Lexapro Brand Versus Generic Escitalopram (Page 8)
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I have taken 30mg of Lexapro for past 4 years. After the deaths of my son and his wife in a plane crash the depression and anxiety were more than I could bear. This past May I was changed to the generic escitalopram. God Forbid!!!! What a nightmare. Within three weeks I was suicidal, I was going through SSRI withdrawals which are vicious. I am now paying over $225.00 per month for Brand Lexapro as my insurance will NOT cover it even with prior auth or any other reason. My Medicare Advantage plan leaves a lot to be desired even though I pay a $152.00 per month premium. Has anyone else had problems with the generic Lexapro? My pharmacist said I am not the first.
Hello Madam. Fist of all, allow me to let you know how sorry I am for your loss. One can´t even imagine the pain you are going through.
From a pharmaceutical point of view (I am a pharmacist), generics are USUALLY as good as brands. I say "usually" because in some cases some people are allergic, don´t tolerate as well, etc... the "things" (technical term: excipients) that are used to fill up the whole pill. That could lead to bigger (or lower) absorption of the molecule itself and hence give you all those side effects you experience.
Overall it is pointless to call in the FDA on that. Same thing happens in my country. I recommend you to either switch to a different manufacturer or switch insurance in order to get copay on the brand version.
If neither is possible, try one of those shady ways that some folks here say about using a Canadian supplier. Whatch out where and who you get it from though. In my country the brand name is Cipralex. The box looks just like Lexapro, but it has "cipralex" written. Hope I help you. If anything, don´t hesitate to ask. My regards
I was given the generic after eight years of taking Lexapro. Didn't think anything about it and was pleased with the lower price. Then--the headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, and shaking hands and panic attacks started. I hadn't had a panic attack in so long, I didn't recognize what was happening to me at first. It took me some time to connect my sudden symptoms with the generic. Now I am back on Lexapro, and all the symptoms have stopped.
I just switched ins., and it's a high deductible plan. I have to pay for all my meds full price, or what the insurance company has negotiated with each pharmacy. Name brand is of course not on the approved list, so I would have to pay the pharmacy's full price which is typically a lot more than the negotiated price.
I called my ins company and found out that if my Dr fills out and submits a prior authorization form, I can at least get the negotiated price, plus it will now count toward my deductible.
Call your ins company and find out if you might have some sort of "prior authorization" exception.
Also, call different pharmacies. I've been shocked at the differences they all charge for the exact same medications.
And we ALL need to be filing a report on our issues with the generic to the FDA (I posted this link here a while back). It's the only way we can hope to get our ins companies to cover it, or have the generics investigated for formulary discrepancies.
YES, the generic is not the same and I was suicidal as well....I am now unemployed and cant afford Lexapro which will cost me over 183.00 with insurance....I found a pharmacy in Canada and the cost is 63.00 for 30 days have you or anyone else ordered Rx from Canada thru a web-based pharmacy and how safe is it?....
Booking my flight to Australia now!
I have had the reverse problem. In Australia the generic has been available for quite a while, so I have been on that for the last year and had great results with it (except for a 15 kilo weight gain). Anyway I live in Asia and had to go to Thailand to get additional supply as the generic had run out. Lexapro is all that is available in Thailand, no generic, so I bought the Lexapro. For the last week I have been sick with headaches, nausea and very tired, that led me here. The generic works for me but I think swapping between the two is going to cause problems, so I will stick with the Lexapro now. I am shocked at the money Americans are paying for this drug, I can get a six month supply (in Australia or Thailand) for what you pay monthly.
Carol, hang in there and rip that doc a new one immediately!! Make him switch you back to the name brand STAT. Hang on, girl. So sorry you are going through this!
Yes the two forms of a drug can be considered the right handed and left handed versions, just like people hands Often one is the drug that works the other the one that causes problems. Add in the junk that is or is not taken out, the allowed variation in a tablet (the amount of drug). Often the brand name errs on more drug side, generics often err on the less drug side Also the other things that make up the tablet. Your body weight. What you recently ate, or drank. The drugs that are given in dosages, closer to the fatal dose, that window of therapy versus to much or to little get narrower.
My doctor explained this to me. The generics are the same active ingredient, but the different binders can affect the bioavailability (the rate and extent to which a drug makes it into your system). It can also impact where in your system and how the drug is absorbed. (eg: Acidic drugs are apparently absorbed in the stomach and basic drugs are absorbed in the small GI tract.)
So despite what the drug companies would have you beleive, the active ingredient isn't the entire story. If it was, there would be no reason to include the variety of different binders and fillers that they use.
I've tried three different generics and the effects ranged from "useless" to "internal bleeding and an inability to sleep for days at a time"
I finally gave up and started trying other drugs (what a horrible and totally unneccessary experience. Brand Lexapro worked like a charm, but I can't get it without mortgaging my children or selling organs)
Cymbalta did nothing for me except give me nosebleeds and made me feel very hungry all the time (even after large meals). It did nothing for my tinnitus, anxiety or inability to sleep.
However, Celexa seems to be working. It's "different" than the Lexapro, though. On Lexapro, I didn't dream at all (or at least never remembered them, never woke from them or ever showed any side of having them). With Celexa, I'm having wild dreams, but I feel fairly "normal". The only other unfortunate side effect is that if I allow myself to, I can now fall asleep anytime, anywhere (the polar opposite of my experiences without any meds or even on Lex). I'm not tired, but if I relax, I'm out like a light and need some external stimulus to wake me.
I would have preferred my Lexapro, but at least I found something that seems to be working. Of course, with my luck, it will be dropped from the formulary next year and I'll have to find another new drug.
It took my doctor two years to get the combination of drugs right for me. I have been taking Lexapro for six years. Ten days ago, I was given the generic. Three days ago anxiety symptoms started appearing. Today, I had a full-blown panic attack. My druggist insists they are the same, but my body knows diffferent.
Oh my, so sorry for your loss! I dont think the generic works as well and I wont take it.
I had the same problem. After 8 yeasr on real Lex was switched to generic and started having anxiety, headaches, insomnia and realized it started with the Aurobindo (Indian Company) generic Lex. I switched back to real Lex and it has taken 2 weeks to feel almost back to normal.
Actually there are some very specific differences between lexapro and celexa and it is not simply a tweak. there are two different orientations of the molecules that make up the drug (way they are arranged in space). One of the orientations is more responsible for the beneficial effects and the other is more responsible for some of the side effects. Celexa contained both enantiomers while lexapro has been manufactured to have only the beneficial enantiomer. Many people tolerate celexa really well with minimal side effects while some people have side effects and can switch to lexapro and maintain the beneficial effects. this is why prior to the generic lexapro, most insurance companies insisted a patient try celexa (which already was generic and so cheaper) before trying lexapro. the issue with generics is very different. I have been on lexapro for at least 10 years. cleanest anti-depressant i have ever been on (and i have tried pretty much every class). i was thrilled when i picked up my last refill and found generic (and a cheaper copay). unfortunately like so many others, i am not finding it as effective. in particular i am having the terrible spinny vertigo like withdrawl feelings if i am the least bit late in taking it. it has long been known that generics and brand are not equivalent. how a drug is manufactured changes its absorption. It has also long been known that not all generics are equivalent. Ask anyone on thyroid medication. i would suggest if you can find a generic that works, try and find out who makes it and then try and keep that constant. unfortunately pharmacies change manufacturers frequently. you just have to look at all the drug shortages to know that if a company can't make money on the drug, they won't make it. this includes many very very important cancer drugs.
I also went to the FDA link someone provided above and reported the generic--thank you! Maybe if we all do this and spread the word, something will finally be done.
Thank you for the link! I just reported ESCITALOPRAM side affects. I have been taking the generic form of Lexapro 20 mg for a about 7 months for social anxiety and panic attacks. I had slight GI issues, but I was feeling SO much better and just dealt with it. I felt I actually had a real life. At work people noticed a difference. I rarely had panic attacks. I refilled early October, 2013 and noticed the pill was a different shape. Have been taking it for a month and had extremely embarrassing GI problems, depression started coming on, insomnia, lost 15 lbs., started becoming unsocial and a recluse again, and headaches. CVS told me they switched manufactures. Today I saw my doctor and we are going to try the non-generic Lexapro. Wish me luck! I enjoyed having a life and want it back!
I took the generic Lexapro for one month and that month my depression and OCD returned. I immediately went back on the brand name and it took 6 weeks to feel better. I keep a simple log each day. I print out a monthly calendar, and rate my self 1 thru 10, 10 being the best. I write a D and O on each day twice, and rate myself in the a.m. and p.m. by putting a number next to the letter. This way I can see any changes and patterns to my condition.
Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon. Please write back and let us know.
Hi I am having the same experience. I switched to generic after 7 great years on lexapro. Things have hit bottom and I went back to lexapro brand 2 days ago. I'm just wondering how long it took to feel better after switching back and what was your reaction.
People do not realize, that a generic, might not work the same as a brand name. First, the dose, has to be within 10% of the stated dose. Brand name hit it on the money. Second, the chemical crud left behind, often is lots worse on generics, more side effects. Third they use the cheapest ingredients they can find, often less pure, more problems. Some drugs is is no big deal. Some drugs it is i life changer in very bad ways. report it to the FDA. fourth, each time you fill a script, you may get, a generic make by a dif company. you can tell cause the pills look dif. ALWAYS CHECK you pills before you leave the pharmacy, cause when they make a mistake, if you leave and come back, they will not believe you. In my life of many meds (aids) have gotten the wrong drug, in the right bottle. lots of sound alikes, and look likes, and some just way off.
Well...I got a few good months out of my name brand at $300+ per refill (see my February posting) and then I noticed that this last refill wasn't working so well. I didn't have the black stool, but I did have the headaches and it felt like I had forgotten to take it on some days (to the point where I put up a calendar to make sure that I wasn't missing any). After a few weeks of this, I finally thought to check the prescription and, sure enough, they tried slipping in a *different* generic (Teva this time) despite a script on file that explicitly says "dispense as written" for Lexapro. Apparently, since they also had the old one on file that didn't say that, they felt they could pick and choose.
To be fair, the Teva version did seem to help *sometimes*, but it was really hit or miss. I don't know how the same active ingredient can be absorbed or processed differently, but it is.
I can't keep playing these games, so my MD is going to give up on Escitalopram and try a completely different drug. It's a shame, because the Forrest Lexapro was a life changer for me. I wish that they could just slap some food coloring in it or something and call it a new drug so that there wouldn't be a generic equivalent.
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