Lexamil Side Effects (Page 10) (Top voted first)


Is there anything that anybody can tell me about Lexamil?

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Hi. I have been on lexamil 5mg and today I had a panic attack. Does it cause that side effect? It's been 3 weeks now. Please let me know when it will stop.

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What are Lexamil 10mg tablets used for? I have started taking these pills last month and I get severe headaches that are usually followed by a nose bleed, so I decided to stop taking them.

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I have been on Lexamil 10mg for 2 years and have been experiencing a horrible sour taste in my mouth, is this due to continuous use of Lexamil? Or could this be a digestive problem? The taste causes me to become even more depressed. Has anyone else experienced a sour taste in the mouth whilst taking Lexamil?

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Hi, I've been taking Lexamil 10 mg for 4 weeks now. My mouth is very dry and sticky, I experience bad breath and my gums bleed easily. What should I do about this?

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My granddaughter took lexamil (escitalopram) 5 mg for 2 weeks and now her nose was bleeding 2 times yesterday. I want to know if it's the lexamil that caused this?

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Hi, I have experienced the same but I feel a lot better now after 6 weeks, only side effects at the moment is dry and sticky mouth.

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Thanks to all for your response, really helped, I have now decided to tell my specialist physician at my next consult to wean me off Lexamil.

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I have just started using lexamil I am looking forward to see the good in it

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Re: Apple (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I suffered from anxiety, especially while driving, after three months on lexamil my anxiety is completely gone, I feel fantastic, starting to sleep much better now, all the side effects in the beginning was worth the effort.

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I have been on Lexamil for about 2 years now and was trying to fall pregnant for the past 6 months. I have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. Can Lexamil prevent me from falling pregnant?

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Hi. I'm 34 and have been on lexamil 10mg for 3 1/2 weeks. Last week I experienced a really bad headache and an earache to the point where I became dizzy and off balance. I am still having these symptoms and it is causing me major anxiety. I am worried that I am going to have a stroke. Anyone else have these symptoms? Could it be lexamil? Thanks in advance.

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Good afternoon,

I have been on Lexamil (10mg) for 2 days now and I feel like a zombie. Can I stop taking them and if so, what are the side effects? I have gone back to the gym now and feel better off without it.

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Re: micky (# 210) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Micky, the first two weeks is the worst, after that it gets better and better, I am on it for 7 months now and feel fantastic, no anxiety any more.

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Re: philoz (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I am on lexamil for 7 months now, just be careful what you eat, when I eat healthy and limit sugars I have no weight problem.

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I'm a 26 year old female, been using 10mg lexamil for two years now. It is amazing with fighting depression! Really made a difference. But it completely took away my libido unfortunately, which wasn't as important as feeling happy at the time. Now that I'm at a better place in my life and have a partner, having no libido is just impossible. Chose what's most important in your life right now.

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I took Lexamil for 6 years. I'm sure it made me crazy but the dr fully stopped me after a dose of 20g / a day. Before it I took Paroxetine but the SAFD doesn't supply this. I was also prescribed slleping tabs zolpidem 10g - I took them, but would still be awake in the middle of the nights. May I take more or better sleeping tabs? Thanks. I'm more worried about the Lexamil making me feeling bad in the afternoon.

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Re: Lynn (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

You must warn off gradually.
I'm on this medication and the sweating and dizziness is horrific

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Weight gain is an unfortunate, but normal side effect of almost all antidepressant medications.

Anyone else have experience using this medication?

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I don't think people should discontinue lexamil just because they have a fear of weight gain. Then you just have to exercise more. If I miss two days of taking my meds, I'm back to my old lonely self again. So it seems these people don't really need lexamil, if they can give it up so quickly.

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well i must say i am on lexamil for a month now and i lost 7 kg.... so i do think it dif with everyone......so dont think of stopping because of gaining weight....you will lose it aventually.

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