Lexamil Side Effects (Page 11)
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Is there anything that anybody can tell me about Lexamil?

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does anyone know exactly why anti-depressants causes wieght gain. I have started an excersice program, and I have lost quite a few centimetres already, however, started Lexamil 2 days ago and, I am not certain that I want to continue after all the hard work of losing the extra kilos.

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Thank you guys for your inputs,however, as a married man I cannot compromise my marriage due to low libido because it was ve serious with me.I dicided to discontinue it.
Another problem was bad toothache for which lexamil was a culprit.I discovered that from the internet. Surely, after its dicontinuation the toothache stopped. I am fine without lexamil.Before, I was helpless and hopeless and scared of life.But now all that ceased after two weeks taking this notorious lexamil.

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Thank you guys for your inputs,however, as a married man I cannot compromise my marriage due to low libido because it was was serious with me.I dicided to discontinue it.
Another problem was bad toothache for which lexamil was a culprit.I discovered that from the internet. Surely, after its dicontinuation the toothache stopped. I am fine without lexamil.Before, I was helpless and hopeless and scared of life.But now all that ceased after two weeks taking awful lexamil.

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Weight gain is an unfortunate, but normal side effect of almost all antidepressant medications.

Anyone else have experience using this medication?

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Ive been on lexamil for 5 months now..is working great, no change in sex drive, allthough I seem to be gaining weight quite fast. Was very nauseas the first few days, couldnt sleep, couldnt eat, and almost died from anxiety...but after the first week I could really feel it working. Works great if combined with a diet with alot of chillies in it (releases serotonin) and obviously exercise.

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It is a normal side effect for antidepressants to affect your sex-drive, if it is becoming a real problem for you, then please speak to your doctor.

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I am on lexamil 10 mg mane but my libido has dropped severely. what can i do now? please help.

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been on lexamil 20 mg for 5 months now and great. i have been on other antidepresents 7 years

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I started Lexamil one day and i felt more depressed suicidal i was crying the whole day the doctor told me to just carry on my body will adjust

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Yes, I am on lexamil for 2 days but I amazed of its effectiveness as I feel a difference. Before i was slipping downhill to a depressive episode of depression. I was hopeless, helpless and oversensory. However, I am scared if it makes one gain weight. What can I do to limit this weight gain?

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Yes, those are normal side effects of these types of drugs. Natural remedies, however, can have just as many side effects, if not more, so please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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I have been on a daily 5mg dosage of lexamil for two weeks for pms related anxiety and depression. I am 23 years old and found a severe drop in my sex drive and i have put on at least 2 kg. Not worth it if you ask me - will look for natural pms relivers!!!!

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I've been on Lexamil for four days now. Found that it is making a difference. I have had weight gain though.

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Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name Lexapro.

Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction and weight gain.


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I have been on it for 5 days for anxiety/depression connected with menopause - feel ok although couple of small side effects, dont exactly know what to expect. it is a new drug described by my doc as being cleaner than previous ones and very effective

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