and had to get new doctors. I was telling my new OBGYN some of my symptoms and she wrote me a prescription for Wellbutrin to accompany the Lexapro!!! She said it would be great for the fatigue. I hadn't figured it all out at the time and actually filled the prescription but thank god never took it!!! Good luck everyone. Keep the info coming. So helpful to know we're not alone.

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I just wanted to give everyone an update. Somewhere in theses messages someone recommended various vitamins. I tried them and They really helped. I have been completely off Lexapro, after tapering too fast, for about a month. I was suffering terribly with headaches, crying, depression, anger, irritability, body aches and fatigue. After a few days on the combination of the following vitamins I feels dramatically improved. I am taking Omega 3 fish oil, Magnesium, B-12.(these are the 3 that were recommended) additionally I am taking Ultra Pure Tumeric from a company called Direct Naturals. Have to order online. My whole bday feels better. And lastly I am taking a supplement called Black Cohosh. I don't know exactly what did it but the side effects are now manageable. I still feel weepy and depressed at times and a head ache occasionally but everything is much less. I also started exercising which seems to help as well. I feel really good after working out. Good luck everyone.

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I have been on Lexapro for years for Anxiety. The withdrawals are very real and usually start if I have not had it for 2-3 days. While this is a bad side affect I should also tell you that it has helped me tremendously. Without it I suffer from panic attacks. As long as I am on it I do not have any attacks. Mine were so bad they created internal bleeding and I was hospitalized. The doctors said: "Treat your stress or you will die." So it may not be for everyone, however there are those of us who benefit from it. I do not have depression though, my issue is sever anxiety.

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Hi Birdiepj - How long did it take before all your symptoms were gone

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Can you direct me to this thread and this user 'aunty' and the research and remedies they have found. I am in extreme and desperate need to find some relief from this hell.

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Has anyone else had a sense of feeling like a toddler like I will laugh really oddly (my sister calls it the Girl Scout laugh) and act really weird I've been on 20mg of lexapro for about 6-7 months and it's concerning me

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I have been taking lexapro (10mg) for a month in conjunction with dex (25mg a day) which I started a month prior. I went onto lexapro mainly because my anxiety got worse from dex and because I got diagnosed with depression. Some stuff happened which made my depression worse so I went to 20mg of lexapro which I've been on for 3 months. I want to withdrawal to a lower dose possibly back to 10mg but I'm worried my anxiety will come back and I won't be as tamed as I am now, but I know I can't continue not feeling anything. I've also been looking at changing my ADHD medication.

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When trying to get off a certain antidepressant, why do people have such terrible withdrawals when it only takes up to 72 hours for the medication to be completely out of your system?

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On my 9th day of withdrawal from Lexapro, what a b****! I have brain zaps, my sinuses hurt, my ears feel full, I'm gassy, my stomach hurts and I have indigestion. I've been doing a lot of research and just got some t-lyphan because they say it helps. I will let you all know. I'm also taking b12, magnesium & fish oil. This is not for sissies. Anyone else experiencing these symptoms? I have no appetite either.

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Re: Jeff (# 246) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. May i know have you recovered totally from this withdrawal symptoms ?

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was on effexor for 13 yrs they switched me to lexapro was on it for about 2 months had horrible stomach problems kept having to run to bathroom if you know what I mean. decided to go off weaned myself down been off for about month had horrible side effects brain zaps, worse of all reflux and stomach problems. indegestion, and a feeling like something is stuck in throat. tried to with go any anit depressents but had to go back on this past week they put me on prozac 10mg for my depression and ocd and anxiety. anyone else have refluc withdrawling from lexapro plz let me know.

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