Lexamil Side Effects (Page 9)


Is there anything that anybody can tell me about Lexamil?

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been on 20mg of Leximal now... been halving it as I feel so Tired all the time... and when I do sleep I have awful nitemares and dreams... I also struggle to sleep at nite... The latest side affect is extreme bone and muscle ache in my legs and arms. The pain in my left leg is so bad it hinders my gate and pulsates with continuous waves of dull deep aching pain... Ive also just crashed so badly emotionally i wonder if changing from Ciprimal to leximal was such a good idea. It doesnt seem to dull the Anxiety and or even the Angry spurts of emotions. Im at the end of my teather here and dont know if this is the drug for me or if I should just go back onto Ciprimal. Does it get better or should I cut my Losses now and cease taking this toxin....?

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I found John and Jessica's replies VERY positive-I was on Depnil a Moclabamide for over 10years-had a severe dip 2 years ago waking up with severe anxiety making it difficult to get up in the mornings,after seeking help by many Dr's I am on Lexamil after weaning off my others-started 3days ago on Christmas and after churchservice felt so tired and nauseas!I too was so scared to take the pills,its the first SSRI the Dr started me on-i lost 10kg on Depnil-but its because of the dip that I didne feel like eating-now with Lexamil my appetite not well due to anxiety and nausea.I know I must give it time-but I just want to live life again as normal-low sex drive is common -its more the low moods that causes the disinterest -and fears.But I trust it will get better,I don't feel ashamed of taking this meds-cause some people can cope without it and others needs to take meds to help!

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i have not gained weight and my nausea passed - my sex drive is low but it was low because of the depression anyway - my life is better with lexamil

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How long are u on it for now? for the first time in 8 days I could manage to get out of the house. im still on low dosage of 5ml. headache better today, but feel if I'm just floating. came back home to lie down again. Hope it pass soon-feels so lustless and just want to relax.

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Good luck Antionette. You will make it.

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I have been using Lexamil mg for 2 months. I suffered from severe headaches, and neck pains, that I just could not live with myself. So I left the meds for about a month. Now, I am back on the Lexamil, ( i the headaches are back. This is torture, as I have never experienced this much pain. Hard to concentrate at work. I have read that I should just push through, and keep on using Lexamil, but how long will I still have to put up with the headaches? Will it ever go away? Have any of you experienced it?

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@Alisia-I am on Lexamil for a month now-i had nausia and migraine headaches-Dr gave me something for it and I just wanted to lie down every afternoon-im happy to say I pushed through and nausia went away and eventually headaches and neck pains-i used to massage my neck and it helped as well as medication.I did get a migraine now today,but I woke up very anxious.So far I am much better than on my previous meds-Aurorix!My moods are usually worst in mornings,but I find it lifting faster than previous year!I also only went to 10mg after 3weeks only and uping to 10mg went very smoothly. Cannot understand that people pick up weight with Lexamil,I'm still waiting for it to happen,cause I'm still very skinny @ 40years off age.I count it as a blessing.Hope it helped!

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Hello. Plz tell me about the side effects regarding the tabs. They work well however we are experiencing extreme loose bowls.

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I Think it differs from person to person. I experienced at first clenched jaws. Then I found it hard to climax. Later it effected my libido. Later when I also took Wellbutren, I developed pains all over my body, but I am not sure if it could be blamed on the medication. Although I am weaned on both medications the pains are still there but less intense. Good news is that my libido is back. Some people complain about gaining weight as well.

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I have been on lexamil for almost 2 weeks now...I have lost weight..don't have any hunger..have a very strange taste in my mouth. BUT I do still get depressed....how long does this take to work?

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Hi Marli. You need to give it some time. You will soon feel better. If you don't feel better after a month, you might have to go back to your psychiatrist for a re-evaluation. He may add Wellbutrin to your meds. Hang in there.

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Hi Marli-I am on Lexamil since 2013 Christmas and I am feeling much better now-it takes time-take every day as it comes and there is 3 legs depression stands on-1 Physical 2 Emotional and 3 Spiritual-If you do some walking,craft etc and read books and get Spiritual food for the soul-there is HOPE!I still have my off days-but it doesn't last so long anymore-and I try to renew my mind.Hang in there-it will get better!

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Hi there

thanks for the guidance guys...will see what happens by 4 weeks..
since the time I wrote the previous post and this one, I have a very strange effect, tingling sensations through my body....but I am hanging in there and giving it time...

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@Marli-it is one of the side effects,even dreaming more at night is also one.As you say hang in there.

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I've been on Lexamil for 3 years, its helped, to the point that I'm no longer suicidal, but everyday I'm still really down. Its also damaged my liver and caused a lot of health problems and just today I discovered it is the reason for my tinnitus and loss of hearing. My dad loves to tell me depression is all in my head, if I just think happy thoughts I will be fine.... not so much.

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Hey.. When I got on lexamil the dr told me not to expect too much from the pill yet. Lexamil does take a few months to work. :) I hope I helped.

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Most people gain weight. You will also gain weight in areas you do not normally store fat on your body and getting rid of it will be a pain. If you had problems with your appetite before, prepare for carb cravings. Lexamil also tends to mess with your sleeping patterns if you do not practice fairly strict sleep hygiene. Set a reasonable sleeping pattern for yourself and try to make it habitual by taking sleeping pills for a week or so. Do not fall into the pattern of taking naps during the day. If you have problems with waking up or going to sleep, get someone to phone you or appoint a family member to nag you into following your sleep pattern. Do not quit Lexamil cold turkey - many people experience withdrawal symptoms and rebounds of their depression or anxiety if they quit. You have ho quit under medical supervision.

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Hey, no matter what when the time comes we are all going to die anyways. So we should train ourselves to get over the labeling, social expectations, shame...

When you think about it all of this is man made:)
Life was beautiful, it is beautiful now, and it will be beautiful tomorrow
My Prayers are with you KARMA

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Hi there

I have been on Lexamil for 5 months and the result so far is good. no more side effect, but I changed my pill from morning to night...Weight is fine, I only eat banting way....dry mouth still..bitter taste still...I actually love the way I feel on it...

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Hallo. Please tell me why you changed from morning to evening?

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