Lexamil And Urbanol
UpdatedI have depression and severe anxiety attacks that happens in the mornings. Dr prescribed Lexamil 5mg for the first 10 days and thereafter 10mg together with Urbanol 10mg to be taken together in the mornings. An hour after taking these meds I get very nauseous and have no appetite. My pharmacist said that I should not take these meds together. Dr said I must take it as she prescribed it. You help will be appreciated!
1 Reply
Hello, Cora! How are you? I'm sorry about the nausea.
It may be due to taking them at the same time, which could be what the pharmacist meant.
Have you tried taking them with food or a small snack, rather than on an empty stomach? That can sometimes help prevent nausea.
The FDA warns that Urbanol carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
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