Levothyroxine Side Effects (Page 22)


I was recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. I have been taking levothyroxine for almost two weeks. For the last four or five days I have had a weird feeling. It is hard to explain. I don't really feel dizzy but I get a strange feeling in my head. I guess you would describe it as a head rush. Has anyone else had this feeling and will it go away as my body adjusts to the levothyroxine?

504 Replies (26 Pages)

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If u are on levo u van look forward to weight gain I games 25 in 6 months know another who gained 100 over a year get off levo bad stuff also messes with heat beat

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I have been taking only 50 mcg of levothyroxine for about 7 years. One year ago - that's 6 years after I started taking it - I began to get hip and knee joint/tendon pains out of the blue. I had no idea that this could be a side effect of levothyroxine since I'd been taking it so long. This week - mid-October 2015 - I am stopping taking it. I recently wasn't able to get my meds for 2 weeks. During that time, my joints felt better. As soon as I started taking lvthxne again, the joints hurt so horribly I couldn't walk. Two days later, after stopping taking it, my joints are close to normal feeling. The physician in charge of me never once looked up the side effects of the two common drugs she prescribed even when I complained for months. Older women- who are the main ones who get low thyroid and tiredness from it - seem to be held in low respect as far as intelligence. Please do not accept this treatment from your physician. They just hate when you look things up on the internet (which i can understand if you are someone who doesn't understand how to do scientific research) however, they sit there in the consult room and do exactly the same thing on the internet while speaking to you, because they believe their training has provided them with superior access to facts. Fortunately, those of us who understand are also able to access that information and make our own self-diagnoses with success.

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Urban I sure hope someone took you off this medicine!! That is an allergic reaction! You must read the warnings before you start taking any medications so you know what one is. The first bad reaction to taking any medication even over the counter is what you are experiencing with mouth, tongue, lips, cheeks, and throat. I have had it happen on a Sulfa antibiotic and it was scary as all get out and I was 19 yrs old. The thing is though I had always went to the doctors with my mom and I would hear my Mom talk about her allergy to Sulfa and Valium and those were what happened to her she would advice the Doctor. So that was in my mind when It happened to me!
Thank God so when I first noticed it I called Doctor, went in to ER, and had already stopped taking the medicine. Then just about 10 years ago the same thing happened on long term 6 weeks into it with Naproxen, a anti-inflammatory for RA. It was even worse with my gums swelling and bleeding when I woke up out of the blue, 6 weeks into taking the medicine and then went on to find out the stomach pains was my stomach raw. It looked like a piece of raw meat after the test where they look down there and it had been hurting me and I had been eating yogurt with it, or something as it said on the bottle. But I missed the part where it says contact your doctor immediately if it bothers your stomach A LOT I guess. But I hate to go crying to the doctor at every turn, and I should have, and I was stupid not to as I ended up off work for some 2 months for it to heal. And I thought the lips, tongue, gums, swelling and bleeding was bad enough with it and it could have stopped my breathing in my sleep. Medications are bad news and its a good idea to always tell someone close to you if you are taking a new one so they will know what is up. I keep all my medications together in a plastic container and a list of what and when I take them in a toss away notebook I write each date, time, dose in each day.

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I just stopped taking my 50mcg of levothyroxine that I'd been on for nearly 7 years. My joints started hurting after about 6 years of taking it without noticeable side effects. It got to the point that I was about to apply for disability - after x-rays, MRIs, physical therapy, stretching, heat, etc. However, my joints still hurt after a couple of weeks without taking it. It may take longer for some than for others. I'm going to give it a couple of months to see if the joint pain goes away. After that, I'll decide whether to try the Armour desiccated thyroid after I read all about it.

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I get that to dizzy and now I'm itchy around my eyes and under my chin I've been on this for years and years I just wonder if they need to switch my med

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I am on 112mcg and have experienced the same thing in my right eye. I would best describe it as a weight on my eye, irritation and a feeling as if the right eye lags and takes a second to catch up to whatever I'm focusing on. I went to the eye doc and she said that any thyroid issue could effect the eyes slightly won't help. I am going to start taking eye vitamins which I just bought on amazon and will update if you are interested.

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Ive been taking levothyroxine for 6 weeks now and i am experiencing some awful dizzy heads when i get up from bed/chair, it seems to spin in my head for about 30/40 seconds then stops,is this normal for anyone else

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Im just started it n yes i feel funny

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There is a condition known as Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). I would recommend going to an eye doctor since he would be the only type of doctor to have heard of this. Before you take any action, read up on this topic because Thyroid problems are the most little known problems understood by the medical profession.
I also like to recommend that you get on NDT rather than Levo, Levo has so many side affects that you could spend the rest of your life trying to solve.

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Is there any truth in levothyroxine causing weight increase, also besides the "funny head" feeling,i seem to be experiencing some vision distortion where my eyes seem to see things in a kalidascope pattern, as though im looking through a black and white kalidascope,

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I agree I also went on Armor and what a difference. I also pay for it but it is worth it.

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I'm dealing with the same problems but I don't have a thyroid either so I'm dammed if I don't take the levothyroxine. I need to know how long I can go off this medicine before problems set in

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After a year on this medication, I have started to get dizzy, feel extremely tired, can't sleep, left side of throat hurts & hard to swallow, feel like my head is in a fog. Just a down right sick feeling. I want to stop taking this. Felt better before starting this medication.

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I had my thyroid removed Jan 29 2016 and my doctor keeps telling me my body is adjusting to the levothyroxine. Been on it almost three months I had heart palpitations, blood pressure is staying up blurred vision, my hips and knee joints hurt, leg cramps like Charlie horses back of my legs are tingling like a nerve is involved, nausea and headaches. How long before this will level off or should I be begging for a new med. or should I fire my doctor and find one that is going to listen because I'm done feeling bad all over again.

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I was able to go off of levinthyroxin for two years. Then symptoms came back with swollen throat, feeling exhausted all the time. I went on coconut oil and that seemed to help for the two years. Lost 55 pounds and now I run 5 miles a day. But the past 3 weeks everything slumped. Not sure why? So I started back on .88 mcgs of meds again and waiting for a thyroid scan. Today I felt terrible! One hour after taking a pill I felt faint, heart was beating fast and just completely exhausted. No running for me today! So I am guessing it takes awhile for the symptoms to ease. If it's been a few weeks or more and symptoms are still bad I would assume that maybe your dose is not right. Seeing a specialist is better too than just a general family doctor. But I truly think that there is no standard when it comes to treating hormones because each person is different and it could really take a while to level things out. Try eating clean, exercising more, less stress and more sleep!

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Yes, as if I am coming alive but don't know what to do with it. As if my brain is rewiring. I feel calm but tingly. Hard to explain. Lack of appetite after an insatiable long life appetite. "Who is this person" feeling. Just started my levo 6 days ago after a long RAI-131 battle of a severe edge of Graves' disease.

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Oh yes. And no it did not go away til I stopped taking

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Day 8 here. Yes, same feeling. Hoping it gets better. Many other side effects as well. Worst side effect due to pain is my teeth come and go with root canal like pain targeting only certain teeth at a time.

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Hi, I was just wondering how yr progress was after you stopped taking levothyroxine, did you start feeling better? I have also decided to stop taking levothyroxine 50mg, I was told I was on border line when I was diagnosed 1.5 years ago. But I can say with only 3 days not taking it I do feel much better. But I do understand it takes much longer for levothyroxine to fully leave my system.

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Is Lutein what you are taking for your eyes? I started Lutein a year ago and still take it and it doesn't help but I keep taking it.

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